Molyncux X-446c; Mongolia X-481b; Monroe, James A- 608c; MonsoU X-509C; Mon- talembert X-513b; Montcalm- Gozon X-526a; de Montfort X-MOd; de Montmagny X- 543b; de Montnurail X-o43d; Montmorency X-544a; Moore X-552C; Moravja X-oolD, Moylan X-609d; Mulholland St. Clair X-626a; Napoleon I X-687b; Napoleon III X-699C, de Navarrete X-723c; Nero X-752C; Netherlands X-7o9d, Newton. John XI-18d; Nd..!- ism XI-71C; de Nogaret XI- 89a; Non Exped.t XI-98d, Non- Jurors XI -99b; Nor- mandy XI-104a; Northmen XI-U5d; Norway XI-118a; Nothomb XI-123d; Not.t.a Signitatum XI-124b; Nubja XI-147C; Oates's Plot XI- i73d; Oaths XI-177a; O'Con- nell XI-200d; OSa, King of Mere^ XI-215b; O'Hagan, Thomas XI-224b; O'Hara XI-224d; O'Higgms (family) XI-225C; Oldenburg XI- 237c; Card. Olesmcki XI- 240c; O'Loghlen XI-248d, O'Neil, Hugh XI-252C; O'Neill. Owen Roe XI-253b: Ordeals XI-27GC; Onflamme Xl-3Upa, O'Rorke, P.at"<'K H<>°7 ,^1: 321d; Orslm (family) Xl-3£oc, Osbaid, King of Northumbria XI-334d; Ostrogoths Xl-34/a. Oswald, King of Northumbria XI-348d; Oswm, King ot Deira XI-349d;Otho Emperor XI-351b; Otto I the Great XI- 354a; Otto II, Emperor Xi- 355d Otto III, Emperor XI- 3o6d; Otto IV, Emperor XI- 357c; Card. Pacca XI-380a, Palatinate. Rhenish XI-415b. Suretu'x"xT-l39^;^1e^e
XI-609b; Penal Laws XI- 611d; Pepm the fehort Xl 662d; Persia XI-712b, Per tinax Emperor XI-7321), PescenAius Niger. Emperor XI-739b; Peter de Blois XI 765d; Pet«r de Vinea XI-766C, Peter the Hermit Xl-7/oc, Pharao XI-788d; Phiip II. King of France XI I-la-, Philip II. King of bpain Xll -o. Philip IV. King of France Xll4b; Philippine Islands XII-12b; PhUip the A.rabian XII-21b; Pizarro xn-140b. Card. Plantagenet ^XIl-148c, Plowden XII-167d; Poland XII-181d; Card Pole XII-- 201d; de Pombal XII-2i4a Poor Laws XII-254d; Portugal XII-298b; Pragmatic banction XII-333a: Prestcr John XU- 400c; Probus. Emperor Xll- 446b; Provisors,. Sta'tite ol XII-516C; Prussia XII-520a. Psellus XII-54oa; Pulaski XII- 561a; St. Pulcheria XII-561d, Radowitz XII-631C; Ramald of Dassel XII-634d; Raymond IV. Count of Touloiwe XU- 669c; Raymond VI. Count of Toulouse XII-670a; Raymond VII. Count of Toulouse XU- 670b; Recusants. English XII-677a; Reductions of 1 ara- Siav XII^688d; Regale. Droit de XII-712C; Revolution. Eng- lish XIII-7b; Revolution. French XIII-9a; Rifhaixl I, King of England XII jU Card. Richelieu XIII-47C. Rienzi XIII-52d; R.pon XIII- 62d; Rochamheau XIH-Unn, Rolls Scries XI I_!-"b; Un- man Catholic U.;l.-f Hi" J^"' 123d; Rome Mll-";^»; ' ,-oh lus AugustuKis XIll-l.M. Rosecrans XIII-191C; Rossi XlII-204d; Royal Dec ara- tion XIII-213a; Rpyer-Collard XIII-213d; Rudolf of Habs- hurs XIII-218b; Rumania XlTl-224d; Russel XIII-230c; Ru.ssia XIII-243b; baavedra Ramirez de Baqucdano XI 11-
285b; St. Bartholomew s Day
XIII-333C; Saint-Simon Xlll-
376c; Sands, Benjamin *..
XIII -437d; Sands. Hoban
James XIII-437d; Sardinia
Xin-474c; Sarsfield Xlll-
47sb; Saxony XIII-497C; Scot-
land XIII - 613c: Seleucids
XIII-690a; Semmes XIU-
712c" Septimius Severus Xlli-
7la' Seroux d'Agincourt
XIIl'-729d; Sen,-ia XIII-732a;
Severus, Emperor Xlll-743a;
Shea XIII - 754a; Sheridan
XIII-757b; Shields XIII-7o8a;
Sicily XIII-772a; Sigismund,
Emperor XIII-784C; Slavery
XIV-36a: Slavs XIV-42a
Smalkaldic League XIV-58a,
Smith, Thomas Kilby XI\-
60a; Sobieski XIV-€lc; Spain
XIV-176a; Speckbacher XIV-
210d; Squiers XIV-238d; State
and Church XIV-250C; States
of the Church XIV-25/c; St.
Stephen, King of Hungary
XIV-287d; Stolberg XIV-
299d; Card. Stuart XIV-316C,
Sullivan, Alexander Martin
XIV-329a; Sweden _ XIV-
350c; Switzerland XIV-3o8c;
Tache XIV-428d; Talbot
XIV - 432b; Talle>Tand-P«ri-
gord XIV-434C; Talon XIV-
438d; Tancred XI\ - 442c;
Tanev XIV^42d; Tanucci
XIV^6a; Taschereau XIV-^-
462c; Tellier XIV-478c; de
Tencin XIV-505C; Test Oath
XIV - 538c; Theodonc the
Great XIV-576a; Thibaut de
Champagne XIV-634d; Thiers
XIV-633C; Thirty \ ears War
XIV-64Sb; Thompson xn-
704b; Thonissen XlV-iOob;
Thundering Legion XIV-711b;
Thun-Hohenstem XI\-711d,
Tiberius, Emperor XI V-71/c;
Tilly XIV-724C; Titus, Em-
peror XIV-746C; Tocqucville
XIV-753b; Toleration XIV-
761b; Torquemada XIV-7S3a;
de Tracy XV-6b; Trajan,
Emperor XV-15c; Treason
-^-^' oaA- TT-oa>inin XV— 3(0:
XV-26d; Tresham XV-3iO.
Truce of God XV-68d. Turgot
XV-92b; Turkish Empire XV-
98a; Ulloa XV-122d; Vmformi-
ty Acts XV-127b; Lmted
States XV-157c; Lrsperger
Chronicle XV-225c; Lruguay
XV-231d; Valens XV-.io3c:
Valentinian I XV-254d; Valcn-
tinian II XV-255b; \ alentm-
ian III XV-255d; Valenan
XV-256C; Vandals XV-268b;
Vargas y Mexia XV-273C;
Vaudreuil XV-311a; ^ enezuela
XV-328a; Verrazano XV-
364a; Vespasian XV-379a,
Vespers, Sicilian XV-J!>4a. ■
VetS, Royal XV-392d; Viger
XV-425d; Villehardoum XV-
430c; Villeneuve - Barcemont
XV-431a; Visigoths X\-t7bc;
Vitellius, Emperor XV^86d,
Vladimir the Great X\-49/d;
von Gagern XV-508b; Wales
XV-534a; Wallenstein XV-
S38b; Walsh, Robert XV-541c;
Ward, James Harman XV-
551a; Weld.Fred.Aloysius XV-
579b; Whipple, Amiel Weeks
XV-608d; White, Stephen Mal-
ior\- XV-613a; Widukind XV -
618a; Wilhelm V, Duke of
Bavaria XV-623b; William of
Wayneflete X V-640b ;_V\ ilham
of Wykeham XV-641b: Wil-
liam the Conqueror XV-C42d.
Windthorst XV-655b; Card.
Wolsey XV-68i5a; Worndle
XV-709a; Zell XV-754a; Zol-
kiewski XV-763C
HISTORY. Ecrlesxashcal VU-
- ir.:>a- Abyssinia I-76b; .\frioa
I issb; African Church 1- 101b; Aiatulph. Lombard King I-237C; Albania 1-2548; Alexandria. Church of I-300d; Card. Allen I-322a; Alsace- Lorraine I-341d; Altar I- 362b; .\merica I^12c;;Anas- tasius Bibliothecarius .VIl- 37.^b; Andlaw I-46Sa; Anglo- Saxon Church I-S05b; Annals
Ecclesiastical I-531b; Antioch
I-567b; St. Antoninus VII-
375b; Apostolic Fathers I-
637d; Arabia I-666d; Archaol-
ogy VII-372C; Archives. Eccle-
siastical I-696a; Armenia I-
736c; Arnauld (family) I-(42a;
Arnold of Brescia I-747d; Arti-
cles. Organic I-756a; Asia I-
781a; Asia Minor I-787b; As-
semblies of the French Clergy
I-795C; Assize of Clarendon 1-
802b; Assizes of Jerusalem Il-
ia; .\thens II-43b; Australia
II - 1 14a ; Austro - Hungarian
Monarchy II-121C; au.\ihary
sciences VII-371c; Avignon
II-158C; Baden. Grand Duchy
of II-194b; Bar-Hebrffius VII-
375a; Bartholomew of Lucca
VH-375b; Bavaria II-3ooc;
Bede VII-375c; Belgium II-
395b; bibliography VII-371C;
Bohemia II-613c; Bollandists
VII-378C; Byzantine chron-
icles VII-374d; C!Esar Baro-
nius VII-376b; Canada III-
231c; Cassiodorus \II-3/4c;
•'Centuries of Magdeburg
III-534c: characteristics \ 11-
366c; Charlemagne 1 1 1-61 2d;
618c; Chinese rites Ill-6<lc;
Chorepiscopi XVI-24d; Chris-
tendom III-699C; the Christian
Empire VII-368a; Christianity
VII-365C; Chronicles \ II-
374c; Chronicon Paschale 111-
730c; Chronology VII-3"2a;
the Church VII-365d; 36/d;
Clericis Laicos IV-o()c; Co-
lonna (family) IV-12od; (Tom-
mendone IV-156b; Concordats.
See under Concordats; Con-
salvi IV-262b; Constantine the
Great IV-295d; Contarim IV-
323d; Conwell. Henry IV-
349d; Corporation Act ot Ibbl
IV-390b; Abp. Corngan IV-
395d; Councils. See under
Councils. General; Couiiter-
Reformation IV-i37b; Abp.
Courtenay IV-446d; Crantz
VII-375C; Creagh IV-4b9c;
Cretin IV-487b; Crusades V II-
368c; Cullen IV-564C; Abp.
Cuthbert of Canterbury I\-
580a; Darboy I\-634b; Ue
Lisle IV-698b; Demers IV-
706b; Denaut IV-717d; Den-
mark IV-724b; development
VII-369C; 376a; Diether of
Isenburg IV-789a; Dionysius
of Alexandria V-llb; diplo-
matics VII-371C; Discipline of
the Secret V-32a; divnsion \ U-
367b- Donation of Constantine
V-118d; Bp. Doyle V-151a;
Abp. Droste-Vischermg _V-
161c; -\bp. Dunin V-192d; Bp.
Dupanloup V-202a; Easter
. controversy V-228a; Bp. Eber-
hard V-242a; Egbert. Abp. of
Trier V-325d; Egbert, Abp. of
York V-326b; Elias of Jeru-
salem V-385a; St. ElishS V II-
374b; Ems (1786), Congress of
V^09b ; England V-431b ; epig-
raphy VII -372b; Epiphanius
of Constantinople V-^Wa,
Erchembert VII-375C; Ernst of
Hesse-Rheinfels V-524b; Kr-
thal. Franz Ludwng .von \-
525d: Erthal. Friedrich Kar
Joseph von V-526a- Abp. Eskil
V-538C: Abp. Eriie'bert \-
554a; Abp. Ethelhard \-55oa.
Europe V-609a; European
chronicles and amials V 11
375d: Eusebius of Dorj-teum
V-622a: Evagrius of Antioch
VII-373d: Evangelical Church
V-642d; Evodius V-653d: 1-a-
cundus of Hermiane V-/sia,
Farnese V-788c; Febronianism
VI-23d; Ftoelon VI-35b; Card.
Fesch VI-50d; feudalism \ I-
61c; 62d; 63c; Finland VI-7hc.
Fischer XVI-lOd: Abp. Iitz-
ralph VI-86d; F'an"^^/"
94c: Bp. Fleming Vl-lOla.
Flodoard VII-375c; France
VI-167a; 185a: Frankenberg
VI-235d; Gallia Christiana M-
350c: Gallitzin VI-367d: Ga-
lura VI-371b; Gardiner V 1-
383a; Gaul VI-395b: Gobhard
III of Constance VI-402a;
Geissel VI-405b; Gennadius II
VI-416b; Geoffrey of \ emlome
VI-42Sb; and geography VII-
372a; Abp. Gerard VI-466b;
Germany VI-4S4d; Gerson VI-
531c;Gi"berti VI-549d; Giffard.
Bonaventure VI-551a; Giffard,
Godfrey VI-551b; Giffard,
Wm. VI-552a; Gilbert Foliot
VI-556a; Gil de Albornoz VI-
558c; Goldwell VI-631C; Gon-
zaga, Card. Ercole VI-635a;
Gonzaga, Card. Scipione VI
635b; Card. Goossens VI-648b:
Goss VI-663a; Abp. Graham
VI-718d; Bp. Grant VI-726d;
Granvelle VI-727b; Greece VI-
737a; Greek Church V I-7o6a;
Greek Orthodox writers \ II-
380b; Gregory of Tours Vll-
374d; Greenland VI-778b;
Griffiths, Thomas VII-33c;
Guidonis VII-373b; Guilds
VII-68b; Guise, House of V II-
74a; Gunpowder plot VII-82d:
Gunther of Cologne VII-88a;
Hanover VII-12Sa; Harlay
(family) VII-137a: Harrison,
Wm. VII-143C; Abp. Hatto
VII-149d; Haymo of Halber-
stadt VII-375b: Card. Hay-
nald Vll-ieic; Henry of Dies-
senhofen VII-375b; Bp. Hera-
clas VII-242a; Heraldry VII-
243a; 372d; Hierarchy of the
earlv Church VII-326a: Hesy-
chius of Jerusalem VII-373b;
HUduin VII-354b; Hincmar,
Archbishop of Reims V II-3o6b;
Hincmar, Bishop of Laon \ 11-
357d; Holland VII-387a: Holy
Roman Empire \II-36Sb;
Card. Hosius VII-473b: Abp.
Houghton VII-500a; Card.
Howard VII-502d; Hubert,
Jean Francois VII-508a; Hu-
bert Walter VII-50Sd; Abp.
Hughes VII-516b; Hung^
VII-547C; India VII-(28c,
Indo-China VII-7(4d;In-
quisition VIlI-26a; Insc'-ip-
tions. early Christian V 111-
42d; Institutes, Roman His-
torical VIII-61b; intercession.
Episcopal VIII-72d; Investi-
tures VIII-84d; Ireland \ III-
9Sc; Isaac of Seleucia V lil-
ted: St. Isidore of Seville \ II-
374d; Isidore of Thessalonica
VIII-188C: Abp. Islip V 111-
191b; Italy VIII-231a; .4bp.
Jaenbert VIII-267d: Japan
VIII-306d; Jerusalem V l'}-
346b; Jews and Judaism V 11-
365c; VIII-3S6a: Jocelin of
Wells VIII-418C; John of An-
tioch VIII-468d: John of Eph-
esus VII-374a; John of Nikiu
VII-373d; John Talaia VI -
485c; John the Faster \ Ul-
493c; Julius .-Vfricanus Mll-
565a; Kandis, Michael V U-
375a; Abp. Karnkowski VIII-
608a: Bp. Kennedy V III-«1M'
Kenrick. Francis Patrick \ 111-
618a- Kenrick. Peter Richard
VIlI-619a; Bp. von Ketteler
VIII-«29d; Abn. Kilwardby
VHI-644b: Card. K esl \III-
666b ; Kulturkamof \ I II- - 03d ,
Lacordaire VIII--33a: La-
fljche VIII-739b; Card. La
Luzerne VIII-753C; Lambru-
schfn" VIII-760d; Lamennais
VIII-762b: Lamormaini V III-
768a; Lanfranc \TII-/84D,
Card l.arg Vin-7.S7a: Card.
Lwcfnicux Vlll-7.s8a; Card.
Lancl'ni VlIl-7S,8b: Card.
Lang on \ lll-7'.'la; and lan-
^^ge. study of VII-371b; La*
^an XVl-51b; Lapsi IX-lb,
Xbp. Laski IX-l.la;.L.Y:»' l^.
45(f; Card. Lavigene IXr»»;
1.C Coz IX-109C; Card Ledo-
i „-^vi IX-lUd; Leprosy
ehowski i-;, ** -^', iY_onQh-
7X-18'2a; L Hospital IX-2UMD.
Liber PontificalisIX-224a-.Bp.
L ndanus IX-267C: L.tta (fam-
il>.l I\-293d; Lockh.art, " II
J^-f ?ir^za°no IK^Vill Scir'-of^CagHari IX-^lOb; Macarius of AnUoch 1X-4831>,
ty^e indicates titles of ar^cl^^^S^T^^P-yTii^i^reated; (ill.) = illustrations.