Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/420

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HOSPITALITY VII-473d: Bene- dictine II-43Sd: monastic I- 13a: Ud; pagan XI-390a

Hospitaller Augustines of Etam- pes XV-367a

HOSPITALLERS VII-476d; XII-752b; Lateran decree IX- ISa; Saint James of Compos- tela, Order of XIII-3.53b; Teu- tonic Knights XI\'-542b

Hospitaller Sisters of St. John of Jerusalem VII-477a

— Sisters of the Teutonic Order VII-477a

Hospitallers of Burgos II-4G4b

— of Chartres. Sre Paulists: Sis- ters of St. Paul of Chartres

— of Dijon and Langres VII— 477b

— of Ernemont \II-477b

— of Jerusalem. .S--- Hospitallers of St. .lohn ..f .l.rusak-m

— of Loches \'II-477b

— of Rennes VI-174b

—of Ste-Marthe \II-477b

—OF ST. JOHN OF JERUSA- LEM VII-477d; IV-556a; X- 305b: and Anastasius IV I- 455a: and Antonines I-555d; at Antoortskov XVI-72a; Au- busson II-67C; beads II-362a; and Benedict XIV II^33d: and Canons III-294b: cathe- draticum III— 141d; and Celes- tine III III-479b; as clerics IV-49C; Commandery XVI- 71a: cross on habit IV-537b; at Ducholm XVI-lld; Eleu- theropolis V-380a: founded VII-47Sa; XII-752a: Bl. Ge- rard IV-793d: Gospel cere- mony VI-661a: Grand Mas- ter's" title III-339C; habit VII- 478c: Holy Sepulchre. Knights of the IV-669a: hospitals III- 598c: India VII-729a; Malta III-627d: IX-575d; Malta, Knights of VII-479c; and Ma- sonry IX-776a: as militia IV- 547c; at Odense XVI-65b; Palestine VIII-363d; patron VIII-486d: Pinturicchio'3 painting (ill.) Xll-facmg 102: Poland XII-189d; 195b: poor- relief XII-239b: Portugal XII- 299a; present state VII-4S0a; Rhodes XIII-24d: Rhodes. Knights of VII-478d: rule VII- 478b; Rumania XIII-228a: S. Maria del Priorato XIII-172b Seleucia Trachaja XIII-690a: Switzerland XIV-362d; and Templars IV-22c: XIV-494a; 495b: and Teutonic Order XIV-541a; .541b; Titian's painting (ill.) XlV-facing 744; Toledo XIV-757a: Tresham XV-37d; Tripoli XV-.59C

—of St. Joseph VII-477b; in Canada III-239c: XII-241b

— of St. Thomas of Villanova VII- 477b

— of the Holy Ghost. See Holy Ghost, Order of the

— of the Observance VII-543C

HOSPITALS Vll-J.SOc: admin- istrators I-144a; VII-486a; ar- chitecture VII-485d: Canada VII-488a; Carlovingian III- 616c: chaplains III-581b: char- itable bequests III-591c: Char- ity, Sisters of Ill-582b: 605d; St. Charles Borromeo III- 624a; Christianity VII-481a; city VII-4S3C; in East VII- 481c; England VII-484a; first VII-481C: France VII-482a: 487c; XI-4.82a; indulgences VII-7S6C; insane, care of VIII -39d; Ireland VII- 4S4d: laicization VII-483d: Vni-74Sa: location VII-485c; medical treatment VII^86d; mcdicyal III-59Sc; VII-482b; Mexico Vll-487d; military orders VII-483a; modern VII- 488b: monastic III-.W8b; VII- 48.'>b; origin III-,596d; X-12.5b; pagan antiquit.v III-.593d; VII- 480c; papacy VII-485b: patron II-802C; for poor XII-238d; 240a; Reforrnati.)ii VII-4S7a; regulations \'II ISCb; religious orders VII lS2d; Si. Vincent do Paul .-^.H-iiiv Xlll-:!90a: schools XIU-.5.56b; Scotland VII-484C; Spain XIV-190a:

support VII^86d; Tridentine decrees III-602b; VII-487b: United States VII-188a; in West VII-481d

Hospital Sisters of St. Lazarus \II-477a

—SISTERS OF THE MERCY OF JESUS VII-48Sd: in Can- ada III-239C: XII-241b; 594b: founded IX— 45c

Hospites, of Sorbonne XIV-149C


Hospodarske Listy, periodical, ll-i;21d

Hospodine, pomiluj ny, hymn IV- fl<i!lb

Hossaeus, Brigidus. See O'Hus- ac-\-. Maelbrighte


Hossmann, L. A. VII-662d

Hosso, Buddhist sect VIII-305b

Hosszu, Basil, Bishop of Lugos IX-419b

HOST (archseological and his- torical) VII-4S9d: I-349c: II- 750b; acolytes' duty l-107d; altar consecration I-3G4d

— baking VII-494a: Eastern Churches VII-491b; Middle Ages VII-491a; Rome I-350a

— dimension I-350a: VII-191d: elements VII— 490a; etymology VII-489d; figures I-350b; VII- 492a; form I-350a: VII-491d; Greek (ill.) VII-493c; inscrip- tions VII^92b: Latin (ill.) VII-t96: Loaves of Proposi- tion IX-317d; material V- 684d; VII-490a; 493d

— miraculous VII-492c; ^Ifric on I-171d: Andechs XVI-3b: Brussels III-23b

— Montjean (ill3.)VIH94a:494d; moulds VIH91b: name I- 350b; non-Uniat Armenians, Bethlehem (ill.) Vn-495: in ordination rite II-751a: papal sacristan's duty VI I-2S4c : prep- aration VII -490b; preserva- tion VII-492d: Uniat Arme- nians. Constantinople (ill.) VII-495

HOST (canonico-liturgical) VII- 493c: accidents VII-497b: Ad- deus and Maris Liturgy I- 137b: Alexandrine Liturgy I- 304a; Apostolic Constitutions, Liturgy of I-571C; 572a: .Ar- menian Rite XIII-Slc: box I- 349c: VII-492C: Carmelite Rite XIII-73C; Celtic Rite III- 501a: ciborium I-357d; III- 767a

— consecration III-263b; IV- 277c; VII^95c: Amen I-408c; without light X-20d; separate X-14d

— Constantinople, Rite of IV- 317a; consumption VII-496c; X-Uc: corporal I-355b: III- 266a; IV-386d; defective I- 349d: VII-496d; Dominican Rite XIII-76b

—Elevation III-263C; 265d: V- 380b; VII-495C; bell I-349b; earlv Church V-713b

—exposition V-713c: VII-495b

—fraction VI-165c: VII-495c; Agnus Dei I-221d: .\malarius of Metz I-376C: St. Amphilo- chius V-145b

— Holy Communion IV-175a: Vll-402d: 496c: kinds VII- 494d; leavened bread VII- 492b: 494b: licit consecration I-349d: lunette IX-43.5d: Mar- onite Rite XIII-83d: Mozara- bic Mass X-621b -oblation III-264b; VII-495a: X-14b: XI-217d; anaphora I- 451d: early Church II-750a; Jacobites I-302b: Milan Cathe- dral I-401C

— ostensorium I-358b: paten I- 3.57b; XI-541C; Prcsanctificd, Mass of VI-644d: nvx I-364C; V-14.5a: XII-5S8b; reserva- tion VII-!37b; XII-784a; Ru- thcnian Rite XIII-277d: St. James, LiturK\- of I-.572c: St. Mark, Liturgy of I-304b: 30.5b: Sign of the Cross Ill-2t>ld: 203b: 204a: 26.5a: '20.5d: Xlll- 787a; Syriuc Liturgies I-573b:

Syrian Rite, East XIV-415a; tabernacle XIV-424b: unleav- ened bread VII-194b: valid consecration I-349d: II-172a; vn-493d: 495a: Viaticum I- 350a; XV-398b; and wine VII- 496b


Hostaden, Conrad of. .See Con- rad of Hochstadt

Hostafranchs, asylum II-290b

Hostallerie, Petey de 1', Maurist X-71d

Hostegesis, Bishop of Malaga IV-359C: IX-565C

Hostell, Lambert, missionary VI- 47Sa

Hostels, Cambridge University ni-211d

Hosten, Philip, priest IX-38Sa

Hostiensis. See Henry of Segusio

Hostieres^ monastery XII-275b

Hostinsky, Ottokar, author IV- UOOd

Hostlot, Louis, rector of American College, Rome I-424a

Host of Heaven, in Babvlonian astrolatry II-31b; in Bible II- 30a

Hosts. See Sabaoth

Hostun, Balthassar de Gudaigne de, Alarquis de Baume III- 207c

Hosz, Stanislaus. .See Hosius

Hotar, Vedic priests XII-409b

Hotel, in earlv Church III-596d; nuns XI-165b

Hotel-Dieu, Coutances IV-455d

Hdtel-Dieu, Montreal III-52d: IX-584b: X-547d; Ailleboust, Barbe d' I-235c: Allen, Frances I-321b: II-286C

Hatel-Dieu, Paris VII-476d; 485c: XI-482a: 491a: Charity, Sisters of III-605d

H6tel-Dieu, Quebec VII-488a: X-543c: XII-241a; 595a: Ai- guillon. Duchess of I-234a; (ill.) XII-595C

Hotel-Dieu, church, Lyons I- 153c

Hotfilder, Jodokus I-514d

Hotham, John, Bishop of Ely V- 30iid

Hother, legend XIII-497b

Hothersall, Thomas II-228d

Hothum, William de. See Hough- ton, William

Hotimer, Prince of Karinthia VllI-eoTb

Hoting, Bernard, Bishop of Osna- briick XI-342a

Hotman, Francois, jurist XI- 319c: XV-251C

Hot Springs, .Arkansas I-726a; convent of Our Lady of Char- ity XII-712C

— Springs, South Dakota IX-98c

HOTTENTOTS VII-497d: I- 182c: VIII-591C: characteris- tics XII-626b: Deniker's classi- fication XII-624a; Fetishism I- lS5b: Flower's classification XII-624d: missions I-187b; Namaqualand XI-268b: poly- andry IX-694C; religion I-184C

Hottinges, Johann Heinrich, Prot- estant Church historian VII- 377b

Hotton, Gabriel, Calvinist VII- 15.3b

Hottus, John, Carmelite X-765a

Hotum, William De. See Hough- ton, William

Hotzl, Petrus von. Bishop of Aug.iburg n-76d

Hou Ill-OliOd

HOUBIGANT, CHARLES- FRANCOIS VII-498C: IV- 160d: XI-274d: .scholarship III-379C: version of the Bible V-28Sb: XV-370d

Houde, Fr6d«ric, journalist VI- 277c

HOUDON, JEAN - ANTOINE VII-4n9a: St. Bruno, stutuc of IIl-16d: Xni-I74d; St. Brunn, statue of (ill.) Ul-l tc; purtrnit VII-499b;an.l Ho.-lultr XIII- 104d: Wa.shincton's statue till.) XV-1.54a .lOUDRY, VINCENT vn-499d Houen, mosque, Kaisarieh III-

134a Houet, Viscountess de Bonnault d', foundress V-76fld

Hough, James^ Anglican minister V-178a

— John, Protestant Bishop of Worcester VI-551b

Houghton, John, Blessed. See John Houghton


Hou Han, dynasty III-681c

Hou-Kouang, mission VI-232d

Houlagou, Mongol prince II- 202b: IX-651a: X-598d

Houling, John, catalogue of Irish martyrs VIII-164b

HouUier, Jacques, physician X- 129b

Houlne, Anna, religious V-53a

Houmt-Souk, cemetery VI-570d

Houp, in Bible I-524a

Houppes, in heraldry Vn-245a

Hour, .\dam, Testament of I- 132b: in astrologs' II-19d: III- 158d: in Bible II-29d: Jewish III-166d: for prayer I-194d: XIV-514d

Houris, in Mohammedan Para- dise X-426d

Hours, Book of, calendar IX- 259c: illuminated MS. IX- 626c: miniatures IX-625C

— Book of, of Due de Berry. Sec Tr^s Riches Heures of Chan- tilly

— Book of diturgj'). Armenian

t Rite IX-.304a: Greek Catholics VI-74Gb; Virgins, consecration of XV-459b. See Primer

—CANONICAL VII-500c; Acce- metie I-105c: Acolouthia I- 106b; .\gios O Theos I-212a: Ambrosian Hvmnography I- 392c: Ambrosian Rite I-399a: 400a; antiphon in Greek liturgy I-570a: Breviary II-771C; Bre- viary Reform XVI -14a: St. Cssarius of Aries III-137b: canticles ni-30Id: Celtic Rite III-497d; ceremonial III- 538a: in Chaldaic 11 - ie7d; St. Columbanus rule of IV- 140c: Complin IV-187a: Con- stantinople. Rite of IV-315a: Deo Gratias IV-737c: Diario Romano IV-773C; Dominican Rite XIII-7ec; Lauds IX-38a; lessons IX-197c; 198d: 199a: litany IX-287a; Little Office of Our Lady IX-294d: Matins X-50d: Mozarabic Rite X- 617a: None XI-97b: Office, Divine XI-219a: origin II- 29d: prayer, introductory IV- 761b; Prince XII-124b: Sext XIII-747b: Swian Rite. East XIV-416b: Terce XIV-514d: Vespers XV-381a

Hourst, E. A. L., explorer XI- 73d

House, Tower of the. See Baris,

House-fly, in Bible I-523a Household Words, periodical

XII-450C Houseman, Jacob, painter VII-

512a House of God, Biskra XIII-

327d — of Jehovah. See Tabernacle — of Justice. See Sanhedrin — of Providence, Chicago III-

655b — of Providence, Toronto XIV-

7S2d — of the Father vn-17nc — of the Forest of Lebanon,

XIV-13iic: 499c — of the Heroes, Jerusalem VIII-

353c —of Writings I-735b Houses (astrologj) II-18d; 19d;

24d — (building), blessing II-601C:

primitive I-688d: redemption, XII-082a — of Parliament, London, dome

V-102a —of Scholars (colleges) IV-lOSb Houseworkers, patroness XI-

Housselle, Charlotte XII-22C Houston, town, Texas XIV-540C:

Basilian College II-325C Houweningen, ^gidia van XI-

Houzaya, Joseph, author XIV-


Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.l = illustrations.