Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/421

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Hoveden, John, hymnodist VII- — Roger, Chronica I-534d; XIII-

Hovedoe, Abbey >^^ ' ".o"* ,,,,,

Hovenden, Thomas, artist Vlli- 142b

Hovey, Alvah, Biblical com- mentator IV-161b

Hovius, Matthias, Archbishop ot Mechlin VII-lOSc

Howard, Dukes of Norfolk. See Norfolk , , , ,

— Alathea, Countess of Arundel, and van Dyck V-220C

— Catherine, attainder, bill ol II-59d; executed \II-22oa; imprisoned XIV-394d

—Charles, First Earl of Notting- ham VI-388b; and Armada 1- 728d „ , ,.,

—Charles, of Greystoke XI-

—Edward Henry, cardinal XV- 595c; titular church Alll- 171c —Lady Elizabeth V-16Sa —Francis XIV-165b —George, on divorce V-65J' °°

marriage, primitive IX-694C —Gwendolen lII-S9c —Henry, coadjutor vicar of Mid- lands district VI-551b —Henry, of Glossop M-103b —Henry, Earl of hurrey VII- 503b: XI-102b; attainder, bill of II-59d; execution XIV- 164c; poetry V-462C; Rhymed Psalter Xlll-Z/a —Henry Frederick, Third Earl 3 Arundel VII-502d; SOla; XI-103a . ^.„ ,„„. .

— John, philanthropist XI1-^3_D,

492b; XIII-576C —MARY, Poor Clare VII-502C — Maurice, missionary iV -oua -PHILIP. VENERABLE VII- 503b; 504a; ronversion \- 294b: XV-fiOlb; and Gerard. Sir Thomas VI-J60C —PHILIP THOMAS, cardinal VII-502d; 5048; benefaction ni-65b: and Codnngton IV- 88c; and Collegio Beda XIII- 134c; and Collegio Canadese XIII-I35d; English College. Rome V-473b: and ^Holz- hau^er's Institute VI-84b; and James II XIII-8d; titular church XIII-172d —Sir Robert VII-502C Thomas, Second Earl of Arun- del and Surrey VII-504a _ —Timothy '£., lawTer \II-<44a,

XI-132C _, . „.,

—Lady Victoria Aleiandrina, !■ itz-

--WTLLIAM"\aSCOmjVsTAF- FORD, VENERABLE \ II- 504a; III-.564C; V-477a; at Cambridge I"-212b; execu- tion XI-175C; and Gates Plot XI-175C; Oath of Allegiance XI-179a , ., .

—College, East Lake. Alabama I-242b ...

Howarth, Arthur, schismatic X 11 1-

Howburn, England, St. Cuth- berfs Cave IV-57Sd

Howe, Joseph, statesman xi- 136d , ,. . ,

—Samuel Gridley, blind, educa- tion of V-310c: and Bridge- man. Laura V-319d; embossed tvpe (ill.) V-310C

William, \a8count. at licon-

deroga X-52t)C ,

Howel Ap Ednyfed, Bishop of St. Asaph XIII-33.3a

Howman, John. See Fecken- ham, John de ,

Howson, John Saul, Biblical ccmmentator IV-lfilb

Hoxsey, Mary, foundation XV l


-Dita; KTng'of Wales XV-534C;

on celibacy XV-585a; code

IV-221b; XV-.5MC HoweUs, William Dean, on Riial

XIlI-94b; on Stoddard XIV-

Howel the Good. See Howel Dda

Howitt, Alfred William, on exog- amy XIV-794a; on Totemism XlV-790a ,

Howlet, Robert. See Persona

Howley, Michael Francis, Arch- bishop of St. Johns XIU-

Hoxter, 'o«n. Germany. Prot- estantism in XV-603d Hoya, John of. Bishop of Muns-

ter X-ti:i7d; XV-603d —John of. Bishop of Osnabruck

XI-341d , r, J 1

—John of. Bishop of Paderborn


Hoyek, Elias Peter. Maromte

Patriarch of Antioch IX-6S4C.

I'SSc .. . , ,v

Hoyer, ComeUus, painter iv-

732b — Kaspar I-514d ,, , „„

Hoyle, Joshua and Malone,

William IX-573C Hoynes, WiUiam, professor ot law XI-132C , _, .

Hoyos, Gregory, Bishop of Mani-

zales X-117b —Juan Lopez de, and Cervantes

III-543a Hoyt, Charles A. "rSOld Hoz, Pedro de la XI-b90b -Vincente de la XI-690b Hozakowski, Wladislaw XI-68Sb Hozum, William de. bee Hough- ton. William Hrabanus Maurus. See Rabanua

Maurua. Magnetius Hradschin, Prague. fl-l;^.jd. Church of St. \ itus (ill.) Xll- facing 340 » .ir ■>,,),

Hrihor, King of Egypt V-34ID Hrimthurses, in Norse cosmog- ony IV— 412b Hroati (Croats) n;;«95c Hrodbertus; Hrodperlht. bee

Rupert, Saint ,,,,-„>,

Hromcla, Council of (11'9) l-

73Sc; X-7.54d , ^

Hrosnata, Blessed II-375C; feast

XI1I-77C; Tepl Abbey founded

XII-339C; XIV-514a

HROSWITHA, Abbess of Gan-

dersheim VII-504c; III-19b;

IX-33d; XIV-5fi0a; Aach-

bach's writings I-"3d; letters.

publication III-493a;(.lU VII-

505; Latin writings IX-27a.

poems IX-30d _ ioi« 

Hrothgar, Danish king Ix-121c

Hrothweard, Bishop ot lorK

XV-734b „ „

Hrotsuit (Hrotswitha). See Hros-

witha Hrvat (Croats) IV-510b Hrvatska kruna, periodical -vi

Hryniewcki, Charles, vicar sunra-

gan of Vllna XV^32d H. S., abbr. I-2Cd Hsiian, Chinese prince X-1791> Hu, Vincent, martyr Ill-b/lb.

IX-747C . Huabico, mission ^-7?i ,,,iK Huachichile Indians X11I-»'M» HUAJUAPAM DE LE6N, DIO- CESE OF VI1-505C; map X- facint; 268 Hualpai Indians XV-84d Huancavilca Indians XII-604d Huantla Indians X-93C HUANUCO, DIOCESE OF VII- .5(Wa; xni-448b; statistics


Huascar, Inca Prince XII-60.ib and Atahuallpa II-32a; and Pizarro XII-141b

Huastec Indians X-82b; 2ola. XlV-794d; language I-411C

Huault. Charles X-543b

Huavean Indians VII-7.')bd. X-

HUBER, ALPHONS VII-506d —Charles, explorer I-6(J4a — Jobann, philosopher, and Dul- linger V-96b; Monita Secreta X-487C , „. . ^.,^

— Samuel, and Pistorius XU-

— Victor Aime, and DoUinger V-

Huberland, missionary VII-62d HUBERT, SAINT VII-507b; IX-236b; X-680a: bread, bless- ing of II-750d; churches. United States XI-565a: iconog- raphy I-517a; (ill.) VII-507; in Mechlin X-104a; novena XI-142dl patronage XI-566C:

salt, blesaing of XIII^04a; water of XV-564d —SAINT. MaiTARY ORDERS

of VII-50Sb Hubert, Bishop of Angers II-48ib —Abbot of Lobbes IX-318b; and

Benedict III ll-42Sa — Bishop of Sali.sbury II-221d — Jacques Francois VIl-508a —JEAN FRANCOIS, Bishop of Quebec VII-508a; ^.n-77Sd; III-234d; V-53Sc; XII-595c; and Denaut IV-717d; at De- troit IV-758C; at Rimouski XIII-.59a — WALTER, Archbishop of Can- terbury VII-508d; III-299d; V-437a; XIII-42a; and St. Gilbert of Sempringham VI- 557d; and Giraldus Cambrensis VI-569a: and GlanviUe VI- 577a; and Hugh of Lincoln Vn-520d; and Salisbury Xili- 401b Hubertusburg, Treaty (1763) VI-

507b; IX-6e5a; XII-524a . Hiibl. Thaddeus, Redemptorist

Huaxteca Indians. .See Huastec Huayna Capac, King of the Incas

II-32a: Xll-OO.^b Hubald, Bishop of Odensc XVI-

Hubaud, Canon of St. Martin

H^ba!* Danish chief V-295C HUbbe-Schleiden, Wilhelm, on

fetishism VI-53d Hube, historian XII-200b Hubens. Ignatius. Bollandist II-


X-393d; XII-683c; and St.

Clement Mary Hofbauer IV-

45a HUbmaier, Balthasar, Anabaptist

preacher I-44l)a; adherents ot

X-563a- and Protestantism

XI-24.Sa; "Twelve Articles"


— Johann. encyclopedia V-415d;

416b Hubold, scholar XI-495a HUC. EVARISTE RfeGIS VII- 510b; VI-4.53C; .X;;:3fi.4b; ar- rested China III- 676a; IX-747a; in Tibet XIV- 719c Hucac. See Halcath .-,.„„ HUCBALD OF ST-AMAND VII-510d; 139a; 602c; IX- 618b; Cousseniaker's work 1 V - 454a- Reims, school of III-14d; rhythmical offices XIII-29a Hucbertus, Bishop of Parma Al-

.506a . ,_ roQ« 

Huch, Ricarda, writer Vl-j2Sc Huchown of the Awle Reale

XI11-023C Hucpald, Count XV-123a Hucuca VI-440d Hudd, John, martyr V-478b Huddeswell, George, martyr V-

477d .,

Huddleston, Edmund, Venerable.

See Cathcrick — Ferdinando Vll-511b —JOHN Vll-511b; and Charles II V-149d; VII-511b; XIV- 433a —Joseph VII-.511b —Richard VII-512a Hudrisier, Marc. Bishop of Port

Victoria XII :il2d Hudson, Anna Hope 111-45.^

Daniel Xl-13-'c; 69.50

-Henry, explorer VII-393C; Se°aware Bay IV-692a; in Un- gava XV- 127b —James, Blessed. See James

—Bay, Canada, Indian School VII-32a , . .

—Bay Company IV-718d; Assini- boia XIV-428a; in British (Co- lumbia II-792b; and North- west Company I.X-60.)b. in Oregon XI-290C; in -Washing


Hue, town. Indo-China VII-

7l56d :770c;. 777b :777d — Jean. miasio_nary XlV-42Ua.


512b; Menologium X-192b Huegel, Senas V-lSOd


51'd- III 60d; abbess I-9c; ■ircliitecture VI-678C; (ill.) XlV-tacing 190; reform II- 507b

Huene, Baron von IX-234b; XII-.531d , . ^. ,,

Huerta, Juan Ambrosio, Bishop of Puno XII-569d . ^ ,, ,

Huesca, town. Spain, bell ot XIV - 181c; Moors capture VIII-260a; Pedro I captures III-412C; VIIl-2i;0b; univer-

HUESCA,^ DIOCESE OF VII- 513b; XIV-17:!b; (map XIV- facing 200; stutisties III-413C

Huet, Charles ll-62:id

—PIERRE, DANIEL VII-513d; at Avranches IV-156a; De- monstration Evangelique 1 622a; and Mme. de la Fayette VIII-738d; R^gis XII-721b; scepticism III-540d;. XIII- 517c; at Soissons Xlv-l.ila

Huexotzinco, Mexico .\-(iO-a, Aztec confederacy Il-IiOa

Hufeland, Christian Wilhelm,

physician X-134a: XI\-483b


514d; XI-6S0a Huffer. Leopold IIl-4.56a Hufnagelschrift, musical nota-

HUG? 'jOHANN LEONHARD Vli-515a; IV-160d; 493c; VI- 269b- XIV-532b: Corinthians, Epistle to IV-369b; critical

iiatic lo i*-ov,.7«. — --• — method V-291a; introduction, Biblical VIII-81b; St Mat- thew, Gospel of X-63d; and rationalists IV^95a; Romans, Epistle to XIII-15,b; and Strauss I-622d; SyjopUca XIV-392a: Vatican Codex IV-

Hugarte, Dona Maria XV-85d Hugbaldus of St-Amand. See

Hiiebalil of St-Amand Hugbern Vll-.507b .

Hugdietrich, German epic VI-

uregon .-vi-"""-- •" ;,,~v; ton XIII-665b; XV-503b Hudson River, New \ork ii 149a;VII-393c;XI-29c


Hugel, Lady Mary von, conver- sion XVI-4.5a Hugford. F. E.. architect XV-

203b Huggins, Sir WiUiam, astrono-

nier II-2Sb: 28d „ ,^ . . Hugh, Saint, Bishop, Balderic s life of II-219a: at Bayeux II- 358c; at Paris XI^82a; at Rouen. XIII-209C — jurist V-72d . — Premonstratensian annalist

XII-3S9b; 544d —Bishop of Assisi I-801C —Bishop of Auxerre YII-524b —Bishop of Auxerre. See Noy- ers. Hugh do ,

—I, Venerable, Archbishop of

Besancon II-S25C; VII-524C —I Abbot of Bury St. Edmonds

VIII-418c; XIII-423d — H, Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds

VIII-il8c —Bishop of Cahors. deposition

-Bisho^P of Carlisle III-349C:

at Beaulieu II-3i6d -Bishop of T>\t. See Hugh,

Archbishop of l-y"'" ^. —Abbot of Farfa V-iSOb —Saint, Bishop of Ferns. See

-B'shop'of Gabala XI1-400C —Saint, Bishon of Grenoble XV-2.50d; and St. Bruno 111-; 1.5b; and Callist..8 II Ml-fOj: and Gregory VII ll-15»a. Guigues du Chastel's life of III-391a; VII-«6b; at Lo _£ln^gofMy'TX-l«pa;XII- fiSlb; XIII-lOSc; and John X VIII-42.5d; and Luitprand ol Cremona IX-313C; and Ru- dolph II I-HOd

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page;