Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/505

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414c; Bums, James III-S4a: Dawson IV-646d; Dempster IV-717a; Douglas V-143d; Dunbar V-190d; Henrjson VII-23SC —Spain XIV-192a; Alarcon, Pe- dro Antonio de XV'I-ld; Autos Sacramentalea II-143a: Balbu- ena II-217a; Balmes H-224b; Cabailero. Fernan III - 125a; Caballero. Raimundo III-125b; Calderon de la Barca Ill-lSOa; Castillejo III-413d; Castro y Bellvis ni-415c: Cervantes, Salaiar Francisco III-54oa; Cerv^antes Saavedra III-543a; Cruz IV-357C; Cueva IV-563a; Donoso Cortes V-132b: Encina V-iUc: Enciso V-411d: Erulla V Zuniga V-516d: Espinel V- .M2b; Espinosa V-542c; Eulo- gius of Cordova, Saint V-604a: Feyjoo y Montenegro VI-66b; Figueroa VI-71a: Gallego VI- 3-50a; Garcilasso de la Vega VI-3Sld; Gonzalo de Berceo VI-636a; Gracian XVI -42c; Guzman VII-94a: Herrera VII-294d; Iglesias de la Casa VII-639a; JSuregui VIII-325d: Jovellanos VIII - 529b; Leon IX-177d: Lope de Vega Carpio IX-3.>lb; March IX-642c;- Medrano. Francisco X-I45a; Melendez Vald^sX-lBlb ; Mena X-177b; Mendoza X-186d: Menendez y Pelayo, Marcelino XVI -63a: Montemayor X- 529b; Moratin X-5l50d; Moreto y Cabana X-o67b: P^rez de Hita XI -665b: Ribadcneira XIII-29C; Rialz XIII-94b: Rioja, Francisco de XVI-71a: Rojas y Zorrilla Xlll-llSa; Ruiz de Alarc6n y Mendoza XIII -223c; Ruiz de Mon- tova XIII-224b; Saavedra, Figardo Diego de XVI-73a; Saavedra. Remirez de Baque- dano XIII -285b; Salmeron XIII-}02d: Selgas v Carraaco XIII-691d; Tellez XIV-478a: Teresa of Jesus XIV-51od; Torres Naharro XIV-783d; Trueba XV - 70a: Verdaguer XV-350a — Spanish - America XIV-202a; Argentina XIV-206d: Central America XIV-207a: Chile XIV-206b: Colombia XIV- 205a: Cuba XIV-207b: Ecua- dor XIV-204C: Mexico XIV- 202d: Mexico. Chimalpain III- 663b: Mexico. Eguira y Egvt- ren XVI-37b: Peru XIV-203d; Venezuela XIV-205d —Sweden XIV-354C —Syriac XI-716b: XIV-108d: Bardesanes II-293b; Philoxe- nus of Mabbogh XlHOb —Tibet XVI-77d

— United State.i: Azariaa. Brother II-166C: Brownson. O. A. III- la: Brownson. Sarah M. III- 3a: Bnant III-25a: Craigie. Pearl Man,- Teresa IV-466d: Crawford, Francis Marion XVI-30b: Dorsev. Anne Han- aon V-136a: Gayarre VI-.399C: Harland. Henry XVI -44a; Harris Vn-I42c: Henderson VII-214d: Huntington VII- 5Ma; Johnston vni-484d; Jouin VIII-52"b: Lathrop XVI-51d: Miles X-.302d: Pise XII-n6a: Randall XII-6.39d: Ryan XlII-2S2b: Seton XIII- 740d: Starr. Eliza Allen XIV- 2.50b: Stoddard XIV-29SC: Tabb XIV-42.3C; Tennev XIV- 512b: Walsh XV-541C

— Wales XV-536d; Mabinogion IX-»81a; Reformation XV- .■)3.-)d

Literaturzeitung, periodical VII-

278d — Salzburger, periodical XV-

425a Liternum (Terre Patria) III-408b Lithardus Uzomensis, at Council

of Orleans XII-612b Lithgow, William, writer XIII-

r,20c Lithography XIII-714d LithostTotos. Set Gabbatha

tlTHUANlA IX -292b; and Blessed Andrew Bobola I— 472c; Apostle of. Thomas Netter X- 764d: Basilian monasteries II- 323d: Catholicism in XIII- 255b: conversion XIV-541d; Blessed Cunegundes IV-569b; famine of 1867 XVI-S4c; Fran- ciscan missions VI-294b; im- migration XVI-o4c: language XVI-54c: and Lemberg IX- 145a: patron III-402C: and Poland IX-293a: 403b: XII- ISld; 183b; 184b: XVI-54b; 55a: and Prussia IX-293C: and Russia XII-186a: XVI-55a: unification IX-292b Lithuanians, ethnological classifi- cation XII -626c; in Russia XIII-23.5b: 244a —IN THE UNITED STATES XVI-54b: Cathohc XVI-55d; national XVI-55d: periodicals XVI-55d; religion XVI -54d; schools XVI-Soc : societies XVI-55d Litifredus, Bishop of Novara XI-

135a Litlyngton, Abbot of Westminster

X\'-59sc Litma, abbr. I-23a Litorius, Saint, Bishop of Tours IX-732d; XV-2b: feast of III- 163a Litri (Erythra) V-S27a Li T'sin wang III-666a Lift., abbr. I-24d LITTA, family, Milan IX-293d —ALFONSO, Archbishop of Mi- lan IX-293d —LORENZO, cardinal IX-293d: and Catholic Emancipation XV-394a: and Bishop Connolly XI-23a: and Napoleon X- 692c: and Propaganda College VIII-618a: Sabina XIII-291c: at St. Petersburg XIII-257b Littera beneventana XI— 407b — romana, in bulls III-54b Litleras Annuge, periodical XV-

507d — Apostolics. See .\postoUc Let- ters —communes III-56a; XII-716c — curiales. See Curial Letters — de curia, Regesta XII-716C — dimissori^e. See Dimissorial

Letters — emancipatoriae V-399c — encyclicie IX-204a -formats I-333d: IX-202b — inthronistics \'— 479d — pacifies, canon of Chalcedon

ni-.-).5Sa — pastorales IX-204a — sigiUats l-333d Littera Mozarabica Xl-407b Litterarum patronus, Bessarion

lI-,^>2Sb Littera toletana Xl-I07b Litteris altero abhinc. Brief of

Pius Vlll V-193b: XII-1.34b Littig, J. M., in Baltimore II-23Id Little, Thomas. See Moore, Tho-

31c — Brothers of Mary. See Mar\-,

Little Brothers of — Chute, Indians of, and Van de

Brork XV-209b — Company of Mary, Sisters of.

See Sisters of the Little Com- pany of Mary —Council XIII-141d —Crow, Indian chief XIV-20C Littledale, Sir George K., in

Tibet XIV-719d — Richard Frederick, and Monita

.Secreta X-487c; and (Jueni

terra, pontua. sidera Xll-fiOOd;

and Rvder XIII-2S4C Little Daughters of St. Joseph. See

Joseph, Little Daughters of .St. — Ease, in Tower of London

XIII-2i:ia — Entrance, procession at XII-

44Sb —Falls, town. Churrh of the A.s-

sumption I-2o7b — Family XII-248d — Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi.

.See Fioretti — Franciscan Sisters of Mary


— Genesis. See Jubilees. Book of — German, party VI-510d — go, at Cambridge III-213d —Gradual, De Lisle IV-700b Littlehampton, Apostolic school

XIII-5S6b Little Hermon (Mt. Moreh) VI-

430a —Hours, similarity of XIV-S15b — Labyrinth I-755b -Malvern Priory. See Malvern



Littlemore, town. Cardinal New- man X-797b: St. John XIII- 354d LITTLE OFFICE OF OUR LADY IX-294b: XII-275d: and Car- melite Tertiaries XIV -638a: Carthusians II-389b: in Eng- l.and I-lS6d: and Hail Mary VII -111b: indulgence VII- 78Sd; nuns, recitation by XI- 166c; Primer XII-425a: types XV-464Ea — OfiBce of the Immaculate Con- ception, Alphonsus Rodriguez 1-34 lb — Offices, devotion of XII-276a — Oratory, Brotherhood of the XI-273a: 273c: and St. Philip Neri XII-19a — Passion, painting. Durer XI-

400a —Prophet I-550d — Ritual. See Memorial of Rites — Rock, town I-72fia: charitable in^titutiun.'^ \ll-2t7b: popu- Lith.r, I -r^r.a; )...,, Illation, Pol- ish I l'«i7i Xn-211a —ROCK, DIOCESE OF IX- 295a: church I-726b: formed I-726c: Italians VIII-206b: and Leopoldine Society XVI- 52c: negroes XII-629d: statis- tics XV-17l)C . — Rock college, founded IX-295C — Roman Martyrology. See

Mart>Tolog>'. Little Roman — Russia X-594C; union with

Rome XII-456C —Russians, number (1900) XIV- 4Sc: Ruthenians XIII -278b Russia XIII-234d — Russians, Rite of. See Ruthe-

nian Greek Rite — St. Bernard, hospice II-503d — Servants of the Poor. See

Poor. Little Servants of the — Sisters of the Poor. See Poor,

Little Sisters of the — Talbot Island, Franciscan mis- sion XIV-734d Littleton, at Cambridge III-212b Little Vehicle. See Hinayana — Venice (Leghorn) lX-I31a — Well, Chapel of the, Guadalupe

Mexico VIII -7'.i:id LITTRE, PAUL-MAXIMaiEN- EMILE IX-295d: and Dupan- loup V-202d: and liberalism IX-213a: and modernism X- 415b: on morality I-369c: por- trait IX-296a; and Positivism XII -32d :313b; as sensualist XII-2Sd Littrow, Karl von, and Hell, Maximilian Vll-212a: at Uni- versity of Vienna XV-423d Liturgica, Ponti£cia Accademia

I-S(ic;,Snd LITURGICAL BOOKS IX-296C; Ahcr,!,.,!! Briviarv II-777b; Anil>r..^ I\-:iO:ia: Antipho- nary I-.')77b; -Antiphonary of Bangor II-249b; Armenian IX-304a: Benedictional II- 465a; Bishops, Ceremonial of I.\-302c; Breviary II-76Sd: IX-.302a: Byzantine IX-30.3a; CoUectarium IV-104b: Coptic IX-303C; Diario Romano IV- 77.3b; East Syrian XIV-tl4b; Ethiopic IX-303d: first traces IX-296C: Hortulus .\nimte VII-472b: Jacobite IX-303d: Lcetionarv IX-.iOlc: of Maron- ites IX-304a: Memorial of Rites IX-302d: Menaion X- 177c: meaning IX-296c: Meno- logium X-191C: Middle Ages IX-:iO()a: Miasal X-3.54d; Missal. Roman IX-300d; Missal of Arbuthnott I-686C; Mozarabic IX-303a; Nestorian IX-303b: Octavarium Roma- num XI-203d: Ordines Ro-


mani XI-284d: Pontifii-al IX- 301d: Primer XII-425a: Quir- ini, Angelo Maria XII-614d; readers and choir IX - 299c; ritual IX-302b: Roman IX- 300c; Roman history IX-297c; rubrics IX-299d

— Sacramentaries IX-297c: Ge- lasian IX-298b: Gregorian IX- 298d: Leonine IX-297d

— Synaxarion XIV-382c: Triden- tine commission on IX-300c: York use XV-735d

—CHANT IX -304b; African Church I-199a: Cloves ho, Council of (747) IV - 69a; development of I-580c: Do- minican Rite XIII-76C: in Gradual I-S77c: Gregorian IX- 30.5d: Melismatic I-389d: Mis- sal I-577C: and organ IX-305c: Motu Proprio of Pius X III- 524a: IX-30.5C: Preface XII- 386a: primitive I-578b: of Psalms XII-787a: Sanctus XIII-433C: Sergius I I-5S0c; Sidonius Apollinaris IV- 7d: Solesmes XIV-134b: source IV-241b; Syllabic I-389d

— Colours. See Colours, Liturgi-

— Year. See Year LITURGY IX-306b: Aberdeen Breviarj- II-777b: Abraham in I-54d; acathistus I-92b: accen- tus I-94a; acclamation I-98a: 99a: accommodation I-99d; Acolouthia I-lOod: acolytes, duties of I-106d: Adam I- 132a; Addeus and Maris I- 136c: Adoro Te Devote I-154d: .Advent I-165b: Aer I-174b; African I-194b: Agnetz I-215b; Agnus Dei I-221a; alb I-251b; Alcuin I-279a; Alexandrine I- 303d; IX-310d: XIl-.SS.M; XIII-432C: aliturgical days I- 314a: Alleluia I-319b:" .411 Saints I-315C: All Souls' Day I-315d: Alma Redemptoris Mater I-326C: alphabet I- 333c; altar I-346a: ama I- 375c; Amalarius of Metz I- 376c: ambo I-381d; Ambrosian I-394d: XI-220d: Ambrosian chant I-389c; Ambrosian hymnographv I-392C ; Amen I- 407a; amice I-428b: Anaphora I-151d: Angelus I-i86b : .Angel- as Bell I-t87d; Anima Christi I-515c; Annunciation, feast of I - 542c: antemensium I- 563d: antidoron I-562b; Antio- ehene 1-57 la; antiphon I- 575a: 575d: 576a: IX-SlOd; XI-173b: antiphonarj- I-.576d: Apodisis I-615b: Apolwsis I- 623c: Apolytikion i-B23d: Apostle (book) I-626c: Apos- tolic blessing II-602a: in Apos- tolic Constitutions I-57Ia: 637a: IX-309a: Apostolic Fath- ers I -639c: Aquileian Rite XVI-3c; area I-686d: Arch- iereus I-695b: Armenian VII- 24a; X-211b: XII-385d: Arto- klasia I-756c: Ascension, feast of I-767b; Ash- Wednesday I- 775c; ashes I-776b; Asperges I-793a; Asses, feast of I-798d; Assumption, feast of II-6b: .AsterisK II-17d; Athanasian Creed II-33c; of St. Athanasius I-,304a: Atonement. Day of II- .">4c: .Aumbr>- II-107d: Aurora Lucis Rutilat II-112b: Azymes II-171d; baldachinum II-217c: balsam Il-22l>a; baptismal font II -Tlh 1![ i-nial vows 11-27 .1 II -276d:

Bar K II 29fic: of

St. Ha ;i I .:<'-.,\ II ;i21b: ba- silica XVI-sa: l.a-in II-334a: Baiimer II-774b: beads II- 361c; Ven. Kede ll-383d: bells Il^lSd; Benedict XIV II-434C: Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament II^65b: Benedictus II-473a: Bianchini II-541C; bination II-568d; biretta II-577b: blessing II- 599d; Bona II-64.5d: books IX- 296c; boy-bishop II-725e; Branch Sunday II-738C: bread II-749d; breast, striking of II- 751a; Breviary II-768d; Brevi-

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.