ary reform XVI-13d; and
Buddhism III-32a; burse III-
?X; buskins .III-S7d; Bute,
Third Marquis of 1 "-»»?• Cffiremoniale Episcoporurn III- 133a; Candlemas III-240C. Jandies III-246<=; eamUesticks III-248a; Canon of the Mass III-255d-. canonical hours VII-
?aTbu'^nX^nl"299-^!-u«7e III-30Td;cLtorIlI-306a;cata- Mnue III-i27c; Catalani III- 427drCeltic RiteIII-493b-, cen- ser III-519b; ceremonies 111- 538c; Ceremonies, Congrega- tion of XIII-lf5c; eha ic'; UI-
561d; chantry "{jf fi'/'i^g^- III-574C; chasuble II{ b3«^; Chinese translation IH-^"": choirIII-693d;chri3mIII-.69bc. chrismal III-697d; . chr.snia- to". III-697d; Christian bunal Ill-71b; Christmas 111-72^^: churching of women UWblD. ciborium^ III-767a;. cincture III-776a; Circumcision, feast if III-779C; of St. Clement I- a'^iOa; Clementine Epistle IV 16a- IX-308d; co-consecrators IV-'79c; Collect IV-103b; col- our-. IV-134d; Commemoration IV-155C- Communion Anti- nhon IV-169d; Communion bench IV-170C; Communion of the sik IV-174C; Commumon
under both kinds IV-17oB, Complin IV-187a; concelebra- tion IV-190a; concordats IV- 197c; conferences, ecclesiastical IV-214b; confiteor .IV-^^vi congregational smging IV 241b- consecration IV-^/oa, Co,^lantinoplejy-312b; cope IV-351a; Coptic I-30od, 3Uba, XVI-2SC; 29d; corner-stone, Sying of XIV-303a; corona- tion V-380C; corporal IV-- 386d; Corpus Christi iy-39Ud t ,™ TV-419b- Credence costume •l,*^, ,\;_i7qa- rro- IV-476d; Creed IV-479a, cro sier IV-515b; Cross in IV-- 533a; CruciBx m IV oJ.». cruet IV-543a; St. Cyril I- 3™M; dalmatic IV-608a;dane- ine IV-618b; deacon, office of rV-649a; death, preparation
for IV-660d; d^dj""?. Se 673a; Deo Gratias IV-737b. Ue Profiindis IV-738C; , derived rites IX-311C; Deus in Adju torium Meum Intende IV-- TClbT development of ritual TX-308a; Diario Romano IV- 7r!b- Dies Ira; IV-787b; dip- iychs V-23b; P9minical Letter V-109b; Dominican Kite -Vii 366d; Dominus Vob'scum V- 114a; doxology V-laOb, uur- andus the Elder V-207b; Dur- andus the Younger \-2U/o, Durham Rite ^ V-213c; early Eastern and Western VI-14b, as educat onal factor y-301d, devation V-380b; ember-days V-399C; epact V-480c; Epiph- any V-504c; Espousals of the BUssed Virgin Mary, feast of V-543b; Ethiopic I-306a, V !i70c- Eucharistic host Vll- 493C Eulogia V-603d; evan- geliaria V-640b; eye of a feagt V-647b; Exposition of the
ST'Sf the Bles.,ed Virgin Mary, feast of V-712b, ex- treme unction V-716a; feria VI-43b: hre, use of yi-79a flabellum Vl-89a; Fools, feast of VI-132a; forbidden days 1- 314a; Forty Hours' Devotion Vl-l-'ilc; Franciscan Crown IV-540a; Friars Mi""' ^ " 293a; funeral pall vl-3^.!a, funeml service l-365a; Galilean VI-357a; IX-311b; fariand VI-385a; Gaudete Sunday VI-- IQlb- Gavantus VI-399b, genuflexion VI-423d; Gerhert VI-470b; German institution XIII-535a; Germanius I-ShLc: Glagolitic, use of V' ;>J-?,J: Gloria in Excelsis Deo VI-5Mb; Gloria Lau3 ct Honor XVI- 41b; gloves, episcopal vi-asjo.
Golden Rose VI-629a; Good
Friday VI-643a; Gospel in
VI-659b; grace at meals VI-
714c; XIV-554d; Gradual VI--
711a- Grancolas \I-724a,
Greek Rites yl-774b; St.
Gregory of Nazianzus 1-3050,
gremiale VII-26b; Gu^'f^EJ^
VII-59b; Hail -Mary yll--110d,
heortology VII-241C; high altar
VII-346d; Hittorp yn-380c.
Holy Communion V11-402D,
Holy Innocents, feast of VU-
419a- Holy Name, feast of Vll-
420a; Holy Name of ^Iary,
feast of X-673b; holy oils VII-
421d; holy oils, vessels for \ U-
422d; Holy Saturday VII--
424a; holy water yn-432c
holy water lonts VII-433C,
holy week VII-435d; Hosanna
VII-472C; host, use of word i--
350b; humeral veil VII-542C,
hymi l-390b; VII-595b; icon-
ostasis VII-626b; imp^per.a
-iTiT -7A1/1 ■ iTicpnap, Vll— 'lOI*,
ostasis myo*."". '^f, f, R.
VII-703d; mcense Vll-/ioc
Inner Life of Mary fears' of
X-600a; Introit \III-81c, In-
vitatorium VIII-S9b; invoca-
tion of saints VIII-72b, Italo-
Greek VIII-206d; Ite M.issa
Est VIII-253b; Itinerarium
VIII-255d; of St. Jaju«/
T c;70K. Tenisalem Vlil- 371d; Jubilate Sunday VIU- 531d; Judica Sunday VIII-- 553d; Justm Martyr IX-3090, kSs VlII-663c; Kyrie Eleison VIII-714C; Lffitare Sunday VIII-737d; laity VIII-750b; lamps and lampadam VIU 768c; Lance, Holy VIII-773b, Latin language IX-19c; and Latin drama IX-27b; Lauda S!on IX-36b; Lauds IX-38a, Lavabo IX-44c; Lazarists X- 363d; lectern IX-UOa; lec- tinnirv IX-llOc; lector IX- iTlbrLent IX-152a; Lessons IX-193a; Libera Me IX-^l*"- Libera Nos IX-214d; lights IX-244d; litany IX-286d; Lit- any of the Holy Name IX-290C. Litany of Loreto I^-28[=: Litany of the Saints I X-fSl?' Little Office of Our Lady IX-- 294b; Lord's Prayer IX-3o6a. Low Smiday IX-4pOd; Lumen Christi IX-130a; lunette l.\- 435d; mace I X-49 la; Magnifi- cat IX-534b; Malabar IX- M8b; maniple IX-601c; man- ?elletta IX-611b; manuterge IX-633C; of St. Mark I-3p4b, Maronite IX-684d; Marriage, ritual of IX-703d; martyrolo© IX-741b; Martyrology of Usu- ard XV-235b^Mass,^ Chapter
MisSx°-790d; "x-la;' Matins X-50d; Maundy Thursday X-- 68a; medals X-Ulb; niedreval IX-312b; menaion X--l('c, n^nologium X-191C; St. Mich- ael X-276b; Micrologus X- 285a; Milanese, ancient l-35ac, Sr orders X-332d; Miserere X-352d; Missal X-35-4d; mitre V-404d- months X-542D, m«se X-577d; Most Ho^ Re-; deemer, feast of XII-677b Most Precious Blood, feast ot Vll-373b; Most Pure Heart ol Mary, feast of X-600a; motet X-OOOc; Mozarabic X-eilb. XI-220d; mozzetta X-()24D, music VII-139C; X-la; 648b; musical iMfuments X-657a, names. Christian X-673C; nat- al day X-709a; Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, feast of X-712d; New Year's Day XI- Ulc; Nocturns XI-87b; None XI -97b; novena X1-1410, Nunc Dimittis XI-159d; Nup- tial Mass X-5c; occurrence Al- 200a; Octavarium Ro™,""""" XI-203d; octave XI-204a;U Deus Ego Amo To XI-20i.d; Offenory XI-217d; Office, Di- vide Xl-219a; Office of the Dead XI-220b; O Filii et Filia; XI-221d; oldest specunen l-637b; Orate Fratres XI- 269c; Ordincs Ilomani X1-- 284d ; O r e m u 8 XI - 2yaa ,
Oriental variations XI--220d,
urigin IX-307a; Xy-<12b, O
Salutaris Hostia XI-334C; os-
tensorium XI-344d; Our Lady
Help of Christians, feaat of XI-
360d; Our Lady of Mount Car-
mel, feast of X-604C; Our Lady
of Perpetual Succour, feast ot
XI-699c; Our Lady of Ransom,
feast ot XII-640a; pall XI--
423d; pallium XI-42/c; Palm
Sunday XI-132b; Pange Lin-
gua XI-441d; parent "tcs I.V-
310c; Paschal candle Xl-olijc,
Paschal Tide XI-516C; Passion
of Christ, commemoration ol
XI-526d; Passion Music XI-
525c; Passion Offices Xl-oi/D;
Passion Sunday XI-535b; Pas-
siontide XI-535C; paten XI-
541c; Patronage of Our Lady,
feast of XI-560b; pax XI-
594d; pax (salutation) XI-
595a; pectorale XI-UO b; per-
petual adoration I-laid; Pie
Pelicane Jesu Donune Xll-<9c,
Pistoia on II-69a; plain chant
XII-144a; Plenarium XU-
164b; Pope, authority of XU-
269b; Postcommunion XU
318b; Post-Nicene 1-19/0;
prayer XII-345b ; prayer-books
5cil-350b; Prayer of Christ,
feast of XII-354b; prayer for
the dead IV-653a; Preface
Xll-384b; Presentation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, feast of
Xll-lOOb; Pr.ies'vfS^-^lih XII-407b; Prime XII-424b, Primer XII-425a; processional XII-446d; processional ban- ners XII-44Sd; processional canopies XII-148d; proces- sional Cross XII-14Sb; proces- sS hymns XII-i49a; pro- cessions XII-446d; prohibition from VIII-73b; Propriuni XII- 481a- Prose XII-i81d; Psalms XII-536b; 543a; Psalterium XII-543d; Pscudo-Dionjsian I-304a; pyx XII-588b; Quad- Jagesima'^'^XII-5S9a; Quern terra, pontus, sidera XU-bOua. Quicumque Christum Queeritis -\.-iT fin7a ■ Oninnuaeesima
Xn-607a; vui^m -.»---v-
XII-614a; Radulph ol Kiv
XII~632d; rationale Xll-boic.
Rector Potens Verax Deus
XII-676d; Regina Coeli XU-
718d: Repose, altar of -\U-
776a; Requiem Mass All-
776d; Rerum Creator Optime
XII-782C; Rerum Deus Tenax
Vigor XII-782d; reservation
of the Blessed Sacrament -XU-
784b- responsorial singing All
144c- 787a; Rex Glonose mar-
tyrum XIII-17a; R" Sempi-
terne Cslitum XIII -I'b.
rhythmical office XU|--[C,
rings XIII-59b ; rites XIII-l>-}b .
Rites, Congregation of -^^If'
f45a; ritual XIII-88d; rochet
XIII-104b; rogation days
XlU-UOd; Ro-S^n J^-?i}^
XIII-155b; rood XIlI-181a.
Porate Cceli XIII-183b; Ros-
S-y east of XIII-189b; Ros-
ary hymns XIII--lSSb; rubrics
XIII-216a; Ruthenian -\U1
277b; Sacra Jam Splendent
-vTTT oo'5i«- Qflnramentais
XlTl-292c-; s a c r a m e n t a 1
XIII-292d; sacraments XUi
295a; Sacris Solemniis XU1--
321d; sacristan XUI - 3-.-D,
sacristv XIII-322d; Saint
Benedict," medal of -XIII-33Sb;
salt XIII-403d; Salve Mundi
Sinliitare XIII-40Sb; Salve Re-
g^na XIII^09a; Salvete Chris-
ti Vulnera XIII-4 10c; Samari-
tan Woman, feast of X-613a
Sanctorum Mentis XIII-429d.
Sanctus Xlll-4.i2b, s,;,,u.K
episcopal MII-t-'\ '-='.', t-^'
X-493d: Siiruni Mil l.-'d.
scapular Xlll .".nsb, ^.-lu.lul.-
Xlll (i:i-^.l ^-'^ \1" "■■■
SediM ...- , ^'" '-■'■
Sediliu Mil '.-"l' "'i"';^;-,,' imaXlU -1 Jla, ^".j"' ""^ 481d; Scrapiou I .iOla. ^eviii Sorrows of the Blessed \ irR.n, least of XIV-151d; SexaKesiim XIII-747a; Sext XIII-/4,b Shrovetide XIII-763d; sign of
the cross XIII-7S5C; Slavonic
VI-576a; XIV-41b; solemnity
XIV-133C.; Stabat Mater XIV--
239c; station days XlV-2bSa.
Stephen of Autun XI\-290d,
stole XIV-301a; siibcinctorium
IX-602C; surphce,
symbolism XIV-374d; syna-
gogue XIV-SSlc; Synaxarion
XIV-3S2C; synax.s XJ^-f;^:**:
Svriac hynmody Xn-40jb,
SVrian,W,-..tXl\-ll,d. taber-
nacle XIV— 124a; table l.V-
313a; Tantum Ergo XIV-445b;
Teaching of the Twelve Apos-
tles IX-30Sd; Te Deum XIV-
468c; Te Lucis Ante Tcrminum
XIV-479a; Tenebrse XIV-
50fia; Tenebrie hearse \ U-
162d TerceXIV-514d; Testa-
ment, New IX-307d; Tmra
XIV-714d; Tommasi \ IrO'*?'
Transfiguration, feast of X\
19d; Triduum XV-41d; Trinity
Sunday XV-58b; triple;candle-
stick XV-58c; Trope Xy-«5a,
Tunic XV-87C ; uniformity IX--
307b; United States XIII-78a,
Urbs beata Jerusalem XV-
222b; vacancy XV-24Sd; Vem
Sancte Spiritus XV-342d; \er-
bum Supernum Prodiens XV-
348a; Vespers XV-38 a; vest-
. ments XV-388a; Vexi a Reg|3
Prodeunt XV-3?6a; ^^aticiun
XV-397b; Victims Paschali
XV-407b; Virgin Mary in XV-
462b; Visitation, feast ot xv
481a; washing of feet and hands
XV-557b; water, use of xy
564b; wekk XV-575d; ^Whit-
sundiy XV-614d; ^Wjnding
Sheet of Christ, feast of XV
6o2b; women, participation ol
XV-697d; and worship XV
711d; Yoi^k use XV-735a; Zuc-
chetto XV-765d
Lituus IV-516a
Litwa, periodical Xl-b8»c
Litza-and-Agraphorum, See of
Li-Tze, philosopher III-668a;
Li Tze-Ching, rebellion ni-6S2a Litzmann, Karl Konrad Theodor,
physician X-Uld .
Liubula, Abbess of Monheim X\ -
Liiidger, Saint. See Ludger Liudhard H-519a Liu k'o, censors II\-6o6b Liu-ngan, philosopher XIV-447C Liu pang. See Kao-ti Liupramm, Archbishop ol Salz- burg VI-322b Liu Pu, ministerial board lll-
Liutardus, Bishop of Nocera XI-
Liutbert, Archbishop of Mainz IX-551a; and Otfried of Weis- senburg XI-350b , . „ ,
Liutgarde, Queen of the Franks lll-614d .
Duchess of Lorraine IX-3MC
Liuthard, Bishop of Paderborn XI-384a , , , .J
Liutprand, King of the Lombards IX~20Sd; 338d: Faenza V- 751b; Fohgno VI-125b;^d Gregory the Great Vl-7»^, history VI-723C; Nami X- 7(>4a; and papacy AiV-/o»a, Ravenna Xll-664b; at Rimmi XIII-58a; at Rome, Xlll- 16Sb; and Thomas, Bishop of Piacenza XII-70d; and Pope 7nrharv XV-744a
-OF CREMONA IX-313c; birthplace XI-593b; and cUss- ical learning IX-33d; and Otto II IV-483d
Livadi'a, low,, XlV-502d; treaty
111 '.--lo; \V-96a , ,
-, ' s,.v of. ,S..- Thebes and
I ,i!r ',1-1,-1. efTect of I-275b;
' H,-r,i:i,d ll-497b; Glisson l-
4ti0b ,
Liverani, Francesco ll-/uc Liverpool, ecclesiastic^ province XV-590d
284d; ureuiua -v» ■ .
T;— :d^^;:ies7itler^r;r^cles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = iUuatrationa.