renzo in Fonte XIII-174C; San Lorenzo in Lucina XIII- 174c; S. Marcello XIH-lTld; S. Marco Xni-174c; S. Maria ad Martyres XIII-170b; S. Maria Antiqua (ill.) Xlll-fac- ing 165; S. Maria degU Angeli XIII- 174d; S. Maria della Pace XIII-174d; S. Maria dell' Orto Xin-174d; S. Maria del Priorato XIII-172b; S. Maria del Rosario XIII-172b; S. Maria della Scala XIII-172b; S. Maria della Vittoria XIII- !72b; S. Maria de' Miracoli XIII-174d; S. Maria di Loreto XIII-174d; S. Maria di Monte Santo XIII-174d; S. Maria in Aouiro X1II-172C; S. Maria in Ara Coeli XIII-171d; S. Maria in Campitelli XIII-172C; S. Maria in Campo Marzio XIII- 174d; S. Maria in Cosmedin IV^Ooc; S. Maria in Lata XIII-174d; S. Maria in Tras- nontina XIII-172a; S. Maria in Trastevere XIII-170b; S. Maria in Trastevere, balda- china (ill.) Il-facing 216; S. Maria in Trivio XIII-174d; S. Maria in Vallicella XIII-172C; S. Maria in Via XIII-172c; S. Maria Maddalena XIII-172C; S. Maria Maggiore IV-lOoc; XIII-169d: S. Maria Maggiore (ill.) Xlll-Jacing 176; S. Maria sopra Minerva IV— lOoc; XIII- 172c; (ill.) Xlll-facing 176; XIV-665d; Santi Martina e Luca XIII-174d; S. Martino ai Monti XIII-172d; Santi Nerea e Achilleo XIII-175a; S. Nicola in C.arcere Xni-175a; S. Ono- frio XIII-173a; S. Pancrazio degli Scolopii XIII-173a; S. Pancrazio fuori le Mura XIII- 173a; S. Paolo alle tre Fontane XIII-173a; St. Paul I^ifJ?: St. Paul ol the Cross XIII- 171c; St. Paul Without the Walls (ill.) Il-facing 326; XIII-369b; St. Paul Without the Walls, baldachina (ill.) Il- facing 216; St. Peter's I-383d; XIII-169d; 369d; SS. Pietro e Marcellino XIII-175a; S. Pie- tro in Montorio XIII-173b; &. Pietro in Vincoli XIII-l(3b XIV-709d; S. Prassede XIII- 173c; S. Prassede, baldachina (ill.) Il-facing 216; S. Prisca XIII-175a; S. Pudeniziana XIII-176a; S. Sabba IV-405C; XIII-175a; S. Sabina all Aventino XIII-173d; S. Salva- tore della Scala Santa XIII- 173d; S, Salvatore in Lauro XIII-175b; St. Sebastian Out- side the Walls XIII-170a; S. Silvestro in Capite XIII-173d; S. Sisto Vecchio XIII-175b; S. Spirito in Sassia XIII-175b: S. Stefano degli Abissini XIII- 173d; S. Stefano del Cacco XIII-173d; S. Stefano Rotondo XIII-175b; S. Teresa XIII- 173d; S. Teodoro XIII-175c; S. Venanzio XIII-174a; Santi Vincenzo ed Atanasio XIII- 174a ROME, Councils: (232) XIII- 229d; (260)V-9d; (313) I-23Sd; 727a; X-300c; XIII-781a;(340) V-625C; (341) II-39a; VIII- .561b; (333) IX-21Sa; (.377) I-615c;C380) XV-7nc; (381) I-61.'>c; 616a; (3.82) in-277d; XIII-393d; (386) III-18.-.a; (417) XV-7C.ld, < i:av T :'.'i:'Li; III-178a; nic \ HI ;i-l> (465) in-6'.lla 1-: \ 1 ili
(494) IX-74lb, i 1 1 ■-l-b,
III-742d; .\lV-74iia; (.'>iil> III-54.5b; IV-346C; V^7Sc; (502) I-406d; (.WO) II-660a; V-18d: (.531) II-600b; (595) XIV-.3Sa; (607) II-860d; (610) II-661a; (649) I-15.5b; (667) XV-185C; (680) III-519b; (721) VII-llSc; (727) VI- 788d; (731) VI-7S9a; VII- 625b; (743) IV-3.Wa; VII- 11.3c; XV-744b; (74.5) III- 520d; VII-699c; (761) XI- 578c; (769) V-598d; XII-774d; (799) IX-473a; (800) III-G14d;
(826) I-lSd; V-599b; (853)
XIII-556d; (876) VI-140a;
(897) VI-141a; (898) II-661d;
VI -141a; (964) xni-291a;
(1047) I-662b; IV-18c; (1050)
IH87c; IV-322C; (1039) I-
178d; II - 487c; VI - 125b;
VII-525a; (1063) II-81a; XI-
7fi5b; (1074) Lenten Svnod
VI -793d; (1075) VI - 794b;
(1076) Lenten Synod VII-63C;
(1078) IV-322C; a079) II-62a;
III-14a; IV-322C; (1081) II-
62a; VII-52,?b; (1099) V-434a;
XV-211C; (1139) XII-761a;
(1144) IX-412C; (1241) VI-
797b; (1302) II-667c; (1412) I-
236b; IV-2S8b; VI-531c; VIII-
434c; XV-739b; (1911) XIV-
-History: XIII-166a; abbre-
viations I-21b; abbreviatots
I-28c; abortion I— ISc; Acca-
demia Tiberina I-86d; accla-
mation in ancient I-97c; adop-
tion in ancient I-147c; and
Adrian I I-156a; Adrian IV,
interdict of I-157b; adultera-
tion ol wine in ancient I-162b;
adultery in ancient I-163d:
Aetius i-177c; and Africa III-
385b; Alaric III-oOoc; VII-
461b; Vlll-lla; Alexander VI
I-289d; Alexander VII I-295a;
Alexander Severus XIII-743a;
allocution I-325b; amulets I-
444a; ancestor worship, ancient
IV-687d; and Andalusia I-
465c; Anglo-Saxon Church I-
507b; Anglo-Saxon colony I-
642d; .\nglo-Saxon pilgrimages
I-509d; Antidch I-567c; Anti-
ochusof Syria VI-336C; Anto-
ninus Pius I-586d; 587a; in
Apocalypse I-S98b; Apostle of
Xll-l.Sb; Apostles, relics of
I^61c; Apotheosis of Rulers,
ancient I-650C; appeals to I-
200b; and Arabia I-667b;
archeeological discoveries in I-
690b; arches I -688c; 690a;
architectural system of vault-
ing VI-669b;archives, Christian
I-696b; arcosolia I-699a; Ar-
nold of Brescia I-748c; and Asia
I-778c; and Asia Minor I-785a;
7S5d; as<?oriation3. ancient II-
2a: astrology II-20d; Augustus
II-107a; Aurelian II-108b;
Aurelius II-109a; and Austria-
Hungary II-121C; Avignon,
papal residence at XV-215a;
Balearic Islands II-222a; bank-
ruptcy, state II-264a; barbar-
ian incur.sions II-109b ; Barbar-
ossa, coronation of I-157c;
bells II-418d; Benedict XIV,
institutions of II-434d; Bene-
diction II^65c; betrothal, an-
cient II-53Sb; blasphemy II-
595d; Boniface VIII, work of
II-669a; Bosnia II-695b; bo-
tanical gardens III-545c; Brit-
ain, occupation of XV-534a; G.
Bruno, execution III-17b; bur-
ial method IV-481C; burial law
III-505d; burial places, an-
cient III-~419a; and Byzantine
literature III-113d; calendar
l-531d; V-109c; candidates,
ancient I -381c; canons, de-
cree as to III -583b; cap-
ture (1870) VIII-234b; and
Capua in-319c; Caracalla III-
32Sc; C^atrou, history of III-
456c; censors, ancient III-
527d; centurions, ancient III-
r,:^r,d- Charles VIII, invasion of
T "Ma 1,1,1 riiina ni-681c;
,,,^1, ,,,! Cliri^tendom III-
., 1 r,.| ( liLi-'ianitv I-317c;
,,jcn II 1 lul.;\ll--65c;XIII- lH7b; l(i7d; Christians of VII- 645b ; Christmas, celebration of in-726a; chronology III-73Sc; 740b; citizenship, ancient III- 328c; Clement XII, improve- ments of IV-31b; client and patron, ancient nl-341a; coin- age XI-153d; and Coliseum IV-IOlc; Coliseum (ill.) IV- facing 102; Collegium IV- lUd; Commodus IV-l66a; and the Commune XIII-16Sd; conrubinaKc IX-694d; confla- grution at XIV-716d; Conrad
II VII-264d; consecration IV-
277b; and Constantinople III-
lOIc; IV-30.5b; constitution,
and Urban V XV-215b; cor-
onation of emperor II -123d;
coronation of images VII-
670b; coronation rite IV-
3S5a; and Dalmatia II-695b;
IV-607a; Danubian provinces
II-121d; dating, method of IV-
637a; deacons IV-650b; and
Decius IV-666a; destruction
XII-768d; diocese V-la; Dio-
cletian V-7a; VI-59b; divina-
tion, ancient V-49a; Divine
Providence, ancient belief in
XII-511a; divisions V-230b;
divorce V-64c; IX-696C; Do-
mitian V-114d; Donatists V-
125a; dreams V-154d; Eastern
Empire. See Byzantine Em-
pire; education I-761b; V-
298b; Egypt V-351c; Empire re-
established III-615b; and Eng-
land IV-26d; eparchies V-
484a; IV Esdras V-538a;
Eucharistic Congress
IV-24.5a; V-593c; VI-279c;
exarchs V-676c; Fabian I-
107a; fasts II-421b; female
priesthood in XII-417b; 6rma-
ment VI-79d; first millenary of,
persecutions I-617b; Flaccilla
VI-S9c; Flavins Claudius Jovi-
anus VIII-D29d; Flavius Hon-
orius Vll^eod; Flavius Valens
XV-253C ; Fontana, Carlo, build-
ings VI-126b; Fontana, Domen-
ico, buildings VI-126d; Forty
Hours, origin of I- 133c; foun-
dation of VIII-231 b ; and France
VI- 177a; XIII-169C; Fred-
erick II at VII-457d; French
embassy, right of asylum I-
295c; funeral customs I-201a;
III-76b; 418b; Galerius VI-
341a; Galilean Rite, origin VI-
357d; Gallienus VI-366b; and
Gaza Vl-tOOd; and Genoa VI-
419b; Gcse'.lenvereine VI-53Sc;
Gibraltar VI-550b; Girgenti
VI-571b; gladiators, ancient
V-184C; glass-making, ancient
XIV-241C; Good Friday cus-
tom I-352d; Gospel, liturgical
use of VI-659d; and Goths
VI-780d; XII-142b; XIII-
168a; XIV-576d; XV-
428a; Gratian VI-729c;
greatest extent V-609a; and
Greece V-29Sc; VI-735d;
Greek opposition to I- 227d
and Gregory XI Vl-SOOa
guilds in VII-71C; 71d; 72a;
Hadrian VII-104a; harvest
ceremonies, ancient V-399c;
Heliogabalus VII-206c; Helve-
tia XI V- 35Sc ; Henderson. Isaac
in VII-215a; Henry IV VIII-
86a; XV-411a; hero worship
IV-684C; holidays III-166a;
holvdavs VI-22C; hora sexta
Xlil-747b: hospice VII-790a;
hospice. Hungarian II-122d;
Hospitallers of St. John of God
II-802b; and Huns II-61b
XIII-16Sa; idea of humanity
III-593C; Ignatius, martyr I-
641c; and Illyria VII-663b:
imperial power, theory II-
139b; indictions III-739a; in-
dustrial systems XII-214C;
infanticide VI-159b; VIII-lc;
insane, legislation concerning
VIII-39b; insane asylum VIII-
40b; international law IX-73c;
intolerance,religiousXIV-765b ;
in Italian constitution VIII-
235b; Italian republic pro-
claimed XIV-266b; and Jeru-
salem III-319b; Jesuit obser-
vatory VI-453c; Jews in IV-
776a; 776b; Jews in, revolt
XIV-552b; Jubilee of 1500
I -290b; Judgment, Divine,
teaching on VIII-5.'iOa; Judica
Sunday, observance VI II-554a;
judicial system, ancient I-7S6a;
Jugurthine Wars XIII-166d;
Julian the Apostate VIII-558d ;
and Kings of Pontus XII-
234d; and Knights Templar
X I V - 493c; land owners,
power of, under Empire VIII-
779d; land surveyors, an-
cient I-333d; language of the
third centurj' IX-19d; Lateran
Catechetical Schools II-301C;
Lent, earlv observance of IX-
1.53a; Leo I II-61b; Leo X.
influence of IX-163d; Litany
of Loreto introduced IX-290a;
literature I-707a; XIII-lOOc;
liturgical language, early
IX-2lla: litnrcv of. evolu-
tion I\-:;inr: liturgy
of, II-' > IX ;i ;b; and Locri
Epizril, 111 \ 1 II, lb;and Lom-
bards XIII; Louis of
Anjou at VIIl-434b; St. Luke
on I-120C; and Luni IX-^36a;
Macedonia XIV-633a; magic
XI-199a; Malta, possession of
IX-575a; manuscripts in IX-
619c; map III-493a; VIII-
facing 244; map, patriarchate
V-fo!lowing 612; Marcian IX-
644a; Marcus Aurelius Probus
XII-446b; marriage V-64d;
Marseilles IX-715b; Martyr-
opolis IX-742d; Masonic Coun-
cil in IX-776d; Maundy 'Thurs-
day ceremonies, ancient X-G8a;
Maurice, Emperor X - 69a;
Maxontius V-73d; Maximinus
X-77c; Maximinus Thras X-
77d: de M^rode, improvementa
of X-209b; in Middle Ages
I-S3c; military certificates
V-22d; MioUis in X-692d;
Mirabilia Urbis Romse X-337c;
Mithra cult II-153b; and Mo-
dena X^13b; monogamy II
56,5a; Morocco X-574d; mo-
saics X-584d; XI-429a; muni-
cipal independence II-671a;
Nabata-an inscriptions
XIII-710c; and Nabatsean
Kingdom I-667c; Nails, Holy
X - 672d; and Naples X-
684d; and national churches
I-500a; Nero X-753c; Nicholas
V XI-5Sd; nine days' cere-
monies XI-141d; Nola XI-
89c; Numismatics, Congress of
XI-152b; O'Connell's heart
XI-202b; and Offices of Pas-
sion XI-527a; oracles XI-266b;
ordination III-343a; IV-797d;
and Orkney Islands XI-317a;
Osrhoene conquered V-2S2b;
and Oudinot XIV-266c; Paler-
mo XI-419d; Papal Chancery
(ill.) XIII-150C; parishes, ad-
ministration of XIII - 164c;
parochial clergy III-343b; Par-
thians XI-J33d; 714b; patri-
archal rights XI-549C; patri-
archate of XIU-535d; St.
Paul's authority among VII-
329d; St. Paul's view of I-560C;
pavements, ancient V-250a;
penal forms XIV-768C; Per-
sians XI-715a; St. Peter's
death at XI-74Sd; Pharsalia
XIII-166d; Philip the Arabian
XII-21b; philosophy V-276c;
Pierleone family I-447a; pil-
grimages VII-7S6b; XII-94C;
pilgrimages, Anglo-Saxon I-
507c: pilgrimages, St. Cadoc
XV-3S5d; Pitvus. rebuilt XII-
126a; plague of 1837 XI-429d:
PontiEcal See VIII-236b;
poor, regulations for XII-238a;
Pozzuoli XU-331b; Prefect
of, and Golden Rose VI-630a:
prelates in XII-3S7a; priest-
hood of ancient XII -410a;
priestly office XII-410a; Prop-
aganda, i^acnil (/unnrogation
of XII-t.-.i..i I 11, 11... .ariy
extent I- Hii ' cov-
ernment, .n I l. pub-
lic lands, an. 1. I ■ I - -111 i,>iiiri- nal XIII-liMc; r.i;ioiis. eccle- siastical III-:i34b; relics, inven- tory of Xn-73Sa; religious policy, ancient I-7S6b; Renais- sance XlI-76Sa; Republic VIII-234a; X-tiSSd: XII- 132b; Xlll-Uiyb; XIV-265a: Romulus Au- Kuslulus XIII-lT9d: sack of (lOM. Vll-7:id: (1,527) III- 1411c JOTa; 4inid; 490a; 626b; IV-L'.-.c: Vl-7,sic; VIl-540b; IX-2flSb; XVI-25b; sacrifice XIII-3t0c; St. Bartholomew's Miis-isacre, thanksgiving for X 1 1 1-337C ; and Saracens XIII- 16Sc; Sardinia XIII - 474d;
Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (iU.) = iUustratioos.