scourging VM)2c; Se^vn^ua
Wars XIU l"^"' xIII-774a; 3B3a-. ^°;\,?77b^ siege of (410) ?iteiqb 754 1-237C; (1S70) liilc^ X I- 69c; and SiKtus
V^Xn-33b-, and Sj>ctus V VTV^4b: slavery VIII-'^"a. XIvIiGa 39d; slaves,, eman- Alv ,>>"*', v-'^09a" social con- cipation of V ^J^^j^ iv^297c; ditions under t^W""' ', xill- social orgamzauon, e^5. ;^.
166b;.and b^am XI ^^^
166b; and bpam - ^^^
XIV-344a,^!,m g^^^^^
ings o'.,-'-?S3c- and Syracuse ^I). ■^'i,,;; " viv-400a; XIV-396d; t'yna -M;^,_424c; tabernacle use "^Varragona Wv°«9b 400d; temple. v}v-498b' temple. form XIV - 49!>D ,_ Tenedos
°XIV-506d; and Teos XIX- MSb; Terracma MV-MSc,
and Thasor ^.n =*V559a-. Ues m, "tatus ^jy.ggga;
^^^'•a "r?. XIV-5-6b; Thom- Theodonc Aiv^g.^^ . xiberms
xTv-Tnc? time, reckoning of ^Ii29d; . THulus XIV-4-;<;i
?^^:!'u,nsure. of slaves XIV^- 779a; Torone^.IV 7S1^, temisni XIV 7»aD^^
\Tctri£, ecclesiastical, dom.- ^ • vnl-546c; triumph, last v'^vk and T^cuium VI-243a;
¥ftxU-135tu°i«^^^ Italy XU Jf^"' , T v-230a; and
n'STv XV-2I5a; Valen-
Urban V .^. Valentmian
Txvlolbf Vaientinian lU
"^-'l'^^eInxV-l56c;'^nd 256a; yalena" ^vv y_26gc; Vandals >I"-11*A'. Vespasian veil, use of XV-321C. v '=»P'V ■ j^ X-v ^794- vestments ol mgu Xy-37yo, >ea veatments,
pnest 31.II-4USO. y iiiot '"\T-l9rd^vicl?XV-401d; ,n xy,f9*a, j^ J V,eo at rV™06d^vLto*rinusAferat
XV-414b; Y'^oa^J.^J^,:
lius >>-X. ,***■ VV-533C; 534a; fslJi^^^lrolVstoredyl fsia; 789b; washmg of feet in X'^-^?','-.XV-602^aVwil- KPv'xV-'^23bfwoman,sta- tui'of XV--690a jx_
^°2S^d- 22.Sa AngeUca I-394c;
^X-232b; Casanatense IX
l32b; Heidelbem I-31V.1.. Val^
licebana IX--!*-"-
^7-^T,Us and
V - facing 100; PX7"if,i°g Ca!Us|estius.l.).Xin_facrng
Alii ■'^'"^tTv ^mh- temples f„TlV^9^a;VombsilI-42V^ Vito Medici \ill.) Xlll-facing
—Pdwiou^ OrJfrs; Anribrosian houses i-404c; Augustinians in ^°ir-^82c B^ess^ed SaerameM,
rar'^'rofhe^s'^VI^-5Sa• C's- tercians. Congregation of Ul 783aT Confraternities of Priests XII-421C; Domimcans XU Vks^ 369a- Lazarist founda- ?k.ns'X-359a; Magdalens IX- 5°4b- Mechitarist house II- ?6Bc' Perpetual Adoration in }!!?^3cfp|or Servants _o the
^I^ets-CoSmunion" League ku2r22b ; Redemptonsts XII- 684c; Regionaru >i" ^ifr ReliKious of Jesus Mary Via S;' Sacred Heart c<given.s
°',"T?ie^'Bfe"scd virgin, sula of "le "' „„^. Society Society <4,^_\oia° Society of of Jesus Xl%. '"^iv-inSa Jesus statistics MV 103a
-periodica . (X^VlH-ieea
t-[^S.- ancient customs l-
^^uc^' V M° original feast
^"'il-6d: primitive Church
-k!^ f.^^:«:ir?^^r-
Romper, ffr^'tll^'^^os-
^rirScho;:i"xin-T87c; chapel
7^1c' monastic system Ul- 7&1C, "'""^j p(,ter Ijrseolus 208a; and bt- '^"J."'., j„|e XT-776b; rehcs V-744a, rme VI-i2Sa;XIl-761b;atatue(ill.)
RomulldV Duke of Beneventum
^^^^ (Camaldolese) III-
Romutldus. Bishop of Monopoli
Kj^^r^isaccia, X11.^.9b^,
jBSbu^^n\'\^ib; -tint of Rome 1-6500; II-364C
XUI-179d; depo||d X^^ 2c. Ro-r'SSaTof^Orlly VIII-
xni-isob .
—James, btor XV 1-120
1 I-364C; use
allars.pnmitjvei o ^^g^.
- i^l}uc,X V-2.59a; A-h^^of
?;c"f'of'"'lanus Quadrifrons ■^,1 ; VTII-ficing 160; art yi- '-' h \v-'81crart, basihcas I'^Wa II-326a; art., relief u^l^A- art. ecclesiastical y- 250a Ba.Suea of Consrannne ?;^fil-326c;basibcas^:2;*d Borghese Palace I-.U8d. 3.,^^
106b; Cm.stan,.ne^^ta.j.^^^„., IV 15d' Forum Romanum
Gare"o?,^<r^'o^j:;r\?mpVe facing 166; ^1^" e^^^ Xltl- I -«S9^V.'"5lV 753d; monu- 'OS^'^'^^rk-f Accademiadi sTuca T^b Pantheon (lU.)
r.V,-,^,— a nulla; archchan
iw n'l'^"17b; Assemani at
r"795i a-i^roiog.v chair o,
": '!•• ^"t'xlV II-434d; and Benedict ->iv ii
g-oifiv'i Oa^Val-st"fe■gisVa- S^H-s-'-of'-r^Sa^cf^d pifltce xtoa; Porta Giacomo J nt VlI-2S3c; restored VI- della XU -;«<.. xlV-34b; 456c; and oixtus v ■^-yttT- &'^^«r'S°^SJan
IZt:- Fiandsco. Dominican
r, X"r?von XV-700b Romer, E. ™n -vv
Romero, innidaa-v' —Antonio lU-j'Sf.. —Francisco UI-? Jeronimo X-oi,iD
Zlral^ulf fiV I"i-,t*i79a; — TCAN. missionary XUl i'"".
713aVII^6d -Marie de XV-46d -Pedro, bull-fighter Ul oiu Ro^mllc^it.-'^rPeterUce
Romeyn, Jo™,.°^'
< 1, v.f Pc.tcrapence
roSi?e Ve'attn * See Theatine
-^fVsTER. saint XIII- R^U.Cost-^no.ti^ogU^
-SSirvi-254b; VIII-218a; Ro'niailf Cristoforo. See Poma-
— gaUery XIII-182b
-|X\U™; XIII-181b = o«lV-.34drKoflarc.he,Inns-
hriiok (ill.) XIII-facing.182.
hruoK ""•'„. gj Etienne
- f:,^j;!,, ' ,r an!) xm-isib:
, ,i-,ii<m XIII-182b; use
xu-.'.i;ic; 181=
—Mass Xlll-is2b -saints Xlll-ls2h — screen I\ -■-•.■.4a ,
XllI-lS2a; ongii
XIII-181C —stairs Xni-lS2a -steeple XIII-182b —steps Xin-lS2b -tower XIlI-lS2b Rooke, Sir George ^ Ir-^^^c^c
Rookwood, Ambrose \ II-82b Ro^oi^ch"' a,u1i' XI- Rf>rech.Th.odorEn^-n,
Ro^ljohann Christian.^ Arch- S5;!Vip^c;;atc^IX-261b
S;S^e;1f le (1382) IH- R<;:j^nd«l!ostercian abbey X- RooL'eveU. Frank, organ builder -^fbSt Lewis, organ builder
XI-300d —James II-3.Wb
t^7^r^-^feE^ trssron-ioi^'xin-
5S4d; Japanese War XIU ■>^\b- Panama policy A-X ' ' ;;, andPortoRico.ChurchmXII-
mcesvalles. Y\-rT{i.c R°°*' - '^ ' ' "'
(778) III-613C; IX-l-c, XIV p^ ^-V-V 1!^ sic I-443a; IX-
180a . , v-S35a ■i?-"' -\-Ti,_,mh-. and Arn- 5-"ili°°libureca^fv,
Konciguo"=. ■:■■;• - ■ Vatican
Ronconi, Biblioteca, m^^
Archives XV-fW^^ Bishop ^T°B"go^an%onnino II- Ro'^a, Moorish state y65d ?-To'^!"VC?rnor"ofuruguay -Therlse Agathe, foundress IX- -Harbour, Huron settlement Ron^^'ef Laurent Etienne VI- Rondinelli, Nicolo. painter XII
Ro^t John, Bishop of Breslau
R„l„!;5u\asJos| Archbishop of
R„^„^;;Z^to, Edict 0. vn-.531b
Ronil^n,GonjaloSuarez. captain
Ronge." johann^ schismaticVI^-
'^Sji on'Mnoldi XIII-534d; Ind Buss III-S8b; preaching II-129d , Bishop of
_ _:,o!.chim. H.^^;,,^' ^^l
Ro^nsU'gge. Belgium, canonesses
in-294d . xV-761a
^SSuen^.'wTam Karl, surgeon
X-142C —Rays X-142C ,..,,_ogiib Rony, th.;ol;f an Xll 38 ■>^. i„
«°??e„^Vhurl» IV-535a —Holy VU-t07a -Star Xin-182a —arch Xin-182b -beam Xm.'l^^, ■hains Xin-18i<; S XUI-lSlb IXot XIII-182b
ipp, tif-n.-ra'.^ 1-4^3^. ix-
i«"d- XlV-fOoi.; and Arn- Tudt'WSU and de Backe
"-^^Mid^gascar i^ssiin IX-
vn fiflSb- and Spiritual Exer- Xn-W,sn , .i_ _i ^^^ gup.
ciscsXn, --i'^^'^,., y,I_g4 lS?lSa!et^'iSlI-183a; -^luAM XIII-183ai^-69?b
'139b ,„ iv-163b
Ropes, cxegele IV , ;,i,op. at
R<>PP-E,trxn- 739d; at Vilna
^"■-^^^ ^f:;M'?K-7i5c
I'^re^eudrRob^rt de, founda-
Roretama^.>-f- ^^ ^°'"' i,f H""'i"' ..;";„ observatory I^TlV "lioa; '.iU.i XIV-J85=
R6rils, Norway, iron mine XI- R<iSTEC(ELIXlII-l«3b;in-
R<^s, saint. Bishop of LePuy
-P^,ir:jfop of Limoges IX-
jrsaint. Bishop of Limoges