XIII-598a; XIV-285b; bride and groom (ill.) Xlll-facing 598; portrait XIII-598a; St. Wolfgang, painting of XV-683C Schwindem hammer, Ignatius,
and Libermann IX-223d Schwyz, Switzerland IX— 407c; 4U8c; XIV-360d; charter XIV- 359a; Church in XV-143b; pe- riodicals XI -691c; "Sonder- bund" IX-408d S. C. I., abbr. I-25d Sciacca (Thermae) XIII-774C — Egidio LeoindeUcato da XIII-
511c Sciala, Victor VI-331d Sciarfa, council XIV-389d Sciarpelloni IV-i76d Sciarra, collection XIII-165d Sciat maxima tua fatuitas II-666d Sciathus, See of VI-73SC Science, Abbadie, Antoine d' I- 6c; abortion, effects of I-49c; on abstinence I-73c; jEpinus XII-63d; Agnosticism I-216b; Agrioola, George I-231a; Al- bert of Saxony XII-51d; Al- bertus Magnus I-2&4d; 265b; alchemy I-272d; Aldro- vandi, Ulissi I-281b; Alembert, jean Baptiste le Rond d' XII- 63a; Alpini, Prospero I-341d; Alzate, Jo35 Antonio I-374d; Amontons, Guillaume XII-60d ; Ampere, Andr^-Marie I-437c; 438b; XII -64b; analogy in I-449b; analysis I— 451a; anat- omy I-457d; Anderson, Henry James I-166c; anti-Christians XIII-601a; 602a; Arrighetti, Nicola I-7o3b; .\ristotle on I- 714c: of the Arts I-174d; and Arts, Liberal I-703d; assimila- tion I-800C; Assyro-Babylon- ian II-17a; astrology II-18d; astronomy II-25b; Atavism II-32d; atom II-51c; atomism II-53c; Audiffredi, Giovanni Battista II-89d; and authority XIV-581b; .wempace II-150a; Averroes II-loOc; XII-4Sd; Averroism XII-49c; Avicenna II-157b; 157d; Azara, F^liz de II-166a; Babinet, .Jacques II- 178b; Bacon. Francis II-193b; Bar Hebrieus II-294d; Bar- rande, Joachim II-307d; Ba- varian academy of VIII-8b; Bayma, Joseph II-360a; Bec- caria XVI-9b; Becquerel, An- toine-Cfsar II-382d; Belgrado, Giacopo II-407d; Belzoni, Gi- ambattista II-425d; Benoit, Michel II-482b; Binet, Jacques- Philippe-Marie II- 570a; bio- genesis and abiogencsis II- 571b; biology II-572a; Biot. Jean-Baptiste II- 576a; Boethius, Anicius Manlius Sev- erinus Il-eiOc; Bolzano, Bern- hard II-843d; Bonaparte, Charles Lucien J. L. II-648C; Boncompagni, Balthasar II- 654d; Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe XII-65a; II-691b; Bourdon. Jean II-7I9d; Bou- vct. Joachim II-723b; Brahe, Tycho XII-54C; Branly. Edo- uard II-740d; Buridan. Jean XII-51d; Cabello de Balboa III-126a; Cabeza de Vaca III- 126b; Cabot, John III-126d; Cabot, Sebastian III-127b; Cabral, Pedralvarez III-12Sa; Cabrillo, Est<;van III-128c; Cadillac, Antoine de Lamothe de III - 131a; Casarius of Nazianzus III-138b; Caius, John III-144b; Calancha. An- tonio de la HI-148d; Calca- gnini, Celio XII-53C; Caldani XVI-16a; Calendar. Christian ni-15Sa; Calendar. Jewish III-160d; 168b; Camel, George Joseph in-21fic; Campani, Giusr-ppr- Tn-222b; Carbon- ncll.-, Imalio^ in-;i31c; Cas-
All."; ii:i I ;:i 111 l.',7b;causo
III l.v.u. (..vuluii, lionavcn-
tura IlI-4GSa; Ccaalpino, An-
drea III-545b; Chanca, Diego
Alvarez III-572a; Chaptal,
Jean-Antoine III-5S2a; Char-
pentier, Francois-Philippe III-
633a; Chevreul. Michel-Eugtoe
III-650d; Chinese XIII-520b;
in Cicero's educational system
I-761d; Clairaut, Alejds Claude
XII-63a; Clavius, Christopher
IV-9a; Gierke. Agnes Mary
IV-51b; Cochin, Jacques-Denis
IV-78C; Colombo. Matteo Re-
aldo IV-125b; common sense
XIII-517d; Comte, Augustin
XII-313a;Condamine, Charles-
Marie de la IV-210b; Condillac
on IV-211b; Copernicus, Nico-
laus I V-352C ; XII-53d ; Coriolis,
Gaspard-Gustave de IV-370b;
Corrigan. Dominic IV-396c;
Coxilomb, Charles Augustin de
XII-63d; creation XIII-601a;
Curley. James IV-573a; dates
and dating IV-636C; DaubrSe.
Gabriel - Auguste IV - 638b ;
David, Armand IV-641C; defi-
nition XIII-598C; XV-472d;
Denza. Francesco IV-736C;
Desaina. Paul-Quentin IV-
743d; Desault. Pierre-Joseph
IV-744b; Descartes, Ren6 XII-
58d; IV-744C; Despretz, C^sar
IV-755C; XV-472d; Divisch.
Procopius V-54c; and Domin-
icans XII-361d; 368Gb; Du-
hamel, Jean-Baptiste V-187c;
Dumas, Jean-Baptiste V-189b;
Dungal V-192C; Dupin, Pierre-
Charles-Francois V-205b; Du-
puytren, Guillaume V-206b;
Dwight XVI-37a; eariy Chris-
tian XII-48a: Eckhel, Joseph
Hilarius V-274d; in education.
Christian XIII-555a; Elhuyar
y de Sevisa, Fausto de V-381a;
Elie de Beaumont V-385c;
Endlicher. Stephan Ladislaus
V-421a; Engelfield, Henry V-
472a; Ep^e. Charles Michel de
r V-484b; equipment XIII-
600a; and ethics XIII-600b;
ethnology XII-620b: eugenics
XVI-38d; Eugenius I, Arch-
bishop of Toledo V-602b;
Euler, I-eonhard XII-63a;
Eustachius, Bartolommeo X-
626d; evolution V-654b; exper-
imental, Roger Bacon on XIII-
115a; Faa di Bruno V-740a;
Fabricius, Hieronvmus V~
745b; Fagnano, Giulio Carlo de
Foschi di V-752a; and faith I-
219a; XIII-605d; Fallopio,
Gabriello V-772a; Fay, Charles
Francois de Cistemay du
XII-63c;Faye, Hervfe-Auguste-
Etienne-Albans VI-20a;
Feuchtersleben, Ernst von VI-
58c; Feuillet. Louis VI-65d;
Fixlmillner, Placidus VI-88b:
Fizeau, Armand- Hippolyte
Louis VI-88c; Fontana. Felice
VI-127b; Forster, Arnold VI-
144c; Forster, Thomas Igna-
tius Maria VI-145b; Fortunato
of Brescia VI-148d; Foucault,
Jean Bertrand Leon VI-lo6c;
Fourier. Jean Baptiste Joseph
XII-64b; Franklm, Benjamin
XII-63C; Fraunhofer, Joseph
von VI-250C; and freedom
Xlll-eOld; XIV-581a; free-
dom, legitimate XIII-599a;
Fresnel, Augustin Jean VI-
2S0a; 280b; XII-65C; Fuchs,
Johann von VI-Sllc; Galien,
Joseph VI-341C; Galilei. Gali-
leo VI -342c; XII-56d ; Galvani.
Luigi VI-371C; Gassendi, Pi-
erre VI-391b; Gerard of Cre-
mona VI-468a; Germanus.
Nicolaus XI-fi8a; Gilbert. Wil-
liam Xll-.Wa; Gordan. An-
drew Vl-Cit^lb: Greek educa-
tion l-7tila; firirntiUli, Fran-
cesco Maria \11 :ild; Grosse-
testo. Robert \ll-:iSa; Gugli-
elniini. Giovanni Battista VII-
Old; GusmSo. Bartholomeu
Lourenco de VII-89d; Halloy.
Jean Baptiste VII-!20a; Hal-
ma. Nicholas VII-12()c; Hart-
mann,GoorKVIl-M6d: Hautc-
fouille, Jean do Vll - 151c:
HaUy, Rend-Just VII-152a;
Heia, Eduard VII-201d; Hell,
Maximilian VII-2Ud; Hel-
mont, Jan Baptiste van VII-
212c; Hengler, Lawrence
VII-2i5b; Hennepin, Louis
VII-215c; Henry of Langen-
stein VII-236d: heredity
VII - 254a; Hermite. Charles
VII-279C; Heude. Pierre VII-
308d; Hingston, William Hales
VII-359C; Hladnik, Franz von
Paula VII-380C; Hopital, Guil-
laume Francois Antoine de 1"
VII-469C; Huygens, Christian
XII-61a; and hypnotism VII-
608c; hypotheses I-449C; Hyrtl,
Joseph VI 1-6 lie; and idealism
V-171b: Imhof, Maximus von
VII-674C: induction VII-780a;
Ingen-Houza, Jan XVI-46b;
Inghirami. Giovanni VIII-7b;
instinct VIII-50C: Jacquier.
Francois VIII-266d; Jesuits'
Bark VIII-372d; Jewish II-
55 Ic; Joannes de Sacrobosco
VIII^09b; Jouffrov, Claude de
VIII-526b: John of Roque-
taillade VIII-477a: Jolly, Phil-
ipp Johann Gustav von VIII-
497b; Jussieu VIII-569C; Kai-
ser, Kajetan Georg von VIII-
592b; Kepler, Johann XII-
58a; Kirscher, Athanasius
VIII-661b; Kneipp, Sebastian
VIII-069d; Koller. Marian
Wolfgang VIII-687C; Kreil,
Karl VIII-7U0C; Lacordaire,
Jean Theodore VIII-735a;
Laennec, Rend Thdophile Hya-
cinthe VIII-737b; Lagrange,
Joseph Louis XII-63b; La
Hire, Philippe de VIII-742b:
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre
Antoine de Monet, Chevalier
de VIII-753d: Lamont, Johann
von VIII-766d; Lana. Fran-
cesco VIII-772C; Laplace. Pi-
erre Simon VIII-796C; XII-
63b; Lapparent. Albert Au-
guste de VIII-799d: Larrey.
Dominique- Jean IX-7b; La-
treille. Pierre-Andrd IX-35d;
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
IX-52a: laws governing IX-
53b: Le Blant IX-105d; Le
Verrier IX-205C; life IX-238d;
241b; 242b: Lilius, Aloisius IX-
247d; limitations III-466a;
Linacre, Thomas IX-265b;
and logic XIII-599b; Lessen,
Karl August IX-365C; and
Lutheranism IX-449d; Mc-
Loughlin, John IX-5(Mb; Mac-
Neven, William James IX-
506c; Mallei XVI-58C; Mai-
gnan, Emmanuel IX-538C ; Mal-
lard, Erneat Francois IX-570d;
Malpighi, Marcello IX-573d;
Manila Observatory IX-601a;
Marini, Luigi Gaetano IX-
670a; Mariotte. Edme IX-
671a; de Marsigli. Luigi Fer-
dinando IX-719b; Marsillius
of Padua IX-719d; Martin.
Enrico XVI-60d; and Materi-
alism X-13b; Matteucci. Carlo
X-56c; Mayer, Christian X-
86b: medicine, anffisthesia I-
44 7d; medicine, history X-
122d: medieval definition I-
760b; Mendel. Johann Gregor
VII-285C; Mendelism X-
180d; Mercuriali. Geronimo
X-198b; Mersenne, Marin X-
209d; Minkelers, Jean-Pierre
X-326C; and miracles X-339d;
Mivart, St. George Jackson
X-407c; modern, and animiam
I-527b; in modernism VII-
257c: Moigno, Francois-Napo-
Idon-Marie X-i:i2d; Molina.
Juan Ignacio X-4:t,'-.d; .\Iolloy.
Gerald X-412d: .Moinlino dei
Lucoi X-476d; .Muntaliists on
I-772a: Moiitgniner. Joseph
Michel X-.SJlc; ami morality
XIII l>o;ia; Morgagni, Gio-
vanni Battista X-567d: Mttller.
Johann X-627d; MUller, Jo-
hann (Regiomontanus) X-
62Sb; Mutis, ^oaC■ C. X-«59b;
Ndlaton, .\uguste X-740a;
Nemore, Jordanus de X-740b;
XII-5lla: Ncri. Antonio X-
7.")2a; Newton, Isaac XII-61d;
Noble, Daniel XI-86C: numis-
matics XI-152a: Nunez, Pedro
XI-163C: observation XII-
50a; O'Dwyer, Joseph XI-
212d; Oresme, Nicolo XI-296b;
XII-51a; Oriani, Barnaba XI-
302a; Pacioli, Lucas XI-383a:
pateography XI-403c: 410b;
Palmieri, Luigi XI^31c: Para-
eelsua, Theophrastus XI^68a:
Pardies, Ignace Gaston XI-
477a: Pard, Ambroise XI-478a;
Parlatore, Filippo XI-504C;
Parmentier, Antoine Augustin
XI-S06C; Pascal, Blaise XI-
511a: "Pascendi" Encyclical
XIII-602d; Pasteur, Louia
XI-536C; pathology, mental
XI-542b; Pelletier. Pierre Jo-
seph XI-609a: Pelouze. Thd-
ophile Jules XI-610a: Pernter,
Joseph Maria XI-697b: Per-
rault. Claude XI-701d; Peuer-
bach, George von XI-784b;
Peutinger, Conrad XI-784C;
and philosophyXII-34d: XIII-
549c: physics XII-47a: Pian-
ciani. Giambattista XII-71b:
Piazzi. Giuseppe XII-72C: Pic-
ard, JeanXII-73c: Piccolomini,
Alessandro XII-73d; Pingrd,
Alexander Guy XII-102b: Pui-
seux, Victor -Alexandre XII-
560c; Plateau, Joseph Antoine
XVI -67c; Poisson, Simon-
Denis XII-64a; Poleni. Gio-
vanni XII-204a; Political econ-
omy XII-213d; Pouget, Jean
Francois-Albert du XII-322a;
presuppositions XIII -599d;
prieatliood in XII-419a: Pro-
vancher, Ldon Abel Xll-505b:
and psj'choiogy XII-547d:
psjcbotherapy XII-549d: Ptol-
emy XII-47d; Quirini. Angelo
Maria XII-614d: and Ration-
aUsm XII-653C; Redi. Fran-
cesco XII-687b: Regis, Jean
Baptiste XII-720a: Regnault,
Henri Victor XII-722a: Rein-
hold, Erasmus XII-54b: and
religion XII-746C: Renaudot,
Thfophrate XII-770b; Renty,
Gaston de XII -773d; Res-
pighi, Lorenzo XII-786C: and
resurrection XII-791d: Ricci,
Matteo XIII -34c; Riccioli,
Giovanni Battista XIII -40a:
R o c h e 1 1 e . Ddsird Raoul
XIII-104d: Rodrigues Fer-
reira. Alexandre XIII-
109b: Roger Bacon XIII-113d;
Rolph. Thomas XIII-120d;
Ruffini, Paolo XIII-220b;
Ruysch. John XIII-2S2a;
Sainte-Claire Deville, Charles
XII I -346c: Sainte-Claire
Deville. Henri Etienne XIII-
346d: Santini, Giovanni Sante
Gaspero XIII-4r.2d; Saxony,
Albert of XIIl-504c: scepti-
cism XIII-517d; Schall von
Bell XIII-520a: Schedel, Hart-
niann XIIl-525b: Scheiner,
Christopher Xni-526a: and
Scholastic philosophy I-177b;
Schols, Charles Mathieu XIII-
552c; Schott. Caspar XIII-
589b: Schrank, Franz Paula
von XIII-590d: Schwann,
Theodor Xin-592d; Schwarz,
Berthold XIII-593c: Scot,
Michael XII-49b; and Scot-
ism XIII-6I1C: Secchi. Angelo
XIII-669a: secularism XIII-
676a; Semites XIII-706d; Sem-
itic epigraphy XIII-709d: Sem-
melweis. Ignaz Philipp XIII-
712a: sensism V-409b; Serpieri,
Alessandro XIII-730a: Ses-
tini. Benedict XIII-
73Sa : in se\enteenth cen-
tury I-763b: Skoda, Josef
XIV-35a; sociology XIV-
11.5b: Sorbait, Paul de XIV-
USd; Spalhmzani, Lazzaro
XlV-L^(i!ib; Si.encer on I-2I7c;
21Sa; siarisei, Valentin XIV-
247d; Steiio, Nicolaus XIV-
286a; Stovin. Simon XII-55d;
XIV-293b; stratigraphy XII-
53a; Suarez on XlV-319d; and
"Summa Theologica" XIV-
674c: Sylvester II XIV-372a;
syntheses I— 451c: Tanguay,
Cvpricn XIV-143C; Tarlaglia,
Nicolo XIV-461d; telepathy
XlV-475d; Tcmpel, WUhelm
Large type indicates titles of articles; other t>'pes, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illuatrations.