Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/753

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XIV-479d; and theology XIV- 5Sla; theosophv XIV-627a; Thierri' of Freiburg Xll-oOb; XIV-635b; Toaldo, Giuseppe XIV-749a; ToscaneUi, Paolo dal Pozzo XIV- 786b; Tourne- fort. Joseph Pitton de XIV- 799c; Triesnecker, Francis a Paula XV— i4d; and truth XIV-76Sc; Tulasne, Louis Ren^ XV-S6b; UUoa. Antonio de XV-r22c; Universe, systems of the XV-183b; VaU«e-Pous- sin XV-260d; Van Beneden, Pierre Joseph XV-266C; Van Buren, William Home XV- 267a; Vatican, Ubrarj'. pubU- cations XV-294b; Vatican ob- servatory XV-3 09d; Vati- can Palace XV-2S6d; Vauque- Un. Louis Nicolas XV-315b; Veith, Johann Emanuel XV- 322d; Verbiest, Ferdinand XV- 346b; Vernier, Pierre XV-3o9a; Vesalius, Andreas XV-378d; Vespucci, Amerigo XV-384C; Vico, Francesco de XV-406d; Vieta, Fran(^ois XV— 125b; Vil- lanovanus, Amaldus XV-*29d; da Vinci, Leonardo XII-52C; XV-t44a: Vines, Benito VII- l.>4c; Vitruvius I-761c; %'ivi- section XV-494d; Volta, Ales- sandro XV-503d; Waagen. Wilhelm XV-521a; Windisch- mann, Karl Joseph Hierony- mus XV-052d; Woods, Julian Ednmnd Tenison XV-702c world, age of the XV-704d Waterton, Charles XV-567a Young, Thomas XII-6.5b Zamboni, Giuseppe XV-747d Zantedeschi, Francesco XV- 750b Science, Academy of, Paris I-89d:

90c; XI-iOlc; XII-61a ^Academy of, St. Petersburg XIlI-271b; library XIII-242b — Academy of, Spanish XIV-

lS9a — Academy of, Vienna VII-124C — Electoral Academy of, Heidel- berg Vll-19Sa — Faculty of, France I-759a SCIENCE AND THE CHURCH XIII-39SC; VI-346a; and Albertus Magnus I- 265d; Bonnctty on II-677b; conllicts XIII-606d; and "De Sepulturis" I— 459a; dogma V- 91c; and Duns Scotus V-19Sa; faith Xin-598d; geography VI-447b; in Old Testament I- 622b: Scripture Vn-274d; and Thomisra X I V-700a ; views, op- posite XIII-603C; Virgilius I- 582a Science-Naturism X-719b Sciences, Brahminical, enumera- tion I-760C; in Ratio Studior- um XII-655a; seven higher I- 762d —Academy of, BerUn II-493d;

IX-135a — Academy of, Cracow, publica- tion XI-«.HSa — Academy of. Moral and Politi- cal, France. Srfi Moral and Political Sciences, Academy of — and Arts, Institute of, Bologna

IX~719c Scientia media, Aranda on I- 678b; St. Augustine III-200a; controversy VI-61.Sc; defined III-199d; Fon.scca, Pedro da VI-126a; Molinism X-436C; 43fla; Xlll-filOd; .\IV-.T,S4b Sc(enti6c and Literary Academy,

Milan Vln-24.-!a — religion XIII-5.'>9a Sciennes, convent V-2S6b Scienza e la Fede, periodical XI-

e.'Md; XIII-t.53b — Italiana, periodical IV-379d;

X-749a: XI-684d Scifelli, Rcdemptorists at I-

337d Scifi, Favorino I-213a; IV-la Sciili (ScUium). See Scillium Scilla, collection X-336a; XV-

2fl.-)a — Agosfino XIV-39.5b — Fabricius RuSo X-(>86c — Ludovico Ru£Fo X-687b Sciili. .Sw Scillium

SCILLIUM. titular see of XIII- B(l9b


Scimmia, tower of the XIII-177a

Sciniph I-523b

ScintiUa, Johann VIII-484b

Scio, town. See Chios

— Bishop of Termoh XIV-518a

— de S. Miguel, Philip, version of the Bible XV-371C

Scioppi, Caspar XI-17Sd

Scipio, Kansas. Cafmelite con- vent III-365C

— Calvus, Cneius Cornelius VI- 550b

-Cornelius Xni-t7,Sc

—Lucius Comehus Xlll-474d

— Pubhus Cornelius Xll-70b

— Africanus Major, Publius Cor- nelius XI\'— 17ttd

— Asiaticus, Lucilius Cornelius VI-336C

— Barbatus, Lucius Cornelius XIII-I76C; XV-505a

Sciplos, family XIII~176c: sep- ulchre XIV-160d; XV-282C

Scirocco VIII-223b

Scirri XII-225c

Scitvozky, John, Bishop of Pecs ll-l.SUa: XIII-192C

Sclaku, Bemardius, Bishop of I'uUiti XII-.561d

Sclauani XIV-42C

Sclaueni X1V-12C

Sclauenia X1V-42C

Sdauini XIV-12C

Sclauinia XIV-42C

Sclauones XIV— t2c

Sdua, Bishop of Guarda VII^9b

S. C. M., abbr. I-27b

Scolari, FUipo (Pippo Spaao) IX- 770a; XI-72a

— Paolo. See Clement III, Pope

ScoUard, David J., Bishop of Sault Sainte Marie XIII-lS8a

Scolopii. See Schools, Clerks Regular of the Pious

Sconamiglio, Archangelus III- 27b

Scondito, Giacomo VII— lS3c

Scone, Scotland XV-.599b; ab- bey VIIl-62b; Assembly at XII 1-6 I4b; Coronation of King Malcolm XIII-615d; palace (ill.) XIII -61Sc; stone of Xin-616d

Scop XIV-560a

Scopas VIII-348b

Scopatori \'I-90a

Scopelus VI-73SC

Scopeto, convent IX-27Sa

Scopettone Pass VIII-210d


Scopus, Mount VIII-344C

Scordilli, Petrus IX-226b

Scorel, Jan van IV-37.5a; and Mor X-555C: Mor's portrait of X-550b

Scoresby, William VI-77Sd

Scorpion, on amulets I-443C; in Bil.lo I-52r,a

—Ascent of the. See Acrabim

Scorso, Francesco Xn'-623c

Scorton, Darlington Il-802d

— Hall, monasterv' of Poor Clares XII-2o3d

Scory, John, Bishop of Chiches- ter I-492C; 502c; 111-6.588; XIIl-in2c

Scot, Andrew the. See Andrew the Scot

— Michael. .Sec Michael Scotus

—Thomas, Bishop. See Rother- hani. Tlinnias. Bishop


Scotellus. See Peter of Aquila

Scotch in Canada III - 229b; ethnological classification of the XII-fi26c; in United States X-293b; 399b; Vll-6.56a

—Church, Paris XI-491a

— College. See Scots Cullege

—Crofters' Holdings Act I-227d

— Establishment. See Kirk

— Monasteries. See Schotten- kl.istpr

— Parliament, and Presbvterian- ism XIl-.m3b

— Versions of the Bible X\- 373d

Scoti (Gaels; VIII-119d

— Bartholomitc II-317C

— Ranuccio, Bishop of Borgo San-Donnino ll-68fib

Scotia I-6S6a; VIII-98c; XIII-

614c —Major VIII-98C Scotica manus I-22a — Secunda. See King's Confes-

SCOTISM AND SCOTISTS XIlIHJlOb; on acts, indiffer- ent I-116d; on Adam XIII- 611b; Agreda, Maria De, in works of I-229d; on angels II -157b; XIII -611a; on Atonement II-57d; beati- tude XIII-611b; on blessed, impeccability of VII-174a; on character III-587c: Christol- ogy XIII-611b; on circum- cision Xin-611a; decline XIII- 612a; doctrines Xni-610c; on essence and attributes, Di\dne XI\'-5S4a; essence and exist- ence Xlll-Olla: on existence X-233b: formalism XIIl-611a; Frassen. Claude VI -244c; grace, theory of VI-690c; hell XIII-611C; Holy Ghost XIII- 611a; on Incarnation XIV- 761a; on the intellect XIII- 611b; life, theory of IX-239c; on merit X-20(id; on nature X-716b; on nature. Divine VI -706a; nature, human XIII-611b; philosophy of XIII-549b; propositions, re- jected XIII-611a; Redemp- tion XIII-611b; the sacra- ments XIII-611b; school, first mention of XIII-611d; sense- perception XIII-611b; sin Xin-611c; the soul XIII- 611b; on soul of Christ XIII- 611a; on spirits XIV-221b; the- ological .system XI V-59 Id ; and Thomas of Strasburg XIV- 696a; and Thomism XIV- 591c; 69Sb; on transubstantia- tion XIII-61Ia; virtues, moral Xlll-Olld; on the will XV- 624d

Scotistic School. See Scotism and Scotists


—Church in: abbots in I-20b; Andrew. St., vigil of I -70a: Apostleship of Prayer I-633b; Ardchattan priory I -700b: bishops, election of II-5S4d; Brechin, Church of XIII-614C; Bre\nary II-777b; canons III- 2.54d; canons, number of III- ,58.3b: Canons Regular III- 291a; 291c: Carmelites III- 357b; Catholicism, restoration of XIIlH321a; chapters, canon Ill-584b; chanty, .Sisters of III -606c; and Clement III XIII-6I5d; Constitution Ro- mano Pontifices Xin-154d: Council of Bishops XIII-616b; director>' V - 26d ; early rite III-495C; excardination and in- cardination in VII-705a: and Foreman, Andrew VI - 134b: Franciscans V-194c; XIV- 645c; Friars Minor in VI-290b; conventa of the Good Shep- herd VI-648b: Abp. Hamilton VII-12.3d; Hav in VII- 157a; hierarchy XIII-1.54C; 613d; 621d: holy days VI-22c: and Holv See V^SSa; interdict II- 37.3a: Laiarists in X-.366a; lit- urgy I-686d ; marriage ritual IX- 7tVib: Masses, bequests for X- 32c; Passionists in XI-524b; patron saints of churches XI- 563d; and Perpetual Adora- tion I- 153d; persecution under Anne XIII-620d; persecution under Charles I-II XIII-620C; persecution under the Georges XIII-621a: persecution under William and Marv XIII- 620d; Plenary Council of X-394a; Propaganda in XII- 457b; Provincial council (1559) XIII-618d; Provincial National Council (1.549) XIII-6:8d; rel- ics VI-43a; and Rome I-500a: Scone monaster\- XIII-fil5b; "Second Spring" XIII- 62Id: seminaries. English- speaking XIIi-700b; shrines of OurLadyXIII-761b;Society of Jesus XIV -93c; statistics, ecclesiastical XIII-622a: XIV-


271d; and Tametsi decree IV- 2b: Valliscaulian Monasteries XV-262a; vicariate VI-578b; in Western Schism XIII-540a: G17c

-Education: Catholic XIII- 578d: 622a; of clergj- XIII- 622a; public XIII-622b

-Geography XIII -613b; Aber- deen I-41d: Argyll and the Isles I-706c: Dunkeld V-193d: Edinburgh V-284b: Galloway VI-370a: Glasgow VI-577d: Kirkwall VIII-662c; map Xlll-facing 620: St. Andrews and Edinburgh X11I-330C

-Government: bankruptcy II- 253a; bigamy II-565a; courts, juvenile VIII-588c; divorce V- 66c: foundhng system VI-160b; government system XIII- 630c; jurisprudence, English IX-71b; liquor legislation XIV— i87a; marriage, civil IX— 693b: penal laws XI -614b; seal of confession in ci\'il law XIII-660b; schools, public XIII-622b; statistics, blind V-306a; 308d; statistics, ille- gitimacy VII-650b; statistics, suicide XIV-327d: Simday ob- servance XIV-336b

—History: Adrian of Castello in I-160d; Alban, Kingdom of XIII-614b: Albany, dictator- ship XIII-617b; annexation of islands XIII-616c; Arran's re- gency XIII-618b; Baptists II- 279b; Beaton II-372b: 374a: 374c; Boiamund's Roll XIII- 616c: and Boniface VIII II- 665a; calendar III-739C: Cal- vinism in XV-143d; Catholi- cism, destruction of Xni-620a; CathoUc Relief Bill VIlI-153d; Catholics, present status XIII- 622a; Catholic Temperance Movement XIV-4S9b; Chris- tianity XIII-613C; chronology I - 533c: Columban Church XIII-614a: Confession of Faith V-763d: XIII-627c; Congrega- tion, War of XIII-619a; coro- nation rites IV-382d: Counter- Reformation in IV-444b: Cov- enanters IV-457d;Culdee Mon- asteries XIII 63Ib; David II XIII-617a; "Defender of the Faith" XIII-618b; deportation to Jamaica VIII-272b: disnip- tion XIII-630b; and Edward I XIII-616d; and Edward III V-321b; Emancipation Act (1829) XIII-621b: England, union with XIIl-620b; 629a; Enghsh Cathohc Relief Bill (1777) XIII-621b: evangehza- tion of XIV-458b; Flodden, battle XIII-618a: Free. Church of. See Free Church of Scot- land; Feudal relations with England XIII - 615a; 615d; General Assembly (1638) XIII-628a: Glebe VI-582d; Golden Age XIII - 6I6b: Gothic architecture In VI- 676d; insane in Middle Ages VIII-4fla: Irish in Vni-98c; 153c: James I XIII -617b; James VI XIII-620b; leper- houses IX-184b; Lollardism in XIII-617C; 617d: Lutheranism in XIII-618a; Margaret, Queen, reforms XIII-615a; marriage laws, early XV-695b; Mary of Guise, regencv of \'Il-76c; Mary Stuart iX-7fi4a: XIII- 619b: 619c; Masonry in IX- 77.5d: 776d; and mifrration X- 294b: National Church, reor- ganization XIII - 615c: and Norman Conquest Xlll-6:4d; and Norway I-7()r,c: Norweg- ian provinces Xlll-r,14c: Ork- ney Islands Xl~317a: patron saint I-471d: XI-5t6b; Pin-

byterianism Xll'393b; prima- cies in XII-424a: prfitrclnries XII-193a; rr(.t.Mnr,ti~ni Vlll- 681b: 6S2a; XIII i.lsd: Infor- mation Xll^d'-d: Xlll-r.isa; Revolution (16.VM Xlll-620d; royal chair of XlII-679c; Scots and Picts, union of XIII-614b;


RomaD numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b. c, d. quarter of page.