and fetishism VI-53d; Fox
family XIV-221c; in France
XIV-222b; in Germany XIV-
222b; Giildenstubbe XIV-
222b; Hauffe, Frederica XIV-
222b; Mrs. Hayden XIV-222a:
history XIV -221c; Home,
Daniel Dunglas XIV-222a;
hypotheses XIV-223a; and
images VII-673d: and immor-
tality VII-689C; XIV-223d;
in Indiana VII-742d; levita-
tion XIV-221C; materializa-
tion XIV-221C; mediums XIV-
221d; Moses, William Stainton
XIV-222a; necromancy in X-
736d; Owen, Robert XIV-
222a; Palladino, Eusapia XIV-
223a; perispirit XIV-223a: and
prophecy XII-17oa; Psychical
Research Society XIV 222d;
Rivail XIV-222b; Mrs. Rob-
erts XIV-222a; Slade. Henrj-
XIV-222a: spirit photography
XIV -221c; and Spiritualism
XIV-221b; and subliminal con-
sciousness XIV-223a; as super-
stition XI V-340b ; table-rap-
ping XIV-221C; table-turning
XI\' -222b; and telepathy XIV-
476c; Totemism XIV-7nic; in
United States XIV-221d
Spirit of God, terra. New Testa- ment VII-409C
— of Life, in Manichffian cos- mogony IX-592C
SPIRITd SANTO, DIOCESE OF, Brazil XIV-224C; monas- tery XV-2l.Ud; relics of Bl. Uniilitil and Bl. Margherita XV-2fl3d
Spirits, .Vfrican belief in I-183d; VI-54b; angels I-476d; in Babylonian mytholog>' I-lSOd; in Confucianism IV-227b; dis- cernment of III-589d; V- 28a; and the future V-49d; and hands, imposition of VII- 698d; Hindus XII-409C; In- dian belief I-410d; XIV-791d; in Old Testament I-479a; primitive belief I-.527d; and sacraments XIII-293d; Semi- tic belief in I-477d; 480c; in Shaman XIII-750C; spirit- istic teaching XIV - 221c; 229b; as substance XIV-323a; superstition, ancient I-529c; Swedenborgian teaching XIV- 356a; Swedish belief XIV- 348a; Totemism XIV-792a; Zoroastrianism 1 1- 1.55a
Spiritual Direction. See Direc- tion. Spiritual
—EXERCISES OF SAINT IG- NAXniS XIV-224d; VII-«42a; XII-79.5d; and -\cquaWva I- 110b; at Cenacle houses III- 518d; composition XIV-22oa; criticism XIV-22.Sa; on dis- cernment of spirita V-2Sc; doctrine XIV -227a; origin XIV 22nd: text XIV-224d
SPIRITUALISM XIV-229b; Al- li.rtus Mi.EHUs XIV-229d; Anstollf XIV-229C; St. Au- gustine XIV-229d; Berkeley XIV-229b; Cousin XIV-229d; Descartes XIV-229d; Dualism XIV-229C; in England XIV- 229d; epistemological proof XIV-230a: ethical proof XIV- 230b; evidence XIV -236a: Fichte XIV-229d; in Franco V-276C; XIV-229d; and tree will XlV-230b; in Germanv XIV-229d; Herbart XIV-229d; Kant XIV-229d; Jouffrov XIV-229d; I.«ihnii XIV-229d; Maine de Biran XIV-229d; Malehranche XIV-229d; and Materialism X— lid; modern XIV-229d; monastic I-770b; and Monism XIV-229b; and neo - Scholasticism XII-34b: and philosophv XII-28C; XIII- 28d; Plato XIV-229c; Ration- alism XI I-652b; Royer-Collard XIII-214a; Scholasticism XIV-23()c: Spiritism XIV- 221b; Suirez on XIV-319d: theological proof XIV-230C; St. Thomas XIV-229d
Spiritual Ufe I-769b; St. Francis de Sales on VI-221C; silence in XIII-790a
Bonagratia II-646b; and St.
Celestine V III-479C; Clareno
XIV - 231c; controversy 11-
649c; Dominican XIV-231b;
Franciscan I-4.84d; VI-245a;
246b; 2S3c; XV-424d; and
John XII Vni-431b; of the
Marches XIV- 231c; origin VI-
246a; and Orsini XI -326b;
poverty XIV-231a; of Provence
XIV-231C; of Tuscany XIV-
232b; Ubertino of Casale XV-
116a; Sfe Fraticelli
Spiritual Works of Mercy. Sec Mercy. Spiritual Works of
Spirit V^restlers. .See Dukhobors
Spiske, R., foundation at Breslau VII-lS9d
Spid, India, Dunkar (ill.) VII- 737
Spitigney, Duke of Bohemia. See Spitihney
Spitigniew, See Spitihney
Spitihnew. See Spitihney
Spitihney, Duke of Bohemia II- 613c; IX-416a; XII-338b; 339a
Spitinev. .See Spitihnev
Spitta, Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm, on Acts IV-49f.a
Spittler, Ludwig Timotheus, church historian VII-377d; at Gottingen VI-507c
Spitzbergen (Svalbarthi) XVI- 82c; I-421a; discovery I- 421d
Spitzka, Edward Anthony, phy- sician 1-46 la
Splenditenens, in Manichteism IX-3U2d
Splendour, Kabbalistic VIII-
—Ornament of IX-592C
Spljet. .See Spalato-Macarsca
S.P.M.,abhr. I-28b
Spofford, Thomas, Bishop of Hereford VII-255d
Spoglia, Aiessandro, Bishop of Ripatransone XIII-62d
Spohn Sanitarium, Corpus Chris- ti. Texas XIV-.'j30a
Spoil, Right of. .See Jus Spolii
SPOKAN INDIANS XIV-232C; niis.-ii.,n XV-.-ji;:id
Spoletium. .s.-e Spuleto
Spoleto, town, Frederick Bar- barossa in I-157d; battle of (1S60) XI-295a
—ARCHDIOCESE OF, Italy XIV-232d; Barterini in XV- 218d
— Cathedral: carved door XV- 699b; (iU.) XIV-234d; Lippi (ill.) IX -279; Lippi, work IX-279b; Urban VIII, bust of (ill.) XV-219C
— churches, windows X V-653d ; St. Mark's monastery II-427C; saints, calendar of I - 5.'i.Sa ; and Victor Amndeus of Pied- mont XII-77d
—Duchy of XV-222a; Frederic II in IV-5d; Otto IV in I-200d; VIII-14d; papal mint X-334c; 334d; 3.3.5a; and San Marino XIII-449b; and Sulmona XV- 264d
Spoliation of ecclesiastical prop- erty Xn-471d
Spolium. .Sie Jus Spnhi
Spon, .-umI H;il.in II 4i;b
SPONDANUS, HENRI, historian XIV-L'ii.-.b: ll-:ii.ild: XI-436a; an.l H:.roniu3 ll-307a; por- trait .\IV-235c
Spondo, Henri de. .See Spondanus
Sponge, in consecration service I-36.5a: in Greek Rite I-355d; at Jerusalem III-.501d
Sponheim Abbey, library IX- 230a
Sponsalia fBetrothal) IX-704C
Sponsor, w I-2l)sb: 209a; Apos- tle spoons I-62r,d: Avignon, Decree of II- 160b: baptismal II-272d: baptismal, and Con- cilium Insculanum (1251) I- 727c; in Confirmation IV-216C; holy icon as VII-668c: instruc- tion of V-83a: registration XII-721d: vows n-27.5d
Spontaneity, and Ego VII-S6a
Spontaneous Generation II- .571b; V-65.3a; Schwann on XIII-59.3a
PACIFICO, (oniposer XIV-
23.')d; iii.iirail \lV-23.5d
Spoon, .-\posllt' I r.2tlc: in English regalia XII-713C: liturgical, in Greek Church IV-316c
SPORER, PATRITIUS, moralist XIV-236b; 607c; on indifferent acts I-llOd; and probabiUsm XII-442b
Sporlein, Johann, philosopher VII-87b
SPORTELLI, CSSAR, VENER- ABLE XIV-236b: and St. Al- phonsus I-340d
Spotswood, Alexander, Governor of Virginia XV-450b; German settlement VI-475d
Spotted Tail, Indian Chief XIV- 21c; 22a: 22c
Spottiswoode, John, Archbishop of Glasgow X1II-626C: on Beaton II-375a; President of the Exchequer IV-45SC; and New .\bbev X-779c; and Ogilvie XI-2:;3d
Spratt, Thomas. .See Sprott
Spreiter, Thomas, Vicar Apostolic of .'Southern Zanzibar IV-236b; XVI-S3C
Sprenger, Aloys, on Mohammed X-424d
— James, Association of the Ros- ary XIII-188d; and witch- craft XV-676b
Sprickmann, A. M., poet, and Aniiecte von Droste-Hulshoif VII-.5:i7c: at Munster Univer- sity X-(;iob
Spridlington, WilUam de, Bishop of .Saint Asaph XIII-333b
Spring and Autumn iCh'un-ts*- ew) III-ciHc: i;i;sc: IV-22.5a
Springbmnnen, Brclhrcn of the Common Life at VII-200a
Springer, Anton, on Byzantine art III-9l)a
— Max, on metrical hymns XII- I44b
—Reuben R., in Ohio III-775C; 77.5d: XI-226C
— Bill, purpose XI-231d
Springers larch) I-688a
Springes, battle (1797) XV-709a
Springfield, .South Dakota, nor- mal sc)„,„l XIV-161b
—DIOCESE OF, Massachusetts XIV-236d: charitable institu- tions XII-24Sa: French Catho- lics VI-274C: French parochial schools VI-275C; French nuns VI-275a; Italians in VIII- 206c; St. Joseph, Sisters of VIII-515a; Maronite mission XIII-85a; Polish population (1907) XII-211b; statistics XV-176C; Temperance Union XIV-491C
Spring HiU College I-242a; Bazin at II-.361C: Forbin-Janson VI- 1.34a: X^llb
Springinklee, Hans, engraver XII-352a
Springs, in Scripture XV-581C
Springwood, Australia, seminary XIII-700C: XIV-.365d
SPROTT, THOMAS, VENER- ABLE, martyr XIV-238a; in Temperance movement XIV- 4S9b
Spruce, branches, on Palm Sun- day XI-433C
S.P.,S.Petr., abbr. I-26a
Spusai>"", abbr. I-23b
Spudasius, Bishop of Ceramus III-537d
Spuller, Eugene, religious policy VI-178C
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, Bap- tist preacher II-279c
Spurii, meaning IX-132b
SpurreU, Biblical scholar IV-102c
Spurrier, Eliza IX-.509a
Spurs, in English regalia XII- 713c
Spuzzum, Indian reservation XIV-704d
Spyridon, Saint. .See Spiridion
Spy Wednesday, prayers VI- fi43d; Tract Vl-717a
Squadronisti, and Innocent II I-447b
SQUAMISH INDIANS XIV- 2.3Sb: XI-63.5b: XIV-431b; 704d; mission XV-267C
Squando, chief X-787a
Squarcialupi, Antonio, organist
Xl-:!oib Squarcione, Francesco XI-386c;
and Bellini 11-4 Uic; and Man-
tegnaiIX-610b; 610c Square, carpenter's emllcm I-
Italy XIV-239a; Reggio di
Calabria XII-717d SquiUacius, Bishop of Scillitim
XIII-609b Squire, Edward, and Fitzherbert
VI-80b — Edward B., missionary III-
679a Squires, niedieval III-691b Sr., abbr. I-2tJa Sraddhas, in Vcdism n-73Ia Sraditza. See Sardica, titular
metropoUtan see Sraosha, deity II-155b: 156a Srbobran, periodical XIV-54b Srbobrar, society VI-773d S. R. C, abbr. I-26a S. R. E., abbr. I-26a Srebrenica (Srebrenitza), Turks
in II-696b Sredetz. .See Sardica, titular
Sreznejevski, J., philologist XIII-274d: XIV-47C
Sri, deitv II-734C
—Guru Nanak Deva XIII-789a
— Wickrama Raya Siuka, Sinha- lese KiiiK III- 34Sb
Srong-tsang Gam-Po, King of Til«t XlV-71'.la
Srosh, in Maiiind.ircd IV-409a
Srpski Glasnik, periodical XIV- 64b
SS., abbr. I-26a; 27b
SSA., abbr. I-27b
SS. D. N., abbr. I-26a
S. S. S., abbr. I-28b
S., SS., al)br. I-26a
Staal, Walter, Vicar Apostolic of Batavia II-346d; in Borneo II- 687a
Staatszeitung, periodical, Salz- burg XV-425a
— der kathohschen Schweiz, pe- riodical XIII-.52Sb
Staban (Castellammare di Stabia), town III-408b; de- struction of VIII-213d; 221c; XIV-746d
STABAT MATER XIV-239c; by Ambros I-383b; by Anerio I- 475d; authorship VII-603d
— Dolorosa XIV-239c; Jacopone da Todi VIII-265b;XII-486c; sequence XII-484c
— by Palestrina XI-123a: by Per- golesi XI-OfiTd: li\ ifossini XIII-20.5a; s. x m ^, ,,,,„s of the Blessed \ mio M , i ■, \IV- 152b; Sperio-a III 7Jsb .\IV- 240b; by Verdi X\-3.'.lld: in Wav of the Cross XV-569b
Stabile, professor XIII-I33a
Stabili, Francesco degli. See
■oli. Cc
i d'
Stabihnus, Bishop of Pesaro XI-
StabiUs, Saint, Bishop of Cler- mont IV-54a
StabiUty, vow III-609d; St Benedict, Rule of X-473d; in rehgious hfe XII-751b; Relig- ious of the Sacred Heart XIV- 11.3a
Stable, John, martyr V-478b
—Margaret, martvr V-478b
Stables, blessing of 1 1-601 c
Stablewski, Florian von. Arch- bishop of Gnesen-Posen VI- .59 Id
Stablo Abbey, St. Poppo at XII- 27.5c
Stabulum Rodis, religious at VII- 2Hlc
Stace, Arthur J., at Notre Dame du Lac XI-132C
Stache, architect, and Ferstel VI- .50b
Stachys, Saint, Bishop of Byzan- tium, and St. Andrew I-471c: I\' 302b
Stack, in Greenland VI-779b
Stacpole, Mary, mother of Mary Aikenhead I-234b
Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.