Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/805

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TERESA OF JESUS. SAINT (Te- resa Sanchez Cepeda Davila y Abuma(la)XI V-.51od :199c; III- 361b; IX-39SC; and Avihi, Sancho de II-161b; and Al- varez, Balthazar I-373b; and Banez II-247b: Bernini II- SlOd; XIII-172b; Bouix, Mar- eel, life by II-712d; churches XI -565a; 566a; Coleridge, S. J., life by IV-9Sb; on con- templation IV-328d; founda- tions III-3G7d; XIV-510b; and Garcia, Anne VI - 378d ; and Gratian, Jerome VI-729d; 730a; Ittenbach (ill.) VIII- 256; and Bl. John of Avila VIH-469d; and St. John of the Cross VIII-480b; and Lobera, Ann IX-31SC: and St. Louis Bertrand IX-377b; and Marie de I'lncarnation IX- 067d ; mysticism I V-325d ; 327a; IX-703b; XI-703c; XIV-622a; 622c; and St. Peter of Alcantara XI-771c; on Quiet, Prayer of XII-608c; revelation I-373c; rule IX- 319a; Sacchi, Andrea, life by XIII-174C; Sanctity XIII- 429c; and Thomas a Jesu XIV- 660b; on \'isions XV-478a; writings XIV-619a — of Jesus, Mother iMarchocka),

Carmelite III-3iiSc — of Jesus, Mother (Rowan),

Carmelite III-369a — of Portugal, marriage XIII-

391c — of St. Augustine, Mother. See

Ledoine, Madeleine Claudine — of St. Ignatius, Sister. See

Trezel, Marie Gabrielle — of the Holy Heart of Mary,

nuartyr XIV-517a — Sanchez Cepeda Davila y Ahu- tnada. See Tiresa of Jesus,

— Soiron, niartvT XIV-317b TERESIAN MARTYRS OF

COMPIEGNE XIV-ol7a Tergovite, Archdiocese of VI-

7.jsb Ter Haar, Francis, Redemptorist

V11I-22C: XII-443a: 687a Ter horas trina solvitur XI-98a:

XII-7S3a Terhorst, Gerhard, missionary

I.\-|-.90b Teriadeven, prinop VIII~161d TERILL (BONVILLE), AN- THONY X1V-517C; on Prob- .\IH42a Terillos, in ,si, ily Xlll-773a Ter-Israel, svnaxarv \II-107c Terkoumieh (Triconia) XV-Jld Terlaak, Evrard Joseph, Prefect

Apu.stolic of Kan-su III-677c;

VIII-602d Terlecki, Cyril, Bishop of Lutzk.

See Torletzki Terletzki, Anthony, Uniat Bishop

of Przcmysl Xll-SS-^b — Cyril, Bishop of Lutzk VI-

746b; IX-464a ; XV-130d — Methodius, Bishop of Chelm

\l-74i,c Terlizzi, Diocese of. See Mol- fctta, Ti-rlizzi, and Giovjnazzo Terma, Giovanni del. Bishop of

, ..">Ic

Tenne, Jean Pierre Etienne,

f(,unilation lH-.ilSc Terraehr, Mother Xaveria, foun- dation Xl\-r,4tid TERMESSUS XI\- 5I7d Terminalia, in Calendar III-161C Termini, fountain VI-126d — Annibale, Bishop of Syracuse

XIV-397C — Matteo di. See Agostino Nch

Terminology, and logic IX-540c;

and Scholasticism XIII-549b;

.5.-,(ld Terminus, and right XIII-55d —ad quem V-:.79c —a quo \- r.r'ic TERMOLI, DIOCESE OF XIV-

.".l^a Termonbarry, church II^85b Termon Dabheoc, 8anctuar\'

.\ll-.580b Termonde, Abbe; of I-180a- II-

44Sc; 450c

Termonfechan, O'Reilly at I-

732a; primates at 1-7*3 la Termon Lands I-75a — Magrath, sanctuary XII-5S0c Terms, in Godhead, Clement of

Alexandria IV-47b Termus, See of XI-148a Temah (Damis) IV-636a TERNAN. SAINT XIV-518b: I-

686c Temandez, A., explorer VI-J51a Temate, Saint Francis Xavier at

VI-233d Temeh (Damis) IV-636a Temi, Rabbi, Jewish scholar IX-

730c — (Interamna), town VIII-219a; Lombards at XIV-2o9b; mint X-335a; proclamation (1870) VIUSc — Bamabd da, and Montes Pieta-

tis X-535b — Diocese of. See Narni and

Terni. United Dioceses of Teminck Foundation, Sisters of

the 1-59 la

Terouanne IV-71a; XII-727a; bis-


XII-725c: St. OmeratXI-251a

TerpigoreflE (Atava), writer XIII-

273b Terpsichore, periodical II-21SC — relief (Marchesi, Pompeo) IX-

643c Terrace Heights, Winona Col- lege XV-659a Terracina, town VIII-219b; mon- astery near 11-47 lb; martyrs X-75Id; Urban 11 XV-210b; Victor III at XV-411b — SEZZE, AND PIPERNO, DI- OCESE OF .\1\ .-,lsb Terra-cotta Xlll-(i42c Terra del Fuego I-703a; Sale-

sians in XIII-399a Terral, missionary XI-724a Terralba, Diocese of. See Ales

and Tprrallja Terra Magallonica, Reductions

XII-i;9(lc Terranova (Terranuova), See of

I-44()c Terra Nova, Duke of, and St.

Ch:irl..3 llMil'iid; 624c Terrasse, Jean Antoine Louis,

niarlyr lX-747d: XV-73SC Terrasson, alibpv XI-0C8d —ANDRE Xl\' .-.isd — GASPARD XI\-.519a Terray, Josef Marie IX-474d Terrazas, Francisco de, poet

XIV-202d Terrebonne, Blessed Sacrament

Society XlV-iUa Terre Haute, Providence. Sisters of. in XII-508c; Rumanian Greek Catholics in VI-751a Terrentius (Schreck) , John, mis- sionary XIII-52l)a; S20d Terreros, Alonso, martyr I-592b:

X-390a: 391c Terrero y Escalada, Nepomuceno, Bishop of La Plata VIII-798C Terres Domaniales, Congo IV-

233b Terrestre, John, Saint. See John



XlV-.Jl'.lb; I-13Ub; VI-449a; XIII-320a; Adam in I-130c; in Apostolic Constitutions I- .571d; Babylonians II-186d; St. Brendan II-75Sd; Em- merich, Catherine on Xlll-.'id

TERRIEN, JEAN-BAPTISTE. theologian XlV-52()b

Terrigia \-3S6a

Terrissos, Emanuelo Candida de, Bi.hop of MC.ri,ia X-2(J2a

Territt, niinsion ll-2asc

Terry, Alfred Howe, and Sioux XIV 22b

Terry-Alts, Catholic organiza- tion VI1-320C

Terryglass (Tirdaglas), monas- tery IV-135d; VIII-<i41d

Tersa III-6G9d

Tersanches I-9Sb

Tersanctus 1-21 lb; S71d: XIII- 433b

Tersato, pilgrimage XV-754d

Tersteegen, Gerhard, and Pie- tism .\II-80d

Tenia, in "Acta Thomffi" XIV- 658c

— Ecclesianim XIII-.393a



Third tlrder Tertre, de V 1-45 Id TertuXI-264d Tertulla, martyr IV-295b: XIV-

564c TERTULLUN (Quintus Sep- timms Florens Tertullianus) XIV-520d; 617d; III-385c; on absolution I-196b; on abstinence I-6Sd; on Acta Pauli XI-567c; on Acts I- 120d; on African liturgvl-194d; on Agape I-201d; on Alpha and Omega I-332b; on Amen I-408d; on Apelles I-593a; IX- 648a; and Apollonius of Eph- esua I-618a; "Apology" I- 620d; III-385c; on Apostles XIV-522b; on Apostolic Churches I-634C; 635a; on Apostolic Succession VII-340d; on ass, caricature I-793c —on Baptism I-195d; II-263a; 268b; 269b; 269d; VI-83b; XIV-522d; of blood II-266c; of Disciples ll-260d; infant II-27qd; IX-256d; of Marcion- ites IX-647d; renunciation II- 275d; by women II-269d —on Bible IX-627b; and St. Callistus III-lS3d; 184c; XII- 263d; on canon of New Testa- ment III-276C ; on canon of Old Testament III-272a; XIV- 625a; on celibacy III-4S3d; on Chair of Peter III-553c; on Christianity X-404b; on Chris- tians IV-52ac; on Church XI- 463c; on confession XI-627c; on confirmation IV-218a; XIV- 522d; on conscience IV-270a; on Constantioe the Great IV- 298d; creed I-630d; on cross IV-520a; 521c; 529d; VII- 666d; on dead, prayer for IV- 655b; on Discipline of the Secret V-32c; on divorce V- 56d; on education, pagan IX- 32a; eschatology II-365a; on Eucharist XIV-524c; 524d; on Eucharistic fast XI V-525a ; on exomologesis XI-630c; XIV-523d; on extreme unction V-719d; on faith V-754a; on faithful V-769b; on fasting IX- 152c; on festivals I-19.5a; on fossils XI-410b; on freedom of belief VIII-26b; on Gnosticism VI-595a; 601d; on God VI Il- ea; on Good Friday III-160a; on Gospel VI-669d; on grace at meals VI-714c; XIV-553a; on Hebrews. Epistle to the VII- lS3a; on hierarchy VII-342a; XII-416a: St. Hilary on VI- Id; on Holy Ghost VlI-llOc; 412a; on Homoousion VII 449b; on infallibility of Church VII-793C; on Jesus Christ I- 70Sb; VII-712d; 715b; X- 337a; on Judaism I-620b; aa jurist XIV-320d; on lessons, liturgical I.\-193b; libellus pacis VII-785b; literary influ- ence I-193a; IX-2()c; 24c; on Logos IX-330C; on St. Luke's Gospel IX-J24a; on Magi IX- 528b; on Mandffians X-13a; on Mareion V-71b; IX-646d; 647b; 649a; XIV -523a; on St. Mark's Gospel IX-675d; on marriage I-164a; 196c; IX- 704c; 709b; on martyrdom V- 121c; on merit X-204d; on military profession III-691d; on Millennium X-.30Sd; on Minuiiu.H X-.336b; on mirarles X-34.^d; and Monarchians X- 4.5(lb: on Monotheism X-SOlc; X-522a; 52.3c; XIV-522d: moral teaching XlV-604d; in music, ecclesias- tical XH;48d; on New Testa- ment XIV-533b; on nocturnal gatherings XI-87b; on None XI-97c; on Nvmphon VI- 597c; on Office of the Dead XI- 221b; in Old Testament XIV- 526b; on onolatry IV-527b; on ordination I-196c; on orienta- tion of Churches I-365b; XI- 305c; on paganism III-594d; on parables XI - 4 6 1 c ; on Pastoral Epistles XIV-733b- on Pauline Apocrypha I-612a

Komau numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of pago.

on Pauline Epistles XV-469b; on penance I-776a; XI-621b' 621c; XIV-523d; on Penta- teuch XI-647b; on persecu- tions XIV-521C; on St. Peter 1-64 Ic; XII-262C; on St. Peter's Epistle XI-752d; on Pilate I-609c; on Popes I- 446d; on possession, demoni- acal XII-315C; on prayer XIV- 615a; on pre-Incarnation I- 480a; Prescriptions VI-6a; on priesthood XII-414b; on pro- cession XII-446d; on Provi- dence, Divine XII-512d; on purgatory XII-577a; on reser- vation of Blessed Sacrament Xn-784b; on rings XIII-69c; on sacrifice X-llc; and saints XV-459d; on Sanctus XIII- 432c; on satisfaction XI-630b; on Septuagint XlII-722d; on Sext XIII-747C; on schism XIII-531a; on Scripture XIII- 639c; on Shepherd VII-268d; on sign of the cross I-197a; IV-520d; XIII-786a; on sin I-62b; XIV-524a; on sin, re- mission of XIV-524b; on soul XIV-165b; 229d; XV-15a; on Sunday III-159b; XIV-335d; on tau IV-521d; on teachers VII-341d; on theatre XIV- 559b ; and Thessalonians XIV- 630c; on Thundering Legion II-109d; on Tiberias XIV- 718b; on tradition VII-340c; XI-749d; XIII-532d; on trials, ecclesiastical IV-448a; on 'Trin- ity XV-51c; on Unity of the Church XV-180d; on unjust steward XI-467a; on Virgin Mary VII-676d; XVh148c; 460b; 466d; on Word XV-52a; writings IX-24b — Bishop of Hirena VII-362d — pseudo, on Hermas VII-269d;

on Marcionites IX-649a

Tertullianists III-386b; XIV-

521a; basilica, Rome HI-514d

TertuIIus, and St. Paul XI-572a

— patrician X-526d; XII-142d;

at Subiaco XIV-321C Teruel, province XIV-171d; and

Alfonso II HI-112C —DIOCESE OF XIV-525C; 173b; map XlV-facing 2(X); statistics III-!13d Terumoth, treatise XIV-436d Tervueren, town VII-507d Tery, Socialist XIV-67b Terzi, Lodovico, portrait X-576C Terzili Hammam (Thermae Basil- ica) X1V-629C Tcscelin, Lord of Fontaines II-

498d; at Clairv-aux II-499b Teschel, Nikolaus, missionary

VII-2S0b Teschen, Peace (1779) VIII-

612c;XII-524a Tescipactii hieroglyphic (ill.) X-

Teseide (Boccaccio) II-607b-

VIII-248a Te-She, Eg\pt V-330a Teshlaya, mission. See San An- tonio de Pu.lna Tesimond (Greenway: Green- well) . Oswald, on Ashley, Ralph I-776d; and Garnet VII-S3d XIII-653C; and Gunpowder Plot VI-387b; VII-83a; XIII- e53b

Tesmalaca, battle (1814) X-5G6a

Tesmine, monastery XIV-S61C

Tesniere, Martin, Maurist X-70a

Te spectant Reginalde Poli, motet XV-.W2b

— splendor et virtus patris, by Rabanua VII-6()2c

Tessada, Bishop of Vich XIV- 1.39a

Tessellatum, mosaic X-584C; mo- saic, Persian X-585a; mosaic, Roman X-5S,5a

Tesserants III-435a

TesseriE XI-l.')7b

Tessier, John, Sulpician XIV- 329d; 330c; and Levadoux IX- 204d; and Joubert XI- 184b

Tessin, Nicodemus the Younger, Count, architect XIV-297c

Test., abbr. I-20a

Testa, artist, and Berrettini II- 516b •Arrigo, poet VIII-246d