Testa, Monsignor, and St. Al- Test Act, Canada oath II-778C
Briand. Jean Olivier ^iyp^p° —Act England IV-240c;V-451a;
XI-96d; 613d; XIII-7C; 124a;
oath XI-179b Act, Ireland, repealed Aiii
-Ac?!'_Maryland II-22Sb; oath
Te'swment, Legal. See Will —NEW XIV-530b; I-362a; lU- 2^5c! 276c; IV-494d; V-696a; XII-653b; XIII-637d; Abel I- 36b; abstinence I-68a; Adam m I- 130b; adjuration }'}*;^: adoption, supernatural I-l«b, 148c: African version 1-^30. Aeonv of Christ l-2.i4a, A|?rphainI-226b;Albigense3 I-268a; Alexander Natahs 1- 297aTAlleluia in I-319b; altar f 362a; Amen I-407b; Am- monianSectionsI-431a; Anath- ema in I-4o5d;angesI-479b. I -481b; animals XV-o4^a, apologetics 1-6 19a; apologetics modern I-822d; Apostohc Fathers I-639a; Armeman ver- sion XIII-78C ; asceticism XIV- 617a; authenticity III-712D, and Baruch I-eOf*"; ^eelen II- 3S8b; blessing n-600b Bo- hairic version XVI-79b; Cal- met III-189C; Coptic Version
-cJi;f ni-267a; 274a; fixed III-27Sa; and Old Testament III-270d; outside the Church III- 79a
-celib'acy III-481b; Celsus III- 491d; centurions Ill-^g^"'. 'i'ifia- charity III -593b, Chines* VI-293d; Cbristology XIV-398b; Church >-'o'b. citations XIV-533b; in Com- plutensian Bible Xll-2A,D. Contents XIV-534C; contradic- tions, apparent XI\-535D. .„„„nant XIV-526a; creed I-
lions, appa»'^"„^ -— J
covenant XIV-526a; creed
^CMcism IV-494d; Catholic IV-497b; modern V-29 2d, textual IV-5U2d; XIV-532a, 532c: 533c; 534b -description XIV-o30c; deutero- canonicals III-276b, div.nat.on V-51c; doctrines XIV-536C, history, ecclesiastical Vll- 372d; editions V-2S9c; elect V-374b; Epistles V-509c^ras- mus V-290a; 511c: XU-6i6b, Euthalius V-629C; Evan- gelist V-<J45d; exorcism V- 710b; fear II-65b: Gabriel in VI-330C; genealogy VI^USD^ Glaire'a version V1-0/6C. \ju- deau's version VI-623a; guar- dian angels VII-49d; .and Henoch I-602c: h'gh .P™?*^ XII^08b; history Xly-534a, history ecclesiastical V i i S^Holy. Ghost VIW09C: 411b; on interest, XV- J3&a, Jesus Christ, divimty VH- 708a; Justin Martyr on VIII 584b; language y-697b VU 176a; Latin versions 111-%'°: LTgr'in\x53l^d;'Luthe?s ver^sion IX-:447c: manuscripts IX-630C; XIV-D26C; 532c, Marcionism ^^-^f?i^%\ St. Mark's Gospel lX-674a mystery X-662b; .my?tery nlavs X-34Sd; oaths, justilica- Uon XI-176C and Old Testa- ment l.Wd ■xV,464d; onn|- sions I-121b: oriK.n XlV-53ua, paradise XIV-519c; Pat.er Nos- ter lX-35(ib; patnst.c citations Xiv-533b; and Pentateuch XI-651d; pessinusm XI-2().iD, St Peter's Epistle, authenticity Xi-752d: Peter of Bruvs on XI-781a: Porrccta. Scrafino a, Commentary XII-2S2d: pr.cst- hood XII-414a; Promise, Di- vine XIl-i:.3c; Protocanomcal Books Ill-209a; ^'oy"^""^.':' Divine XII-.'>12a; Quesnel s edition XV-12SC; Rv"»\.ir 142a; Resurrection in -vii 79M Sabbath XIII-2S9a; and science XIII-601b; bcripturo
III-275b: Sedulius XIII-680a;
silence XIII-790a; sin XlV-Oa;
Son of God XIV-143a: syna-
gogue XIV-380b; synass
XIV-383a; Synoptics XVI-
77c; Svriac Version 1A-**SD,
Sziinto" Version XIV-419d;Ter-
tullian on XIV-52Da; text V-
290c; XIV-531d; theology,
pastoral XIV-612c; time, reck-
oning II-29d; T.mothy_and
Titus, Epistles to XIV --27c,
XVI-78C; Tischendorf V-291b,
Tissofs illustrations XI V-74 lb ;
Trinity Xiy-5S4b; X\-47c.
Tubingen bchool Xl\-a3la,
Tyndale's Version ^ V-443c,
Unity of Church X\-133a
Valentinus on XV-266b,
Valla's XV-2.57d; variants
IV-49SC; verses y-629d.
versions, ancient Xl\-M^,
Victor of Capua XV-41oa; on
virginity XV-loSc; Virgin
Mary in XV-464Eb ; 464d ; Vul-
gate XIV - 533d: Weitenauer
XV-578C: Welsh Version XV-
535c; Wesley, John X-43/c,
Westcott and Horfs edition
V-292a; witchcraft m XV-fa'-ia
—OLD XIV-526a; 328c; I-54d;
IV-492d; V-696a; Aben-Ezra
I-39d; Abrabanel 1-oua; ad-
ram's work I-58a; abstinence
I-67c; Adam I-129c; adopt.on,
supernatural I-14Sc; adoration
I-152a; Alb.genses I-268a,
Alexander Natalis 1-29 <a;^:
leluia I-319b; ^'/ars I-3h0a ,
and St. Ambrose I-38<a, Jy»a,
Amen I-407b; anathema I-
455d: angels I-47Sd; animals
IV-542a; Anthropomorphism
I-559a; antiquities II-o4Sb;
Apelles IX-648b; Apocrypha
XIII-267C: apologetics l-b,!,iD,
622c; Arabia I-6C4b; Arma-
isms V-247b; Assyriology U-
8a; 10c: 185b; Babylonians 11-
8a; 185b; ISB'; bl^X^ TiZ 600a; Bogmili IMl^a. Bo- hairic Version X\T-79b, Cal- met III-189d
-Canon in-267a; \IY,-380d Jewish III-267C; outside the Church III-273d
-Canticles Ill-3qid; Ce bus III- 491b' Cherubim III-646d, Christology Xiy-5971.: Com- P)"^?-',';°.?fT-7^.d";frea
So"pUc Version III.-766d: crea-
tion IV-470d; criticism I-36C.
IV-492d; 496c; diseases 11-
549d; division XIII-638b; doc-
uments I-129d: dreams V-
155a; n early Church \ 1-659C,
edWins V-282C; 286<=; ^VI-
79c • elect V-374a; Elohim \-
393k: embroidery V-4t)la; epis-
tles V-509b; eschatology V-
531b: Ethiopian version V-
570b on Eucharist XIV-586d;
faith V-752c; genealogy \1-
iosc; Gnosticism VI-594a; God
I-146b; Greek Versions XIV-
?rchy VII-338a; High Priest
XII-i07c; images in vii
fifi4c- interest XV-23.5d; James
of I'a.-i, Mll-'277c; Jesus
rVrUt .livu.ilv Vll-706d; Jus-
tin 'sl'irtvr ....' Vlll-584a: and
Koran VlU-694a;. laigua^e
Vn-170a: Law. Divine l.\-' ic
legends I-54a: lessons, htiirgi-
eal I X- 19Sa ; libraries 1 X-22 . c ,
literature Vll-lSOa: . manu-
scripts lX-e29a;>lamon IX-
647a; mystery X-bb2b mjs-
terv dIuVS X-318d: and New
Testament I-y9d; XIV-530b;
oil 111 iW-a; oalhs. justihca-
tion X1-17I.C; "Pimnsm Al
263b; St. Paul M1-1SJC.X\-
ri32c- Peter of Bruys Xl-.Sla;
poe?^ Vll-180a; XII-174d:
torrecta, Serafano a XU-f /d ;
priesthood Xll-411b Jllc
Proba, Faltonia ^ j^la
Pron,ise, Dmne XII-453b.
Providence. Divine Xll-ojic.
Rabanus Maurus Xll;^ll'c,
Redemption XI 1-08 Id; Resur-
rection XII-792C; right of asy-
lum Xn-440b; and science
Xlll-OOlb: Scripture XIII-
637d: Sedulius XIlI-680a; Sep-
529a: silence Xni-790a, sin
XIV-6a; Son of God XI\ -
142Dc; soul XIV-154b; Spinoza
XIV-218a; symbolism XIV-
374a; Symmachus Version
XIV-378d; Syncretism XIV-
383d: Syria XIV-399d; Tar-
gums XIV-454d; Tell el-
Amarna Tablets XI\-4'8a;
Tertullian XIV-525a; text
XIII-638d; XIV-526b; 526c;
527b; 52Sd; theocracy XIV-
568b; Theodotians X-4'48d:
theology, moral XIV-bU3a,
theophanies I-480a ; Tissot s
illustrations XIV-741b; Tobias
XIV-750a: Tostado XI \ -
788c; Trinity XIV-5S4b: XV-
49b' versions VII-316C; Victor
of Capua XV-415a; Virgin
birth of Christ XV-151a: Vir-
gin Mary XV-464Ba: 464d;
Weitenauer XV-573C; Wisdom,
Book of XV-666d; wntnesses
XIV-527b; Word of God IX-
329b , , .
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
— of'idam I-131d; 132a; 132c — of Our First Parents I-132d —of Our Lord I-(.i:ib; I\-l.ja;
(,4,Sd V-:5i.:ic; 720b; Vl-32:ic:
VIl-421d; 432d; lX-24;jC;
XII-J16d „ . u I
—of the Twelve Patriarchs I-
477a- 603c: 606a: II-40bb;
Vn-'37d: X-214a: 74fld —of Zacharias I-006c ^„_^ _, TESTEM BENEVOLENTLY
XIV-537b; fil6b: V-24d; VII- 187d: IX-171C . .
Testera, Jacobo de, missionary
X— 80a , . -irTTT
Testewaide, missionary viii- 308b ,„„ „.,. .
Testi, Fulvio, poet VIII-2olb, XIV-738d .
Testiferrata, papal nuneio XV-
Testimony, and belief II-409c;
and witness XV-677d TEST-OATH, Missouri XIV-
538c ieft Jercoin X-335d; XI-155a T^ltri? battle (687) VI-241b;
VIII-780b Tesuque, Pueblo XII-5o5a Tet, in Annamite year Vll-771d,
in Egyptian cosmogony IV-
Teta, magician XI-198d
Tete, town, Portuguese occupa- tion X-610C
Teterchen, Redemptonsts at XII-684b
Teth, Hebrew letter VII-17f;c
Tetmajer, Casimir, poet XI 1-
Teton Indians XIV-23C; dialect
XlV-17d Tetrad, chemical II-53c Tetradites V-630a; X-49^; and
Peter of CaUinicus X-492a Tetradrachm, coin XI-153a Tetragrammaton V1U-3XJC Tetramorph lll-275a Tetrapla VII-31-d „„
Tetras, m t;iiostic^m V1-.)9SC Tetratheites. .^•Fe Tetradites Tetravela altaris I-3-53b Tetricius, Saint, Bishop of Aux-
,.,rr Ml!-7isb Tetricus, Saint, Hishop of Langres
lV-791d; VlII-790a Te-tsung, Chinese Emperor lU-
Tette, Saint, Abbess of Wimbome
XIV-.W3C: XV-64Sa Tetuan, <■■->" Portugese at 1-
Teudar, king III-494d
Teudemund XIV-290a
Teufelsloch XV-707b
Teuflel, Wilhehn Sigismund,
philologist XV-84b Te-ut V-olOc
Teuta, King of lUyria II-695b Teutbold, Bishop of Langres
XIV-289d Teuto, Peter XI-73C Teutobodiacum VI-336C Teutoburg Forest, battle (a.d. 9)
VI-484d: XV-B02a TEUTONIC ORDER XIV-o41a: VI-493C; VII-!83b; X-30ob; XII-752a; in Burzenland XV- 20d: 212d: and Celestine HI III-479b: chromele Vl-520a, church, Frankfort-on-the-Main VI-237b: clerics IV-49c: and Conrad of Masovia XI I- 183b; costume (iU.) XIV-541d; cre- ated IV-549b; at Culm IV- 566b; in Ermland V-o22a; and Gregorj- IX VI-797c; and Ivan the Terrible xni-246b; jubilee indulgences XIV-539C' at Tan- nenberg-Griinfelde XII-184b. Ubrary V-184a; in Palestine VIII-363d: in Poland XII- 183b' in Prussia III-70oa: IV- 553a;' VI-497d; VII-268a; XII- 520a' in Rumania Xlll-^-:»a. in Russia XII1-244C -Order, HospitaUer Sisters of the. Sfc Hospitaller Sisters ol the Teutonic Order —Script I-29C Teutonicus, Hermannus AV-
— Johannes. See John the Teu-
Teutons, race Xn-626c; and
Christianity in-7p0a: feudal-
ism VI-59c: magic XI-199b,
mythology 1-529^; statistics
V-608b; temples XIV-495d
TeutopoUs, settlement 1-36":
Teutsche Blatter, pubbcation
Teuwaatb", Hethite Vll-306b Teveristus, Bishop of Salamanca
XI1I-391C ^ ^.,,
Tewa Indians VII-408d; Xll-
Tewfik Schools V-3o6a
Tewkesbury, battle (14(1) XIV-
- i42d; XV-641a; and Clovesho
IV-llSc , _ ,
—Alan of. See Alan of Tewkes-
— ABBEY XIV-542c: I-245d; apse I-6C0b: VI-676b'. chapel III-577C: (ill.) Xn-o42c; shrine XIII-760d
TEXAS XlV-543a; aborigines I- 592a; III-129b; adoption in 1- 148a: agriculture A1V-044D, and Alabama I-2«a;.";™<'xa- tion XIV-546C: XV-lbt.d; Bo- hemians II-621a; cemeteries XIV-550d; 551c; Church in XIV-546d; 549a; communica- tion XIV-544d; divorce XIV- 551a: Domenecb V-102a: edu- cation XIV- 545b: 551b; ex- Dlorati.m XlV-545d; Francis- ran« VI-300b; French Ameri- cans VI-273b : X lV-546a : geog- ranhv XIV-543a: Germans vT476b Jesuits XlV-103d: leeislation XIV-SoOc: liquor, safe of XIV-551b; livestock X1V-544C; manufactures XlV-544d; Marcy on i-i-OD. marriage XIV-550d; m.ncrds XIV-.344C; nussioii ^ ' '■ » X-3S9C; Mil t- 54Sa; 77Nd. 1 m n ' ■
• nid \lbcrt «l Ui-iiuicnlmrg I-
2('.2a; Grone on yll-36a; on
indulgences Vll-.O-'c Xl\
539d; 540b: and l.n her X
44'2a; 44'2c; XlV.i.Wd. ami
7(1'>C' 'iiid Wimpina XV-li49d
h'M; 60a
Large type indii
Teuda, Q»
- c3 titles of articles; other types
n of Navarre X-7 21C
treated; (ill.) = iiltistrations
.:,p,- IM. XII-
i I ,,l:,li.,n XIV- , iiions, Cath- lii'ious orders
. , ,.';,.es XIV- 1 \IV-">43b: seal
Ar abi'.M '.<l""l"'^ '" V1-773C; 1 mv.'rMiv Xl\' .M.sb: Vicariate A,...stnlM- .\in ■125b; and Wy- oming XV-7-'.d „. „Q,- Teicoco, convent A-13oC, uu.a
„f ,-,.ii(.-