Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/834

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educational institutions XV 156a; in Europe XV-l&SD, hLVo^ XV-155b; m IUK10IB VII-658a; m Indiana Vll 742d; International Council XV-156a; Mohammedan V- 166d; in New H^a-^P?!^"-* JtT 789b; Propaganda AV-looa, L Rhode Island XIII-22C; and Socinianism Xl\ - li*". P South Carolina XIV-160a, in sSuth Dakota XIV-162b; sta- Suc3XV-lo6a; 156c;Tocque- vHle on XIV-753C; in Tran- svlvania XII-708a.; m WaleB XV-337a; women m mmistry XV-696a Xlnitas, periodical Xl-b»»D Polish sacerdotal society All-

—SUasburg Society I-3*5c

Christiana, letter of Leo Xlli

V-239d , . „ .1,

— Fratrum. See Bohemian Breth-

ui'ted American MechaJiics of

the United States \ lll-078b — Baptists II-2Slb ^-„>

—Brethren (Unitas Fratrum).

.S,,. B..lii>niiun Brethren . —Brethren in Christ, in Africa

I-lS8a; in Indiana % U-'^-d.

■•" Japkn Vin-3U9c; in Ten-


nessee XIV — Brothers.

Armenian , ■ t « 

—Church of Chnst, m Japan

VIII-309b .

— EpiscopaUans, m Japan Vlii

-Free Church of Scotland I-

ISSa; XII-393b —Grand Lodge, England IX-

—Greek Church Vl-joSb —Irishman, periodical IX-SBMa —Irishmen VIII-107a; X-S7c:

ifl-eWb; Xni-126d —Irishwomen XV-696d — Kingdom, AlUance, temperance


suciltv XIV-48Sd — Lutheran Church,

—Methodist Free Churches X-

ojia- in Africa I-lS8a Order of Mormons X-57ia,

-Sesbyterians 1-300*; and Free Church VI-2oSa; m Japan VIII-309C

—Service Magazine VIII-b26b

ulSk^D^sfAfls OF AMER- ICAXV-156d;A.P.A I-426C. art, La Farge. John X\I-50a, bureau of chemistrj- l-lb-c, bureau of education, on co- education IV-9.0a;.bureau of statistics, on Insh m America

—CAurcfc inxil-293c; abbots I- 19d; 20b; abbots, mitred I-20C. abstinence I-69d; 70a; affimty. law of I-179C; All HaUows. priests from I-SlSbj altar- cloths, blessing of I-3o2b; al- tars, privileged I-34Sd; altar- stones, consecration of I-J4»D. altar-vessels, consecrator ot I-3,')7c; Apostlcship of Prayer I-633b; apostolic administra- tors I-143b; apostohc delega- tion IX-120b; apostolic dele- gat°oi powers of V-749a; ap- peals I-653b; 692b; Augustin- !.„. ;n VII-282C; Baltimore

ians in VII-282C; Bait ,- Councils n723ob; Cardinal Bedini, mission of U-38/D, Benedictines II-4.51d; 455c; 460b; XV-648C; Benediction, first abbatial VI-54 lb; benef- ices n-474b; Benevolent Legion III-452C; betrothal 11-5370. 538b; bigamists, dispensation of ll-564b; bishops, election of II-584d; Blanchct Il-593c: Blessed Sacrament. Sisters of the II-599b; "Cabinet . pe- riodical XV-611C; canonical age I-207b; Canon law 11- 238«; Capuchins JIJ " 327a: 320b; Carmelites III -^'JJf' Carmelites, tcrtlarics XIV- 638b; Archbishop Carroll, epis- copal* ot III-383a;. catechisms V-80d; cathcdraticum '"-

442a; census V-27d; Central Verein of North America III- 534a; chancery, diocesan, ofB- cials of 1V-799C; chaplains, military III-581d; chapters. III-584b; charities, statistics III-602d; Charity, Sisters of III-606d; 607d; Charity of Our Lady, Sisters of III-610C; Children of Mary III-659c; Christian Brothers of Ireland in III-711a; Christian Schools. Brothers III-712a; VIII-61a; churches, patron saints of XI- 564c; Cistercians 1/1-^°!;?' clergj-. maintenance of l-313b; competency IV - lS7a; confir- mation inIV-221d: of IV-283d; constitution Ro- mano Pontifices" XIII-154d; consultors ni-439d; converts IV-347d; converts, baptism ot II-264b; Coptic Rite XIII- 86b; Corcoran, James Andrews IV-356b; councils, plenary XII-165b; courts, ecclesiastical I-650d; Croatians in IV-5131); deans, powers of IV-660a; di- rectories V-27a; Disciples of Christ V-29c; Di^nation m V-49c; Dominican regular ter- tiaries XIV-640a; Douay Bi- ble III-346b; early history III-382C; ecclesiastical address, forms of I-139c; ecclesiastical courts, recognition of 1-bO^a. education XIII-560a; educa- tion, association V-305a; edu- cation. Creighton Lniversity IV-4S0c; Episcopal subsidies XIV-322b; extreme unction iV-662a; faculties V-74Sb: fasts V-790a; Flaget VI-93b; Foresters, Orders of \ l-13Sa. foundations VI-15Sd; Pran- ciscans VI-299d; Franciscan Third Order XIV-642d; 646a; Good Shepherd. Convents of the VI-648b; Grey Nuns m VII-31C; hierarchy. Insh mem- bers VIII - 145a; Historical Society, and Th^baud XI\- 662b; hoUdays III-166a; holy days VI-22C; XIV-342d; Im- maculate Conception, feast ot VII-680c; Immaculate Concep- tion, patron of VII-680d; In- dian missions X-384b; Insh VIII-144d; Jesus Mary, Re- ligious Vin-385d; Knights of America III-453b; language question V-Sld; lay trustees I-144c; XV-71C; Lazansts in X-190d; Lenten "l^Vl %o?t" 154a; Leo XIII XIV-537b. XV-771a; literature for the blind V-315a; litigation ec- clesiastical I-651d; Little Com- pany of Mary, Sisters of the XIV-29c; maintenance 111- 763a: 765c; Maronite Rite XIII-83a; marriage lI-25oa, 256b; marriage, annulment ot IV-675C; masses, bequests for X-32d; missionary union 111- 453c; missions, early I-32ba; missions, number of Xl>'-J/aa. nuns XI-166d; ordination, nrst II-20bc; III-653C; orphans, provision for .XI-323C; and papal infallibility xy-305b; parishes formed XI-502b; Pas- chal tide, duration XI-Sl/c, Pasaionists XI - o24c; 52ob. Passion Offices XI-p27b; pa- tron II-240d; penodicals XI- 692b; pilgrimage to R»{"e. f^t

VI-150d; and Pius VII XII- 133b; poor, care of XII-24Ja. Poor Clares, order of XII-

253d; 2i>4b; po';'"? "', Hli3: precedence, right of XII-371d: Precious Blood, Congregation of III-12d; prescription, re- quirements for XII-39od; Pres- entation of Mary. Congrega- tion XII -400a; Presentation Sisters in XII-3?7d; Priesta. Confraternities ol XII -421c. Priests' Euchanstic League m XII-423b; and Projiaganda IV-.565a; XIII-143a; property III-45a;XII-472c; protectories XII-492c; quasi-domicilc IV- 3a; rectors, irremovable vlll- 173d; rectors, permanent IV-

209d; rectors, position of J" 437b; Redemptonsts in XU- 684a; Retreat. Houses of Xll- 796d; Rites Xlll-ySa; St. Joseph. Sisters of., m VIII- 512c; Salesian Society Xlli- 399b; Sanatio. dispensation XV-257a; schools XIII-579C1. sees, vacancy of I-692a; semi- naries, ecclesiastical XIU- 698a; seminaries, table ot tng- Ush speaking XUI-700b; bhea. jjhn Gilmary XIIMSSc; so- cieties III-347a; Society. Bible II - 544d; Society. Cathohc Truth XV-78d; Society for Propagation of the Faith -\.u- 462a; Society. Gesellenvereine VI-539b; Society of Jesus XIV-95b; lOld; Soe'cty of Jesus, statistics XlV-lOSb. Society of the Blessed Sacra- ment XlV-lUa; Society St Vincent de Paul XIII-390c; Seraphic Work ?f Chan. V III- 327b; statistics II-232d, Xl\- 269c; 271c; status of curates IV-571C; Sulpicians in XIV- 329d; Sj-nod, first II-230a, Syro-Catholic Rite XIII-|65, Syro-Jacobite Rite XIII-86b "Tametsi" decree published IV-2a; Ursulines XV-.i-bD; 228d; Viatonans m XV-40UD, Vicar General, first, I-326b. vigils V-647d; Visitation Nuns XV^82c- Xaverian Brothers XV-728c; 729a —commerce: and China iii- 685d; and Japan \I11-31/D, and Turkey, table of trade re- lations XV-99d

Education: anatomy, study oi

I-460d; co-education 'u IV S9a; college graduates l-ZOiD. colleges IV-UOc; high schools IV - Ilia; universities XV- 196d; universities, Arts, faculty of I-759b; universities, charac- teristics I-760a; universities. M.A. degree I-760a; Ward, James XV-551a —Emigrant Aid Society V-402d.

Ethical Society V-56 la -Geography: Alabama 1-24^, Albany I-256b; Alton I-367b. Altoona I -368b; area XV- 156d; Arizona I-719b; X\I- 5b; Baker City II-213d;Bati- more II-228a; Belleville II- 414d;BismarckXVI-10d;Boi3e II -623d; Boston II - 703a; boundaries XV-156d; Brook- K-n II -798c; Browns\nUe III-3b; Buffalo in.-37c; Bur- lington Ill-Slb; California III- 170c; Charleston III - 630c, Cheyenne III-651C; Chicago III-653b; Cleveland IV-ooa; Colorado IV-129b; Cohimbus IV-149C; Concordia I\-206b. Corpus Christi XVI-3ob; Cov- ington IV-462C; Crookston XVI-Sob; Dallas IV-605b: Davenport I V-&40b; Delaware IV-692a; Denver I\-i33d; Des Moines XVI-35C; Detroit n - 758b- divisions X\-156d; Dubuque V - 179c; Dulut i V-188C; Erie V-518c; FaU River V-771b; Fargo \-786d. Florida VI-115b; Fort \S ayne VI-150d; Galveston VI-372b. GeorgiaVI-160b;GrandRapld3 VI-726C; Great Falls % I-734c; Green Bay VI-777a; Harris- burg VII-143a; Hartford \II- 144a; Helena VII-203c; in.nois VII-653C; Indiana \II--38b. Indianapolis VII-744b; Jowa VIII-93C; Kansas \III-o9,c. Kansas City VIII-602b; Rear- ney XVI-4Sa; Kentnckv ^111- 620b; La Crosse \III-(35t). Lead IX-98c; .Lcaj'™^""*! IX-102C; Lincoln IX-2bbl>. Little Rock IX-295a; Louisi- ana IX-378C; Louisville IX- 386b; Maine IX-541c; Man- chester IX-584d; Marqueue IX-689a; Maryland IX-75on. Massachusetts X-24d; Michi- gan X-280a; Milwaukee X- 319a; Minnesota X-326d; Mis- sissippi X-394c; Mussouri X- 398a: Mobile X-410c; Mon-

tana X-516b; Monterey and lS Angeles X-532b; Nashville X-704d; Natchez X-709a, Natchitoches X-7 10b; Nebras- ka X-729c; Nevada X-7, 5c. Newark X-779d; New Hainp- shire X-785b; New Jersey X- 790a; New Mexico Xl-la. New York. Archdiocese of XI- 20b- New York State XI-29b; North Carolina Xl-lOSb; Og- densburg -XI-222C; Oregon XI-288c; Peoria Xl-obio. Pittsburgh XII-121a; Portland XII-2S7b; Providence Xll- 509c; Rhode Island XIII-20a; Richmond Xlll-oOa; Roches- ter XIII-102d; Rockford XIII- lOic- Sacramento Xlll- ml\ Satat Cloud XIII-34M; St. Joseph XIII-3.56d; St Louis XIII-357C; St. Paul XIII-366d; Salt. Late XI II-; 404c; San Antonio XI11-424C. Ian Francisco XIII-439C; San- ta Fe XIII-456d; San Xavier del Bac XIII-164b; Savannah XllWSSa: Scranton XII1-; 633a; Seattle XIII -66oa, stux City XIV-16b; Siqux Falls XIV-16d: S. Carolina XIV-137b; S. Dakota, XIV- 160d; Springfield XIV-236d; Superior XIV-336C; Syracuse XIV-397c; Tennessee XIV- 508b : Texas XI V-543a; Toledo XIV-759c; Trenton X\ -37a, Tucson XV-84C; Ltah XV- 238a; Vermont 354b; Virginia XV^Slc; Washmgton XV- 560b; Washington. D. C. XV 558a; West Virginia XV-«05a. Wheeling XV-6q8a; Wichita XV-616b; Wilmington XV- 646d; Winona XV-6o8b: Wis- consin XV-661b; Wyoming XV-724C ^

— geology XV^-lo7b .

— Htsto?J XV - 162b ; abolition movement XII-627d; aborig- ines I-410a; III-129b; abong- ines, language I-fJlb: ."J/ Alaska I-246C, 247c; 24,d Algonquins I-312b; .\ntietam, battle XV-172a; Apaches, war with I-592b; .\rgentma, sta- tistics I-704a; Arizona I- 719b: bank, first XV-16od, 167c: bank, re-charter 111- 347a; Barr\' II-311C: Beaure- card II-377C; blindness, sta- ffstics V-306b; S.OSd: 314b-, 315b; Bohemians in U-b.iUD Bulgarians

Bulganau, .^ XIYtSKl; ^ul Run. battle XV-1. Id; capital transferred XV-558b; Carey, Matthew III-374a; Carroll, Charles III-3S0d; Cavanagh III-46Sb; Chapelle in III-- 579c; character development 1-4 15b; Chickamauga X\ -- 17'>c; and China III-6S3c; 684a; China, treaty w'th X-- 296a; Christianity m I-499b. XIV-771a; citizens, in Argen- tina I-703b; Civil War XV- 168a; 171d; 172b; 1,3d; colon- ization XV-157c;159d; con- ciliation in IV-191a; Congo Association IV-229a; Congo Free State IV-229c; Connecti- cut IV-253c; Creeks, treaty ■with IV-480a: Croatians in XIV-52b; and Cuba IV-o60a; Cuban question ,,XV-17Sa; deaf, statistics V-320b; deaf mutes V-317d: deaf mutes, statistics V-319b: Delaware IV-692a; drug addictions Xll- 552c; early political parties XV-16l')b; financial panic 11- V.4a; XV-177a; 179b; Finnisl Vl-77b; Fitz-Simons in \_I- 88a; foreign policy XV-16,a foundling, system ^>I-160» France, colonization XV-1o»d France and War of Indepen dence III-694d; French an. Indian War XV- 159b ; Gernian in VI-475b; Government XV 165d: Grant's campaign XV 172d; Guine>\ Pa'tick 'n V U 72b; Healy. George V I1-162J Holland. colonizationXV-iasi Hilllnders in VII-393b: ho. pitals. Alexian I-307b; imm

Large type indicate, title, of articles; other typo., topic, treated; (....) = umstrationa.