grants V-4CMc; X-291d; 293b:
Independence, war of. and
Barry II-311a; Indians in III-
13l)a: Indians, houses of VII-
749a; Inter-Colonial wars XV-
15Sc: Irish in VIII-n4a; 132b;
Iroiiuois in VIII-170d; Italians
in VIIl-202a; 225b; and Japan
lll-685b; Vni-312c; Jews in
\'III-399a;399c;King George's
War XV-158d; King William's
war XV-lSSc; Knownothing-
ism VIII-677a; labour, volun-
tary arbitration I-6S4b; labour,
voluntary, and compulsory ar-
bitration I-684a; Lee XV-
172c; 172d; London company
XV-157d; Maronites in XIII-
84d; Messina, relief VIII-2Ub;
Monroe Doctrine XV-167b;
National Prison Congress
XII-43.id; natives of, in Cana-
da II I-229b ; navy organized II-
311c; negro race in XII-627a;
negro slave labour II-164C;
negroes, statistics XII-628a;
new States XV-174b; nullifica-
tion claim XV-167d; Ojibwa
tribe III-690b; oldest city VI-
116c: Oriental research XI-
3048 ; 304b; and Panama XI-
438d; Panama Canal XV-
179a: Parmentier, horticultur-
ist II-357d: Philadelphia, first
capital of XI-640d; and Philip-
pines XII-l-3d; Plymouth Com-
pany XV-137C; Poles in XII-
204b; population, foreign X-
298b; and Porto Rico XII-
293a: press, Polish XII-211c;
printing, embossed V-310c;
prisons in XII-432c; Provi-
dence XII-509c; Pulaski in
XII-561C; Queen Anne's War
XV-loSc; recent history XV-
175b: reconstruction XV-173b;
174c; religious freedom in
XIV-765b; Russians in XIII-
234b: XIV-48b; 52d; Ruthen-
ians XIV-53d; and San Dom-
ingo V-llld; and Sandwich
Islands XIII-J38a; sculpture m
XIII-647b; sectional conflict
XV-167C; Ser\'ians in XIV-
54a; Sheridan XIII - 757b;
Shields XIII-758b: Sioux Wars
XIV-19d; Sioux, treaty with
XIV-19a; slavery- controversy
XV-167d; 169a; Slavs in XIV-
51a; Slovaks in XIV-54c;
Slovenes XIV-56a; and Spam
XIV-184d: Spain, colonization
I-tl2d; XV-158b; Spain, war
with XIV-lS6b: XV-178a;
Spain, war with, Chapelle III-
579c; Stamp Act XV-160d;
statistics. Civil War XV-173d;
statistics, table of XV-176a;
177a; suffrage movement XV-
692c; 696b; suicide statistics
XIV-327d; Sweden, coloniza-
tion XV-158b; Taos Pueblo
XIV-448d; temperance move-
ment XIV-482d: 488b;
XV-490b; territorial acces-
sions XV-lfi6d; Thanksgiving
davXIV-555d; Waldensians
in' XV -530b; War of 1812,
and Canada III-235b; Vicks-
burg XV-I72b: Virginia, War
of 1912 XV-l.ific; Wisconsin,
accpssi.m of XV-fi63a
tion XV-UVId; abortion
I-49a: adoption in I-148a;
affinity, law of I-179c; affirma-
tion in I-179c; agrarian laws
I-227C: Alaska, government of
I-247d: alien and sedition
laws XV- 166b: arbitration I-
6S5a; attainder, law II-59b:
bankruptcy laws II-2.53a: 25.5a :
255b; I5e<lford. Gunning II-
386b: bigamy, laws II-565c;
blasphemy laws II-596a: cap-
ital puiushment XII - 56Sc;
Carroll, Archbishop III-383a;
Carroll, Daniel III-.3S1C: ceme-
ten- laws III-.508d; charitable
bequests, law III-591b: VI-
159a; Charter of Liberties V-
130c; and Church II-234a;
Church property, ci^■il. incor-
poration of VII-719C: confes-
sion, seal of XIII-661b: and
confederation XV-164a: con-
sanguinity. ciWl law IV-268a:
Constitution XI-640d; XV-
55Sa; corporation law IV-338c;
3S9a; debts, priority of IV-
664a; and De Smet IV-752c;
divorce law I-164b: V-66d;
in English law XV-695d; First
Continental Congress XV-
16 Id: food coloiu-ing matters
I-162d; gambling VI-376a;
guardianship VII-51d; infanti-
cide Vlll-ld: juvenile courts
VIII-586d; Kansas-Nebraska
Bill XV-170c; labour legisla-
tion VIII-723C; lottery IX-
366d; marriage 1-3 13d; II-
25Sa; IX-692a; marriage,
age I-208d; marriage, banns
of II-258a; marriage license
IX-692b; parental authority
in XI-480b; partnership XI-
509d: peace congress XI-596d;
penal laws XI-616C; Philip-
pines XII-13d: Philippines,
provincial XII-Hb; poor law
XII-255b; Samoa, administra-
tion of XIII-421b; slave trade
XII-627C: statistics IX-696C;
stipends XIV-296d; taxation
of ecclesiastical property XII-
440b; Washington's adminis-
tration XV-ir,6a; women prac-
titioners XV-69Ga
— literature V- 20.5c; Brownson,
O. A. Ill-la: Brownson. Sarah
M. III-3a; Bn,-ant. John Dela-
van III-25a; Crawford, Francis
Marion XVI-30b; Democratic
Review, periodical, Brownson,
O. A. III-2a; Dorscy V-136a;
encyclopedias V-410d; Gayarr6
VI-399c; Harland. Henry XVI-
44a; Harris. Joel Chandler
VII-142C: Henderson VII-
214d; Huntington VII-564b;
Johnston VIII-184d: Lathrop
XVI-51d: manuscripts IX-
620a; Miles X-302d; Pise XII-
116a; Randall XII-639d; Ryan
XIII-282b: Ryder XII-639d;
Starr XIV-250b: Stoddard
XIV-298C; Tabb XIV-423c;
Tenney XIV-512b
— patroness of XI-566b
— Religions and Sects: Anabap-
tists in I-446c: Anglican sta-
tistics I-499b; Antinomians I-
56.5d; Armenian Church V-
572a; Baptists II-279c; Bap-
tists, statistics II-281C: Chal-
dean Catholics in XIII-85d:
French Catholics VI - 271c;
Greek Church VI-750a: 754b;
Greek Church antiphons I-
575d; Greek Church, and Epis-
copal Church VI-771a; Greek
Church, and state XIV-
769c: Lutherans in. statistics
IX-463b; Masons IX-~7.5d;
786c; Masons, statistics IX-
778d; Mennonitcs in X-190d:
Methodism in X-239c; negroes
XII -629a; Presbyterianism
XII - 394a; Protestant Epis-
copal Church in XII-49.3d;
Protestant deaconesses IV -
652d; Quakers VI-386b; Rus-
sian Orthodox Church XIV-
53b: Ruthenian Greek Catho-
lics XIII-280a: statistics tabu-
lated XIV-280a; 281a: Swed-
enborgians in XIV-356b; Syn-
dicalists XIV-3S6b: voluntary
II-2c: t'nitarianism in XV-
— States Catholic Historical Mag-
azine, founded XIII-753d
— States Catholic Magazine, Bal-
timore XI-69.5d
— States Catholic Miscellany, pe-
riodical. Charleston \'— 471a;
—States of Colombia. See Co-
UniUve Way XIV-25.5d; 616c:
and abandonment I-6a: in
aacetical terminology I-769c
Unity, churches. Eastern and
West«m XIII-536a; in French
drama VI-196a
— in philosophy III-459d: as de-
termination of being X-227c;
transcendental XV-1 7d
XV-179C; .i3b: II-fi4a; III-
4oOc: 7.59a; VI-613d: X-
502d; XIV-540C; Apostolic
Fathers on I-639C; Bossuet on
I-797b; Christ on XIII-530a;
in early Church XV-135d; in
Epistles to Corinthians, first
IV-367a: Epistle to the Corin-
thians, second IV-369a; false
notions XV-179d; in Germany
VH87b; and God the Father
I-658d; and Greek Church XV-
180a; Gregory of Nazianzus
VII-12a; Gregorj' of NiocffiS-
area VII-16a; Herbest XV-
130c; Mohler on X-430b: pa-
tristic teaching XV-lSOd; Prot-
estantism XV - 180a; and
schisms XV-145b; Sign of the
Cross IV-525d; true notion
XV- 180a: truth XV-75d; Tes-
tem Benevolentije XIV-53Sa;
in Unam Sanctam XV-126a
— Divine, Anglican I-504b: XV- 180a: .\pollinarian I - 615d: Mohammedanism X-426b: Monarchian X— JoOa: primitive XII-744d: Sikhs XIII-789a; Tertullian XIV-524C
— of Christendom X— 148c: Asso- ciation for Promoting IV-699d; XV-149C; See Union of Chris- tendom
Universal Bishop, Phocas. decree of II-660d
—Doctor (Alain del'Isle) I-244d: (Albertus Magnus) I~264a
— el, periodical. Madrid, Canal writes for 1 1 1-24 2d
— Emancipation, Genius of (Lundy) XV-169C
— German Working Men's Asso- ciation, foundod XI\'-l'i4b
UniversaUs Ecclesia;, Bull of Pius IX XVI-37d: XV-.594d
— Ecclesise regimini. Bull of Ju- lius II X-260d
UNIVERSALISTS XV-lSlb; I- 500b: .\pocatastasis. doctrine of I-600d; of Apostolic mission IV-113a; Baltimore II-236c: baptism II-264C: church, in Rhode Island XIII-22C: con- demned I-eOOc: doctrinal prin- ciples XV-481C; etemitv of hell VII-208d: history XV-181d: Indiana, statistics VII-742d; in Japan VIII-309C: Kant on III-432b: New Hampshire X- 789b; Porretanus on VI-555d; Redemption, theorj- of XII- 6S0d: Schleiermacher 1 1- 103b; South Dakota, statistics XIV- 162b;SpinozisticteachingXIV- 218d; in United States XV- 18 Id; women in ministry XV- 69fia: Zoroastrian II-156b
Universal Negatives I-453a
— Priesthood of Believere. See Priesthood. Universal, of Be- lievers
Universa per orbem. Bull of Ur- ban VIII X-23b
UNIVERSALS XV-182b: I-74c; V-507d; VII-632d: VIII-68b; Abelard I-38c; accident I- 96c; Adelard of Bath XVI-ld; Albertus Magnus I-266b: 266c; Alexander of Hales I-298d: in Arabian philosophy I-676a; Aristotle I-714b: 714d; 715a; VII-631C: Avicenna II-lo7d; Bacon II-191d; Berkeley V- 407d: Burleigh III-81a; of Christianity III-719b; and the Church III-4.50d: 757c: Conceptualism XI-90d: Duns Scotus V-186C: 196d: formal XV-183a; ideas. theor>- on VII- 631b; and individuality VII- 762d. Kant's theory I-216c; Ixicke V-407d: material XV- 183a; Middle Ages XI-91d: NominaUsm XI-90d: Plato VII-«31a: Porr^e. Gilbert de la VI-555b: Proclus and Ara- bian philosophy I-675b; Real- ism XI-90d: Remigius of Auxerre XII-764b: Robert of Melun xni-97d: Schola.sti- cism IV-771b: substance XIV- 323c: Walter of Montague XV-544b; William of Cham- peaux XV-632b; WiUiam of Ockham XV-636C UNTVERSE XV-183b: angels I- 477d: Apollonius system XV- 183d; Balhstic XV-187c; Bru-
no's theory III-17d; Cam-
panella. theory III-222a; Cath-
olic doctrine IV-471d; Coperni-
can system XV-184a; 184c;
Cosmodysy XV-187d: cos-
mogonies IV-405d; XV-186b;
destruction theorj' XV-lS8b;
Divine Providence XII - 510;
evil in V - G52d: evil in. Schop-
enhauer V-650c; evolution of
the. in Indian Cosmogony IV-
410a; extinction theory XV-
lS8a; Fechner's theory II-
571b; geocentric system XV-
184a: God's relation to VI-
614d: government of. Arabian
theory I-675d; Gunther's theo-
ry VII-86C: heliocentric sys-
tem XV-lS4b: HeracUdcs' sys-
tem XV-1S3C: 183d; Hip-
Earchus, system XV-183c;
i-storic times of the XV-
lS3b; hydrodvnamic XV-187b:
and immanence VII-682b;
6S2d: laboratory experiments
XV-lS5b: Leibniz' system IX-
136a; material evolution, and
first cause VI-610d: meteoric
XV-187b: modern view V-
733c: past and future XV-
186b: Plato's theory XII-161a;
planetarv XV-186C; Ptolemaic
system 'XV- 183c; Sabaoth
XIII-286d; systems XV-1S3C
— periodical. England V— 457d: XI-674b
— Syrian Greek Catholic periodi- cal VI-75'2a
Universea Ecclesise, Constitu- tion of Leo XIII I-29C
Universi, Constitution of Gregory XV V-690d
Universi agri. Bull of Paul V XIII-206C
Universi dominici Gregis, Brief of Clement XI VIII -291d: brief of XV-12.Sd
—of Pius IX IV-3.58a
—Bull of Gregory XV XIV-134d
—Bull of Pius IX IX-562d
Universitarian sect, secret society IX-787b
Universitas, in Roman law IV- 388b
Universite catholique. periodical, France II-677b: XI-677c; Ger- het. L'. founds X-99a
Universite Ubre. See Brussels,
UUrVERSltlES XV-188d: IV- 112a: Aberdeen I-42b: Alcali I-271a: 271b: XV-730b: All Hallows college I-314d; Alsace Lorraine, state subsidies I- 342d: alumni I-370d: An- gers I-489d: Anima I-514c; Antioquia XV-202b: Arts, Faculty of I-757d: Avignon II-160b: Avila II-161a: Bache- lorship I-756d; Barcelona II- 290d; XIV-17.5a: Berlin XII- 526d; Bogota XV-202b; Bolo- gna II-641C: XIII-600a: Bonn II-673d: Bordeaux II-684a; Breslau II-765b; Brown XIII- 22d; Brussels III-24a; Buenos Aires XV-202b: Caen III- 132d: California III - 172c; Cambridge III-211c: XIII- 600a: Canada XV-198d; Canca XV-202b: candidates XV- 193c: in Canon law IV-112b: Caracas XIV-206a: CarmeUtes III-356a: S.'iSa: 366d: Carta- gena XV-202b; Catania XIII- 772c; Catholic action XV-197C: Catholic, dean IV-660b: Cath- olic Summer Schools, ex- tension courses XIV-334C: Catholic I'niversily of Ameri- ca III-1.55a; XV-559d: Cath olic Universitv of Ireland V- 176d: XV-199b: celibacy XV- I93d: Central. Venezuela XV- 202b: censorship of books III- 522b: censure, power of III- .W2b: chartularies III-637b: Chicago VII-6.55b; Chile XIV- 20na; 206c: clerics XV-193b: Cochabamba XV-202b: Coim- bra IV-95c: Colore IV-120d: Cologne, censorship of books IIU521a; Columbia XV-202d; Copenhagen IV-352b: copy- ists IX-618d: Cordoba XV- 202b; Cornell XI-32a; coa-
Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.