Aguas Calientes, Diocbsb of (Aquje CAUDiE; In 11S2 Renaud of Chatillon, Lord of Kerak and
cf. C. E., I-232b), a Mexican see comprising the of the territory of the Upper-Jordan, vainly at-
province of Aguas Calientes, is suffragan of Guada- tempted to take possession of the city when he
lajara. The first bishop of this diocese, Rt. Rev. organized his adventurous expedition against the
Jose Maria Portugal, O.F.M., appointed 28 May. holy cities of Islam. To-day it is called Akaba,
1902, died 27 November, 1012. He was succeeded as is also the gulf upon which it is situated; the
by Rt. Rev. Ignatius Valdespino y Diaz, b. at name is taken from a rough slope (Akaba) which
Chalchihuites, 1861, appointed Bishop of Sonora, faces the city, and which the Sultan Ibn-Ahmed-
19 September, 1902, and transferred to Aguas Ebn-Touloun in the ninth century made passable
Calientes 10 January, 1913, in which ^ear new by the construction of an excellent road. It was
Catholic schools and a beautiful building for a first called Akabah-iEIa, then the Slope of Akaba,
seminary were begun, the old ones having been and finally simplified to Akaba.
usurped and destroyed by the Revolutionists. New Aire (Aturum), Diocese op (cf. C. E., I-237a),
choir stalls have been placed in the cathedral and comprises the territory of the Department of
handsome gratings replace the old ones in the Landes, in France, and is suffragan of Auch. From
doors. During the World War the clergy, assisted igoe to 1912 the episcopal residence was at Saint-
by many of the laity, earned on an active campaign Sever, but by a decree of 22 April, 1912, the bishop
against Socialism, Bolshevism and Protestantism, was authorized to reside at Dax until he should
with the result that many CathoUc syndicates are find suitable quarters for himself and the seminary
now orgamzed. at Aire, which remains the seat of the diocese.
The diocese comprises 11 parishes, 54 churches, Rt. Rev. Eugene-Francois Touzet, who was ap-
3 monasteries for women, 58 secular and 10 regular pointed to this see 21 February, 1906, died 23 Sep-
cleigy, 42 brothers, 1 seminary with 45 seminarians, tember, 1911, and was succeeded by the present
2 secondary schools for boys with 14 professors and (1922) bishop, Rt. Rev. Marie-Charles-Albert de
300 students, 5 elementary schools with 30 teachers Cormont, b. in Paris, 1847, ordained 1876, appointed
and 1,500 pupils and 1 home for the aged. The Bishop of Martinique 1899, transferred to Aire 27
Knights of Columbus are organized in the diocese. November, 1911. In 1920 this diocese had a Catho-
Aikenhead, Mart (cf. C. E., I-234b).— The cause lie population of 288,902, 28 parishes, 293 succursal
of her beatification was introduced 15 March, 1921. panshes and 41 vicariates.
Alia (^LA), a titular see in Palastina tertia, r^j^' ^^T^'l^'^^i'^'^^^^ "^^^^^
situated on the Red Sea at the foot of the Gul/ SiJ^%?fP|Jl^!?^, TLPr'^^f;^^^^^^ J^ .n
of Akabah, and now known as Dasr-el-Akabah, J^^^^t Rev FVan^ois-Josen^^^^
~ iarchate of Jerusalem! P21?*^®^j*° ***^^ see 18 April 1901, died 20 April,
aiuuuu utK5 uivfuuvcbiAAo w* uc;u . MM woo \i*Ad± JOmeCi Q Tnlv 1Q9n
to Idumea and later feU into the hands of David ^ruJ^i^lie^iur.ii^ »».,..i<.»:». «f tn. t..^t„^ (U Kings, viii, 14; UI Kings xi, 16, 16), and Solo- . ^^^ *°^ * i ^nR?^'^^'*"'^?^ **^ temtp^
men usS ite port withlSrt of Asiongaber in set- f-j^PP!?^™**!^ ^S-^S^^T'^^S^nnf nJS^ tin., »ii f«r n^hir Tlio flitAr «.„nU«i inifh .11 *h^ 129 panshcs, 228 pnests and 17 religious orders:
(IV Kings xvi, 6), thus greatly benefiting the com- ?"^^ Tui"" ""^^ .^"'"'Ij. "' ""■; /""«» "J mercTof the Icingdom orjucla, as the £orts along ^\' «/ ^ercy, Franciscan Sisters of Lyons, and
l^lt 80 students; 2 colleges for boys (the (CoUege of th<S
Sacred Heart at Aix, with 12 clerical professors, 6
Eusebius and St. Jerome tell us that the tenth .... .. . . ,. .„ ^ • t.A^ "„„„ »„. K™r= ^■^a a\ t^
legion charged and took this garrison. stitutions include 50 patronages for boys and 80 far
\t le^three bishops of this see are known: fJ^: »* hospitals, 6 orphaaa^e^ 2 nurseries and
R^^W4^n^S.?i7«f X r™,n^'i ^f%'ii^l' olic Association, the Association of Cathdic Youth, ?M^i J «rV.^.SL »,^^i^^^t;n..^^^? the Association of Catholic Teach 'rs of the Public ^^H P^Tr.5^ wrt;Jf f ihi r^'nJi^f Schools, conferences of St. Vincent de Paul, the ^i'.i ?M»i^L^? ^n !li fiT^? "' **^ Tabernacle Society, catechetical and mission socie- fwf,«J^?Sf 'th?" xt\^}LTh^llhr,fr.r,^ ties. A number of Catholic periodicals are pub- Conquered by the Arabs upon their entrwice j;^^ ^ "La Semaine Religieuse," "Croix de into Palestine, ^la became one of their principal provence," "Memorial d'Aix." "LTEcho de Bouches- fortresses as well as an important commercial city d^.^hSne," "Le Forum Arlwien," "Tablettes de la because of its location on the road to Mecca. Oc- g^^ d'Arles." and "Bulletins paroissiaux." cupied by the French in 1116 it was retaken m '-~"""* • *^ 1175 with the Idand of Graye, now called Djerireh AjMdo, Diocese of (Adjensib; cf. C. E., I-238d). Faraoun, from which it is separated by a narrow comprises the island of Corsica and is suffragan of arm of the sea and upon which stands a chateau. Aiz. Bishop Desantis, who came to this see la