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1906, died 12 February, 1016, and his successor, Population. — The fourteenth federal census (1920)

Rt. Rev. Augustin-Joseph-Marie Simeone now gave the population of the state as 2,347,295, or

(1921) fills the see. Bom at Marseilles 1863, or- more than eighteen times that of 1820. The rate of

dained 1888, he was appointed bishop 27 May, 1916, increase of 1920 over 1910 is 9^ per cent. The

and consecrated in the cathedral of Marseilles 31 average number of persons to the square mile was,

August following. In 1920 there were 288,820 Cath- in 1910, 41.7, in 1920, 45.8. The urban population

ohcs in this diocese, 511 priests, 441 succursal was 509,317, including 312,410 whites and 196,833

parishes, 1 parish of Greek Catholics with 378 mem- colored ; the rural population was 1,838^57, includ-

Ders, and 55 religious of five congregations who are ing 1,134,622 white and 703,819 colored. The popu-

engaged in various charitable works. lation of cities was: Anniston, 17,734; Birmingham,

AJmor, DiocBSB op (AjMBauENSis; cf. C. E., XII- ^^^'^' .,?'12!^i"?' 8,018; Mobile, 60,777; Mont- 635b), in India, was erected from tiie Prefecture of K^g^^O^' 43,464; Sehna, 15,5^.

ai±rp£^ ^^W ^Ra^^ocK'^S^ cog^'STyi^iltn ?KelU^.oS^ &L%U

imrTbTtoM a^ of thTdioc^ is 156 500 The following are mineral statistics for 1917: iron viQsnotm ««m„ri-„-. ftonn r.tlT^u^i n -jmn Pmt. 6»3 tons; _pig iron, 2,953,705 tons. In 1919 there

Jli;« ..»^^..i.».-»» «w» u„iJ!l_ *J*k-. ■D.:*;.u ^L»,. officials and 107,159 wage earners, and turning out

SrtySin1^'»aS?a^»^feS S^JlSKJ^KT'^^hl^^;^? d^Vi'S (»

Various institutions included in the diocese are: ™rv,!!^vL*„ ' a* *^_„» /ioon\ -u^..* ___ t tv

the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Frands of ^t^^Z P\TtL?^^^}^u about o;i6-fourth

Assisi with 75 members, besides confraternities num- °^ *i»« '^^^'^V^T^ goes to the sujjport of public

being about 700 members; the Mission Sisters of ?' ,iT°^°'i ^^^^^ ""t *,^t ^*if '?«*»*»*»<">« °^

Aimir, with a novitiate for Indian and Anglo-Indian ^T*'trt agricultural school and expen-

girls, ^th 15 members: the "PrabhudasP' (Hand- ^^f,f'^^^„t^^^'),rf^^^^^,^f^.^^^}^'

SiaSs of the Lord) wi'th a novitiate for Hindu- tw* J^J^J^i T}ftAZ ^'"^ .%^T°a' ""^ *

speaking girls, at Thandla, with 20 members. The ^^^ °/ t^des and industries at Ragland.

iWisSii Nins of St. Mary of the Angels conduct JP^'i «**« laws relative to private and parochial

these two novitiates as well as the following institu- f'^^^^ '^ iJ^}^^,^^^ *^"«if ^^ °^^ tions for the education of girls: Convert of St. ^J'f^^. employed and tau(*t m the first six grades Maty Magdalen, Aimer, with 19 Sisters, a high ?^ *¥ elementary schools; every teacher employed schobl with 38 boarders Lnd 168 day scholars; the ?? *•>« '^^'^^^ Py*"^ instruction to puoils within Convent of the Assumption, Mhow, with 22 sis- *,fe„T?^F attendance age shaU after 1 October, teiB, a high school with 23 boardew and 90 day J^' ^°^^ » **^'*^n« certificate issued by the State scholars; St. Joseph's School, Mhow, with 26 fr^ Department of Education; m every elementa^ boarders; St. Ani's School, Mhow, with 67 free '^^^^ "" ^^Jf. ^^ there shall be ta«|ht at least boardera; and mission schools at Mariapur and reaoing. 3^^}^ handwriting, anthmetic, oral and Mikelpu^. Under the Mission Sisters kre: St. S^J**"* ^J*lf^ geography, hwtoty.of the. United Angela's School, Ajmer, with 16 free boarders; ^^*^ ?°<* Alabama, commumty civics, agriculture, Sodiia School, ^46 pagan girls of high caste elementary science, hywene.samtation and physiwtl girls' schools at Jhabua and Parbalpura! Under timing; no naoney sBaU be appropmted for the the Prabhudasi: the girls' school at Thandla; in ^P^^ °uT^"f^f^^'^ ^ r ' P^' P»"^5?** addition to these are oVphanages and sewing clalsses ^!i?°^. ^.^^t^ October of each year remster at Mikelpura, Thandla, and other towns; St. Ca«i- ^^ the State Department of Education, and re- erine's Hospital, Jhabua, conducted by a medicaUy P°^ enrolment, mstructio^ course of studies, prop- quaUfied liission sister; Surgical Home, Indore, erty^ funds, tuition, etc.; officers of parochial scliools ^th Franciscan Nuns as nuJses: dispetiaries jii must make reports required by supermtendent with 10 places; co-operative banks for the Bhils at reference to attendance. .

Thandla. "The fcrusader," the monthly organ for ^"f *•>« ^ ^^ ^"^^ ^ June, 1918, the state India of the Enthronement of the 8aci«<f Heart •^* ^o' educational purposes m follows: public and of the Archconfratemity of the Three Hail g' common sch(»ls^y8tem^$5,725,772;Alaban^ Marys are published in the diocese. f^'^^.^'Sk ^**?*^' *^^j, ^wversity of Ala-

./ —/^ ,. . r-i Ti T »«. X bama, S66,000; deaf, dumb and blmd institutions,

. •*■*• DiocESB OF (Akkbnsis; cf. C. E, ^376a), $48,000; Alabama Industrial School for White Boys, IS a Catholic diocese of the Chaldean Rite in $41000

KurdiatM, Turkey, in Aaa. It yns formerly united Hibtort.— Alabama's recent development has been V* ^,^5*^ "' Amadia, but by a decree of 24 along industrial lines, especially during the war Apnl, 1910, It was separated and 18 now temporarily (1917). The federal government began the con- ??'*S^r'*^ °^J^^ Chaldean Patnarch of Babylon, struction of an experiment plant at Sheffield for His ExceUen^Emmanuel Joseph Thomas. In.lKO the manufacture of nitrogen from the air, and later, there were 2,300 Catholira m the diocwe, 16 pnMts, by means of a vast dam across the Tennessee River 7 miMion stations, 16 churches or chapels and 7 at Florence, proceeded to utilise the latent water scboou. power energy at Muscle Shoals, near Sheffield, with

AlsDama (cf, C. E, I-240a).^-The State of Ala- the purpose of recovering the nitrogen for use in bama has an area of 51,998 square miles, of which the manufacture of explosives. In 1917 the Warren 719 are water surface and 51,279 land surface. Its River was opened to navigation, the first steel ship area in acres is 33,278,720. going from Birmingham bv water to Mobile. The