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Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/44

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delegations, one of officials, one of French colonists, women with 200 sisters, 150 seculars, 40 regulars, 1 and one of native taxpayers. Algeria is divided seminary and 35 seminarians, also the mother-house into three departments: Algiers, Oran, and Con- and novitiate of the White Fathers, missionaries stantine, each headed by a prefect, assisted by a in Africa. The following schools exist in the arch- conseil de prefecture and a conseil genSral. The diocese: 2 colleges for men with 15 teachers (250 civil territory is divided into arrondissements. The students), 5 for women with 40 teachers (500 stu- four territories of the south: Ghardai'a, Am-Sefra, dents), 10 elementary schools with 40 teachers the Oasis, and Tuggurt, form a separate colony. In (1,400 students). Some of the schools as well as the each of these the military commander directs all hospitals are supported by the sovemment. There administrative services imder the authority of the is one Catholic periodical published in the arch- governor. They have an autonomous budget dis- diocese. The Little Sisters of the Poor have estab- tinct from that of Algeria. The great aid rendered lished an asylum. There are also in the arch- by Algeria to France during the War led the French diocese the foUowins institutions: 3 hospitals and government to cause a new reform program to a small lyceum which admit the ministry of priests, be voted by the Chambers. The law of 4 February, 1 settlement house, 1 refuge, 2 day nurseries. The 1910, accords French citizenship to all Algerian following associations have been formed by the natives who have fulfilled one of the following con- laity: Conference of St. Vincent de Paul, Affiocia- ditions: to have served in the French Army or tion of Catholic Youths, Tertiaries of St. Francis Na\'y, to be a proprietor or farmer or be inscribed and Les Hommes de France au Sacr6 Cceur.

on the license charts, to know how to read and ah*--*- t\ «« ^^ a r\

write French, and be holder of a French decoration. Alicante, Diocese of. See Orihuela.

The Mohammedan Algerian natives who are not Alife, Diocese of (Aliphanensis; cf. C. E. French citizens are represented in all Algerian as- I-^12b), in the province of Caserta, Italy, is suf- semblies by elected members holding the same rank fragan of the Archdiocese of Benevento. Rt. Rev. and privileges as the French memoers. They are Settimio Caracciolo who was appointed to this admitted by the same right as the French citizens see 24 March, 1808, was transferrea to the diocese to all public functions, except certain authoritative of Aversa, 10 April, 1011, and the present incumbent, positions defined by decree of 26 March, 1919. Rt. Rev. Felix Del Sordo, was appointed his sue- Since January, 1919, colonists and natives are sub- ceasor. Bom at Nusco, 1850, he was appointed jected to the same taxation. The military force titular Bishop of Claudiopolis and made auxiliary in Algeria constitutes the XlXth Army Corps, con- to the Bishop of Nusco, 14 October, 1906. He was sisting of three divisions. French residents are transferred to Venosa 15 July, 1907, and 12 October, under the same military obligations as in France; 1911, he was again transferred to the see of Alife. the natives must serve three years with the colors In 1920 there were 25,140 Catholics in this diocese, and can be called upon as reservists at any time in 17 parishes, 50 secular and 8 regular clergy, 20 case of mobilization. seminarians, 54 churches or chapels, 8 brothers and

Alghero, Diocese of (Alghehensis; cf. C. E., ^^ sisters.

I-310d), in Italy, is suffragan of Sassari. Rt. Rev. Alinda, a titular see in Caria. Alinda was one of

Ernest Piovella, who was appointed to this see 15 the largest districts of Caria and was surrendered

April, 1907, was promoted to the Archdiocese of to Alexander by Queen Ada, but he allowed her to

Oris^no 15 April, 1914, and the present bishop, Rt. retain the government. The see was sufifra^an of

Rev. Francesco d'Errico was appointed his successor, Stauropolis and is mentioned in the "Notihae" of

12 August, 1914. In 1920 the Catholics of this Epiphanius, Basil, and Parthey. Four bishops of

diocese numbered 54,300 ^ there were 26 parishes, the see are known : Promachius, present at the Uoun-

80 secular priests, 20 seminarians, and 120 churches cil of Ephesus (431); John, present at the Council

or chapels. of Chalcedon (451)- Theoaorus, at the Council of

Algler.. Abchdioo^k op .(Aunj^sis; .cf. C. E Si •^gSSS^ ^J^^^""'^ '^' *^« «°-

I-^l la), comprises the province of Algena m French v^v/x«w»uMa*wp*c voia/.

Africa. The Catholics number 300,000, of whom All Hallows OoUege (cf. C. £., I-^14d), in Dub- 200,000 are French, 30,000 Italians, 40,000 Spaniards lin, founded in 1842, for the education of missionary and 5',000 Maltese. Since 1917 the archdiocese has priests for foreign coimtries, especially those coun- been administered by the Most Rev. Augustine tries to which Irish people emigrated. The coUege Femand Leynaud, b. at Olli&res, 26 August, 1865, is at present (1922) presided over by Rev. Thomas ordained 24 June, 1888. In 1901 he was made pastor O'Donnell, of the Congregation of the Missions, this at Susa where in 1903 he discovered the famous congregation having been entrusted with the direc- catacombs of Hadrumetum, which to-day attract tion of the institution in 1892. In 1908, upon the a great number of visitors from all parts of the establishment of the National University of Ireland, world. He is the author of a learned and widely the curriculum of studies of All Hallows was some- circulated work on these catacombs, to which is due what changed. Although the university is neutral, the fact that they are so well Imown. He was from a religious point of view, most of its professors elected archbishop 2 January, 1917, consecrated at and students are Catholic, and as clerics graduate Carthage 6 March, published 22 March following from the university in large numbers, the students and entnroned on the same day. During his admin- of All Hallows are also required to do so. Be- istration many charitable institutions have been fore entering the college, they matriculate, and established in the archdiocese. The auxiliary after entrance attend daily lectures at the univer- bishop, Rt. Rev. Alexandre Piquemal, a devout sity, reading a three years' course in arts and and zealous prelate, died in 1921, as did also Sister philosophy. At the end of that pericxi they are Chabanne, Visitatrix of the Sisters of Charity, graduated, and take their B. A. degree in' the pass or who was a member of the order for seventy-eight nonors course of classics, philosophy and educa- years and died at the age of ninety-eight. tional science. A selected number subsequently

At the present time (1922) the archdiocese con- take an advanced course in the theory and practice

sists of 125 parishes, 150 churches, 5 mission stations of education, with a view to special efficiency in

for the Mussulmans of Kabylia, 1 monastery of the missionary work; these are given a higher diploma.

White Fathers. 5 monasteries and convents for and M. A. degree in that subject. During their