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ALL 80T7L8 29 ALUS

theological course the students receive lectures on delegate to India, and many other prominent

educational methods, and thdr practical application churchmen of India attended the ceremonies.

to the duties of the priesthood. Almeria, Diocbsb op (Almbribnbis; cf. C. E.,

^,, « . . ^ . i. ^ ^ ^ »....v y^ «. » I-328a), in Spain, is suffragan of Granada. The

AU Souls' Day (cf. C. E.. M15d).— On 24 June, present bishop, Rt. Rev. Vincent Casanova y 1914, Pius Xmnted a plenary indulgence applicable Marzol, bom at Borja, 1854, was appointed bishop to the Holy &)uls to be gained by the faithful, on ig December, 1907. In 1920 the population of this the usual conditions, for each visit to a church, or diocese, entirely CathoUc, numbered 290,200 : there pubhc, or senu-pubhc oratory on AU Souls Day. ^ere 110 parishes, 239 priests, 1 seminary, 47 chapels, The priyilero of saying three Masses on that feast. 20 convents with 39 nuns and 298 Sisters. which Benedict XIV granted for the domimons of * ^m « 

Spain and Portugal, was extended to the whole ^^"^ (cf. C E., I-328c).— As the support of the world by Benedict XV in his Constitution "In- poor and the works of religion devolves largely upon cruentum Altaris," of 10 August, 1916. When the the faithful, inspired by motives of charity to give three Masses are celebrated, one must be said for the freely, it has become necessary in view of the in- repose of the Holy Souls, a second for the intention creasing number of calls made upon the laity to of the pope, and the third for whatever intention protect them from unnecessary solicitation and to the priest chooses; however, only one Mass stipend prevent their generosity from being played upon may be accepted. All altars are privileged on that by the unscrupulous. The following regulations, day. The firet Mass to be said is the one mven in therefore, have been laid down governing the col- the Roman Missal for the Feast of All the Faithful lection of alms by means of personal appeals to the Departed; the second is the Mass for the Anniver- general public (they do not, however, refer to ap- sary of the Deceased with the Dies Irce; the third peals by letter or personal appeals to a few persons), is the Daily Requiem Mass, also with the Dies JrcB, (D No private individual, whether lay or clerical. Special prayers for the second and third Masses niay collect for any pious or religious institute or were prescribed by a decree of the Congregation of object, without the written permission oi the local Rites on 11 August, 1916. When only one Mass is ordinary or of the Holy See. (2) No pious asso- said it must be the Mass for the Faithful Departed; ciation may collect alms unless its statutes authorize the same Mass is prescribed when Mass is to be or necessity requires it to do so ; even then it must sung, and in this case the celebrant ms^ anticipate obtain the local ordinary's permission and follow his the second and third Masses. If the Blessed Sac- instructions; furthermore, if the collection is to be rameiit happens to be exposed for the Forty Hours' made outside of the diocese, the written permission Adoration on this day, the requiem Mass, which of both ordinaries is required. (3) Mendicant regu- must necessarily be said with violet vestments, must !»«» properly so-called in virtue of their institute, not be celebrated at the altar of Exposition. By a need only the permission of their superior for decree of 28 February, 1917, the Feast of All Souls' collecting alms m the diocese where their house is was raised to a double of the first class for the situated; in other places they require permission whole Church, so that it excludes all local feasts of the local ordinary ako. If the alms which thejr or feasts of churches, religious orders or institutions, obtain in their own diocese are insufficient for their However, if 2 November is a Sunday, the com- support, the local ordinaries of other places, espe- memoration of All Souls is transferred with all its cially of the neighboring dioceses, must not refuse privileges to 3 November. or withdraw from them permission to collect, except

RoMB, X.Vlil (Rome, 1915), 89, 247, 2eo. for grave urgent reasons. (4) No other religious

of pontifical institutes may collect alms, except in

Allaliabad, Diocbsb op (Allahabadensis; cf.C.E., virtue of a special indult, in which case they must I-316c), in India, is suffragan of Agra with episcopal have the written leave of the ordinary of the place residence at Naini-Tal in the summer and Allana- of sollection, unless the indult provides to the con- bad in the winter. It is entrusted to the Capuchins trary. (5) Religious of diocesan congregations be- of Bologna, Italy, the Rt. Rev. Angelo Giuseppe fore collecting alms must obtain permission of the Poli of this order being the present bishop. Bom ordinaries of their place of residence and of the at Casola Valsenio, Italy, 1878, he came to India as place of collection, out this must not be granted a missionary in 1901, was elected regular superior unless there is no other way in which their pressing in 1913, appointed titular Bishop of Curium and needs can be met, and they must be restricted to coadjutor to the Bishop of Allahabad 13 March, their own diocese if possible. This regulation is to 1915, and on 18 December, 1917, took possession be rigorously enforced in dioceses in which there is of the see upon the death of Rt. Rev. Petronius a mendicant order properly so-called. (6) Finally, Gramisna, wno had filled the see since 1904. In ordinaries of the Latin Rite must not allow any 1920 there were 10,557 Catholics in the diocese, person belonging to an Oriental Rite to collect 28 Capuchin priests, 6 belonging to other ordera in their territories nor may they send any of their and 4 seculars and 66 religious women. The 1921 subjects into an Oriental diocese for that purpose, statistics credit the diocese with 25 churches, 10 except when the collector has a recent authenticated chapels, 22 stations, 41 sub-stations, 4 secondary rescript from the Sacred Congregation for the East- schools for boys with 798 pupils, 8 for ^irls with 954 ern Church.

pupils, 5 free schools with 298 pupils, 1 native The collections must be made by the religious school with 47 pupils, 4 orphanages witn 452 orphans, themselves and not by seculars; superiors must 1 industrial school, 6 dispensaries and 1 hospital, select for that purpose professed religious of mature A Catholic press is established at Cawnpore. The age, and never those who are still engaged in study, sisters of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, ^ far as possible collectors should not go unac- Sisters of Loretto, Sisters of St. Joseph, and Native companied; if they cannot return home at night, they Sisters of the Third Order of St. Ft'ancis conduct shoidd lodge with the parish priest, or with other the educational and charitable institutions. The religious, or where that is not possible with a good most notable event of the diocese in recent years Catholic family; they must not remain away from was the celebration in 1921 of the fiftieth anni- their house more than a month when collecting in versaiy of the dedication of St. Joseph's Cathedral their own diocese, or two months if in another dio- at Allahabad. Most Rev. Peter Pisani, Apostolic cese, and they must not be sent out again until the