(New York, annual); Stataman't Year-Book, (London, Mgr. Joseph C. C. Monteiro, who had been bishop
T4iicS^ffit1?S?):^^.SSriS^w\'/^"^^^ of the diocese for five years, he was succeeded by
and Lambeth in Conatructive Quarterly, IX (1921); Mason, the present bishop, Emanuel Damascene da Costa, The Church of England and Episcopacy {hondon, 1914); chancellor of Viseu, bom 2 Febniaiy, 1867; elected
liS.bWVcS^^teTury^^'^ndln^'JSSrcr/^^c If bishop of Angra 2 October 1914 He took posses- Bithopt of the Anglican Commwtion Hoiden at Lambeth sion of the scc 26 May, 1915, and died 27 January,
Palace, 1920 (London, 1920); Emhardt, Historical Contact of 1920.
York, moT; ntcSff^^'thioiogiq^^ ml^e l^'^AngiiccL ^7t „ The Catholic of the diocese number 250,000
les Orthodoxes (Athens, 1919). Portuguese. There are 173 parishes, and 185
Gerald Shaughnessy. churches with 313 secular priests; 1 seminary with
Anglona and Torsi, Diocese of (Anglonensis et 8 professors and ,60 seminarians; 3 elementary
TuRSiENSis; cf. C. E., I-512c), in the province of- schools with a total of 145 students; 5 homes, 8
Potenza, Italy, suffragan of Acerenza. Rt. Rev. asylums, 1 of which admits the ministry of prie^;
Vincent Pisani, who came to this see 5 February, 4 societies or organizations for the clergy, and a
1908, retired 5 September, 1910, and was made ad- great many for the laity. The Catholic publica-
ministrator apostolic of Thebes and on 3 January, tions consist of 6 weeklies and 1 monthly.
1912 titular bishop of that see He was succeeded Anhalt, Vicariate Apostolic or. See Paderborn.
by the present incumbent, Rt. Rev. John Pulvirenti,
b. at San Antonio, 1871, appointed Bishop of Ann, Saint, Sisters op. See Saint Ann, Sis-
Anglona and Tursi 27 November, 1911. In 1920 ters of.
there were 96,000 Catholics in the diocese, 107 Anna Maria Taigi, Blessed (cf.C.E.,XrV-430d),
secular priests, 19 seminarians, 40 parishes, 120 beatified 30 May, 1920, by Benedict XV.
churches or chapels and 4 sisters.
Angola and Congo, Diocese op (Angolensis and -^^a^- See iNDO-CraNA.
CoNGENENSis; cf. C. E., I-512d), also known as Anne de Beanpr6, Sainte (cf. C. E., I-539c). —
Santa Cruz de Reino de Angola, and Sao Paolo This famous American shrine, near Quebec, Canada,
de Loanda, in Portuguese West Africa, suffragan of was entirely destroyed by fire in March, 1922. The
Libson, with episcopal residence at Sao Paolo de only one remaining of the group of buildings con-
Loanda. From 1909-15 the see was filled by Rt. nected with the basihca is the Memorial Chapel,
Rev. Joao Evangelistao de Lima Vidal, but on to which were transferred the relics and statue
9 December, 1915, he was promoted to the titular of St. Anne, 'saved from the flames. A temporary
see of Mytil^ne and made suffragan to the Patriarch church will be erected to accommodate the pil-
of Lisbon, since which time the see has been grimages for 1922, and a larger edifice along the
vacant. In 1920 the total population of this diocese general lines of the former basilica will eventually
numbered 2,000,(X)0, of whom IftQOfiOO are Catho- replace the destroyed structure,
lies; there are 82 parishes, 36 priests, 8 Missionary »««*» ^^ a^. •d««^i.^i^^««» t> / r />• -r.
Fathers of the Holv Ghost 8 churches and 10 ^^^^ ^^ ^*- Bartholomew, Blessed (cf. C. E.,
chaplk. • cnurcnes ana lO vi-378d), was beatified on 6 May, 1917, by Pope
Angora, Diocese of, of the Armenian Rite (cf . C. E., I-513a), in Asiatic Turkey, known to the Greeks Annecy, Diocese of (Annbctensis; cf. C. E., and Romans as Ancyra. Rt. Rev. Clement Gha- I-^540b), in Haute-Savoie, France, suffragan of zarossian, appointed to this see 28 August, 1901, d. Chambery. Rt. Rev. Pierre-Lucien Campistron, 21 November, 1910. He was succeeded by the who was appointed bishop of this diocese 9 June, present bishop, Rt. Rev. Gregory Bahabanian, b. 1902, died 22 August, 1921, and was succeeded by at Angora, 1866, appointed 27 August, 1911. During the present incumbent, Rt. Rev. Florent du Bois the World War Bishop Bahabanian was interned by de La Villerabel, transferred to this see, 18 Novem- the Turks (1915). By latest statistics there are SOCio ber, 1921. Bishop de La Villerabel an alumnus of Armenian Catholics in this diocese, 5 missionary the French Seminary at Rome, was bom at St. priests, 1 parish, 1 church, 2 schools with 60 pupils, Brieuc, 1877, served as a professor of philosophy 1 orphanage and 4 government orphanages caring and theology at the higher seminary at St. Brieuc, for 60 children. From 1907-21 thirty' priests have was mobilized and discharged in 1915, became vicar died in this territory, some from natural causes general of Amiens the same year, was appointed and some by martyrdom during the World War, titular Bishop of Enos, 7 May, 1920, ana made and by the same causes the diocese lost 2000 of its auxiliary with right of succession to the Archdiocese faithful. During the year 1915 the Turks deported of Tours, which office he filled until his transfer to or killed numbers of the Christians and set fire Annecy. In 1920 there were 257,606 Catholics in to the whole Catholic section of the city of this diocese, 29 first class parishes, 270 succumd Angora, destroying the bishop's house, four parishes and 169 vicariates with salaries formerly churches, the Sisters' monastery, the seminary, paid by the state.
schools a^d shrines. Antlgonish, Diocese op (Antigonishensis; cf.
AngonlSipe, Diocese op (Engolisma; cf. C. E., c. E., I-562d), in Canada, is a suffragan to the
I-513b), comprises the Department of Charente in Archdiocese of Halifax. The present incumbent,
France and is suffragan of Bordeaux. Since 1907 Rt. Reverend James Morrison, was bom at Saint-
the see has been filled by Rt. Rev. Henri-Marie Andre, Prince Edward Island, 9 July, 1861, ordained
Arlet, b. at Martel in 1858, ordained 1881, appointed i November, 1889, acted for a tifne as apostolic
bishop 7 August, 1907. Under his direction an administrator of this diocese, was appointed bishop
exhibition of the relics was held in the diocese in 25 May, 1912, and consecrated 4 September of the
April, 1918. By 1920 statistics the population of game year. He succeeded Rt. Rev. John Cameron,
the diocese, entirely Catholic, numbers 346.424 of D. D., who filled the see from 1886 until his death,
whom 38.211 are in Angouleme; there are 30 first q April, 1910.
class parishes, 237 succursal parishes, and 42 vica- in 1919 the Trappist Monastery at Tracadie, N.
riates, formerly under state subvention. g.^ one of the oldest institutions of the diocese, was
Angra, Diocese op (Angrensis; cf. C. E., I-513c), closed and the 12 Fathers and brothers who were
in the island of Terccira, Azores. On the death of conducting the institution returned to France.