The Antigonish "Educational and Social Confer- During the World War the diocese of Antigonish ence/' or^fanized in 1917, has had four annual meet- respond^ with ^reat patriotism and the most cor- ings and is growing yearly in importance and influ- rect figures obtamable show 4,791 enlistments, 558 ence. In 1920 the first retreat for lady teachers was killed and 691 wounded. Five priests of the diocese held in the diocese at Mt. St. Bernard's College served as chaplains at the front, and St. Francis and plans have been made for similar retreats every Xavier University sent a hospital unit of eleven two years. medical officers and twenty-seven nurses. One of
The chief seat of learning of this diocese is St. these nurses was made matron-in-chief of all the Francis Xavier University at Antigonish with 19 Canadian nurses and served in that capacity during professors and 196 students, 85 of whom are resi- the whole war. Four priests and five brothers from dent. Mt. St. Bernard's Ladies College, affiliated the Trappist monastery returned to France and with the university, has 42 students doing university served in various capacities. In response to a letter work and 87 doin^ high school work. During recent from Bishop Morrison to the Knights of Columbus, years the university has led in a great educational 11 May, 1918, in which he suggested that they movement and many new buildings and useful raise a fund for the Canadian soldiers overseas, a equipment have been added through the generoedty fund of $1,000,000 was raised throughout Canada of friends of the institution. In 1920 extension before the end of October of that year, and of this teaching was undertaken and a "People's School, sum $132,305.65 were raised in Nova Scotia alone, modeled after similar schools in Belgium and Hoi- The following statistics published in December, land, was established. In the same year a success- 1915, show the various religions of 1,200 men re- ful campaign for $500,000 was conducted and the cruited in Cape Breton County (a part of this Carnegie Corooration contributed $58,750 for a diocese), by Captain Rev. E. Watering, a non- chair of French, Catholic clergyman of Florence, C. B. Roman
By present (1921) statistics the population of this Catholic 47.9 per cent, Presbyterian, 27.5 per cent, diocese is 92,000, of whom 50,000 are Scotch, 24,000 Church of England, 14.4 per cent, Methodist 6.5 French, 14,000 Irish. There are : 70 parishes, 45 per cent. For further details see "Catholics of the missions, 115 churches, 109 secular priests, 18 con- Diocese of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, and the War" vents of women, 296 sisters, 17 seminarians. A (St. Francis Xavier University Press), number of educational institutions are conducted
by the various communities represented in the dio- Antloch, Patriarchate of (Antioquienbis; cf. C. cese; the Congregation of Notre Dame with 92 E., I-568c), comprises four rites united with Rome, sisters and mother-house at Montreal have 9 con- the Greek-Melchite, Maronite, Syrian and Latin, vents; the Daughters of Jesus, with 24 sisters, have with a patriarch for each. The official title of the 2 schools; the Sisters of Charity with 92 sisters and Greek-Melchite patriarch is, ^'Patriarch of Antioch, mother-house at Halifax have 8 schools. There are Alexandria, Jerusalem and all the Orient," and he in all 14 high schools with 24 teachers and an at- has his residence at Damascus. He has three tendance of 657 boys and 770 girls, and 33 elemen- patriarchal vicars, at Damascus, Alexandria and tary schools with 133 teaching sisters and 77 lay Jerusalem, and since 1859 has had jurisdiction over teachers, and an attendance of 10,034. In this the Greek Catholics of the Patriarchate of Con-
erovince Catholic schools recognized by local school stantinople. The present patriarch. His Excellency oards are public schools and as such receive their Joseph Dimitri Cadi, b. at Damascus, 1861, ordained share of provincial aid. As a result nearly all the in Paris 1888, appointed bishop 1903, and conse- towns have Catholic public schools, which conform crated at Alexandria, named vicar apostolic of the in every detail to requirements of the public school Melchites after the death of the Patriarch Gelui, law and are subject to official inspection; the prop- 1916, appointed patriarch 3 July, 1919. By 1920 erty usually belongs to the parish and is rented statistics there are 10,835 members of this rite, 11 to the public school board for school purposes. secular and 15 regular priests, 14 churches and 2
A number of the charitable institutions are under schools, the care of the Sisters of St. Martha, a diocesan The residence of the Syrian Patriarch is at Mar- community with 88 sisters and mother-house at din, the Catholic hierarchy of the Ssrians having Antigonish; they are in charge of the domestic been re-established in 1783. The present patriarch, work at St. Francis Xavier University and at St. His Excellency Ignatius Denis Ephrem Ranmani, b. Augustine's Seminary, Toronto, St. Martha's Hos- at Mossul, 1848, an alumnus of Propaganda College, pital and House of Providence, St. Joseph's Ho»- was consecrated titular Archbishop of Edessa, 1887, pital, St. Mary's Orphanage and Ross Memorial transferred to Aleppo, 1894, and appointed patriarch Hospital. The Daughters of Jesus conduct a home 29 October, 1898, imder the name of Ignatius for the aged at Sydney and the Sisters of Charity Ephrem 11. He was named a consultor of the have a hospital at North Sydney and a sanitorium at Congregation for the Oriental Church 27 November, Lourdes. Several of these institutions receive grants 1917. There are two patriarchal vicars for this rite, from the municipal and provincial governments, at Mardin and at Homs, and a procurator of the Among the clergy St. Joseph's Society, the Priests' patriarch at Rome. In 1920 there were 4,200 Sjnian Eucharistic League and the Priests' Total Absti- Catholics, 14 secular and 13 regular priests and 8 nence Union are established, and among the laity churches or chapels.
the usual parish societies and the Knights of The Maronite Rite has its residence at B^korki Columbus, Catholic Women's League of Canada, in Lebanon. The patriarch has jurisdiction over all League of the Cross Total Abstinence Society, Holy Maronites scattered throughout the Orient, the Name Society, Catholic Society of Canada, Ancient Ottoman Empire, in Egypt and in Cyprus; the Order of Hibernians, and the Assumption Society, patriarchal diocese, or see of the patriarch is Gibail The diocese has one weekly periodical, 'The Cas- and Batrun. The present patriarch. His Excellency ket"; a monthly paper, "The Xaverian," issued by Elie Pierre Hoyek, b. in the diocese of Batrun 1842, the students of the university, "The Memorare," a ordained 1870, consecrated titular Archbishop of quarterly by the students of the Ladies' College, Area 1889, and made patriarchal vicar, director of and two annual publications, "The Catholic Year the Maronite College at Rome, 1897, was appointed Book of the Maritime Provinces" and "The Easter patriarch 6 January, 1899. After a period of exile Lily." nc returned to Bekorki in October, 1917, and in