1919, accompanied by four archbifihops, be went to religious of the Congregation of St. Hormisdas have Paris, to defend the interests of ' Lebanon at the three monasteries in Mesopotamia in the Chaldeaa Peace Conference. There are three patriarchal Archdiocese of Moesul. The prior of the monastery vicars in Lebanon and one in E^prpt. In 1920 there of Notre Dame is Ft, Elia Hanna; prior of the were 85,000 Maronite Catholics in this district, 470 monastery of St. Hormisdas, Fr. Stepnan Eugen; priests, 277 churches or chapels, 1 seminary, 12 and prior of the monastery of St. George, Fr. Ber- monasteries of the Baladites with 177 monks, 2 rianien Ounan. Li 1917, at Uie deaw of Dom monasteries of the Aleppines with 30 monks, the Samuel Giamil, general of the order since 1901, the Antonians with 2 monasteries and 9 monks, the Chaldean patriarch appointed Dom Mose Geramie Baladite Sisters with 1 monastery and 18 reli^ous vicar general. The congregation numbers 17 priests, and 2 convents of native sisters with 21 religious. 44 lay brothers, and 5 novices. The priests have For the Latin Rite the see is merely titular, missions in the towns and villages, where their min- the patriarch residing in Rome or some place in the istry is requested by the patriarch or bishops.
7 December, 1916. ' ' Betafo, in Madagascar. This territory was erected
Antloquia and Jerico, Dioceshof (Antioqu^nsis S^ision Suhfvil^^^^ ET JEBIC0BN8I8). in Colombia, South America, is ^^ and wm^S^ to ^ suffragan of Medellin. The diocese. of Jerico was fgJTknd en^?Ss^ t^
founded 29 January, 1915 by a division of the g^j^i^e. On 10 January, 1921, the name was changed Diocese of Antioquia sixteen parishes from the to the Vicariate Apostolic of Antsirab^. Rev. FatW southern part of that diocese constituting the new Ymnqois Pra, who was appointed superior of this
^iinn^l^^I^To'^J^iL^^^^ TnS «^^^^ ^^ July, 1900, died T Antsirabri7 February,
i^tioqmk, each diocese having equal rights, and jg^g ^he present vicar apostolic is Rt. Rev
at the same time a portion of the imitedf dioceses pmncoiiKroseph Dantin, b. X Meyrieux^Trouet,
was erected into the new Diocese of Santa Rosa de jg^Q appoint^ prefect apostolic of Betafo 24 June
filW th^^«?/'^;n^'^X^ „nH^^^^^^ ALh^T lOir? ^^^^ anS promoted to the titular see of Satala, and filled this see Jrom 1902 until his death m 1910, made the first Vicar Apostolic of Betafo, 10 Septem-
'T„*^TIn.^*.^,^iiin^^^^ ber,1918. During the World War five of the priests
pomted 18 October, 1910. Upon the erection of the f^om this mission were mobilised and served m the
diocese of Santa Rosa de Osos, Bishop Crespo was ggi^i hospitals
transferred to that see and the present incumbent, xhe cfatholic population numbers about 56.000.
Rt. Rev. Francis Christopher Toro was transferred almost all of the Hova race. At the present time
to the united sees of Antioquia and Jenco 8 (1922) the vicariate comprises 5 parishes, 5 churches.
February, 1917. Bishop Toro, b. at Antiwiuia 1869 5 missions. 246 mission stations, 4 convents of men
ordained 1894, was appointed Bishop of Socorro 18 ^nd 3 of women, 17 missionary priests, 9 brothers,
October. 1910 and transferred to Santa Marta 16 22 sisters. 5 seminarians. The educational institu-
December, 1913. By 1920 statistics there are 211,315 tions include: 3 secondary schools with 6 teachers,
Catholics in this diocese, 75 secular and regular 50 boys and 10 girls; 1 normal school with 2 teach-
clergy and 80 churches or chapels. ^^ ^j^j 20 pupfls; 20 elementary schools with 40
Antlvarl, Archdiocese op ( Antivarium ; cf . C. E., teachers and 2,160 pupils. Four of the public
I-582b), is the Catholic metropolitan see of Monte- institutions permit the ministry of the priests and 5
negro, and is directly subject to the Holy See. societies are organised among the laity. Monsignor Simon Millinovic. who came to this see
in 1886, died 24 March, 1910, and was succeeded by Aosta, Diocbsb of (Auoustanbnsis; cf. C. E.,
the present incumbent Most Rev. Nicolas Dobrecic, I-591d), in Italy, sufifragan of Turin. The diocese
b. at Antivari, 1872, appointed archbishop 16 Jan- contains (1922) 87 parishes, 666 churches, chapels
uary, 1912. In 1920 there were about 25.000 Catho- and oratories, 3 convents for men, 1 for women with
lies in this diocese, 14 parishes of which 10 are 191 sisters, 170 secular priests, 25 re^ars, 8 lay
served by the Friara Minor, 27 churches or chapels, brothers, 2 seminaries and 26 seminarians. There
12 secular priests and 12 Friars Minor. are one college with 10 professors, and 174 students;
Antofogasta, Vicariate Apostouc of (Antopooas- JOO secondary schools, all of which are maintamed
TBNBis; cf. C. E., I-^83a). in Chili. By a decree of K **^® government, and one mission school. The
22 November, 1918. the territory commonly known following chariteble institutions east m the diocese :
as the Department of Taltal was taken from the 5 asylums 1 hospital, 1 refuge, 2 day nursenes, 2
Diocese of Serena and united to the vicariate of diocesan shelters. Among the clergy there exists
Antofogasta. thus changing the boundaries of this °°A.*^°®^?u'°^ 1 j *w ^^^^ *^® -I' j
vicariate. The present vicar apostolic, Don LuizSilva- ^^P^rmg the World War numerous pnests served
Lezaeta was appointed in 1907, and made titular their country as chaplains in the Italian army, five
Bishop of Olena, 5 January, 1912. By 1920 statistics ?^ them being killed. Two thousand soldiers be-
the Catholic population of this territory numbere '°°8^^ i? ^^^ ^}^^ PJ® V^ *?®*^ ^^^^ ^^^ *^®
200,000, of whom 35,000 are in the city of Antofo- ?*"*: /?® seminary of St. Anselm was used as a
gasta. At present (1921) there are 20 parishes, hospital for wounded soldiers. Monuments were
22 secular and 6 regular clergy (Missionari^ of the f^^?^, *° P^Jt^ towns as memorials for those who
Heart of Mary), 3 congregations of Sisters with 27 }^°^ fe^^^Sjr ^*/i 7J^® present incumbent is^e
members, 1 monastery for men, 1 convent for men, ^*; ^\' ^"r*"^ ^*'?«IS^» , \*5 Modane, 1867.
3 secondary schools for boys with 6 teachers an<i ordained September, 1889, elected 7 May. 1920,
300 students, 1 professional school and 80 elemen- fOMecrated at Susa 1 July following. Since 1907
tary schools. A lyceum for boys and one for girls, Y^^ church of St. Anselm has celebrated its cen-
and the industrial school are supported by the gov- ^^^^ ^^^ » Manan Congress was held m the
emment. Fifteen different societies are organized ^^^se.
among the laity. Apologetics, (cf. C. E.. I-618b).— The history of
Antonians, Chaldean (cf . C. E., I--556a) .—These apologetics in the last fifteen years is chiefly cen-