GIGOT, FRANCIS E.,S.T.D., Professor of Sacred
Scripture, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie,
N.Y.: Ecclesiasticus, Book of.
GILLET, LOUIS, Paris: Duccio di Buoninsegna; Eyck, Hubert and Jan van; Farinato, Paolo.
GODRYCZ, JOHN, S.T.D., Ph.D., J.U.D., Shenan- doah, Pennsylvania: Dlugosz, Jan.
GOYAU, GEORGES, Associate Editor, "Revue DES Deux Mo.vdes ", Paris: Evreux, Diocese of; Falloux du Coudray, Vicomte de; Farfa, Abbey of.
GRAHAM, EDWARD P., A.M., S.vndusky, Omo: Divination; Emmerich, Anne Catherine; Esco- bar, Marina de, Venerable; Essenes.
GRATTAN-FLOOD, W. H., M.R.I.A., Mus.D., Rosemount, Enniscorthy, Ireland: Disibod, Saint; Dowdall, James; Eoghan, Saints.
GtJERECA, REGINALDO, Durango, ME.^Jco: Durango, Archdiocese of.
GUINAN, JOSEPH, C.C, Ferbane, Ireland: Edgeworth, Henry Essex.
GUINEY, LOUISE IMOGEN, Oxford, Engl.and: Edmund Campion, Blessed.
GURDON, EDMUND, O.Caet., B.\rcelona, Spain: Dissen, Heinrich von.
HANDLBY, M. L., New York: Donatello; Donner, Georg Raphael; Duquesnoy, Francois.
HARTIG, OTTO, Assistant Librarian op the Roy'al Library, Munich: Europe.
HASSETT, MAURICE M., S.T.D., Hahrisburg, Pennsylvania: Encolpion; Eucharist, Early Symbols of the.
HAYES, Mgr. PATRICK J., D.D., Chancellor of the Archdiocese op New York, President, Cathedral College, New York: Dubois, John.
HEALY, Most Reverend JOHN, D.D., LL.D., M.R.I. A., Senator op the Royal University of Ireland, Archbishop of Tuam: Durrow, School of.
HEALY, PATRICK J., S.T.D., Assistant Profes- sor OF Church History', Catholic University OF America, Washington: Facundus of Her- miane.
HIND, GEORGE ELPHEGE, O.S.B., Glamorgan- shire, Wales: Eanbald; Eastervvine; Egbert, Archbishop of York; Elhvangen Abbey.
HOLLWECK, JOSEF, J.C.D., S.T.D., Professor of Canon Law, Seminary', Eichstatt, Germany: Eiclistiitt, Diocese of.
HOLWECK, FREDERICK G., St. Louis; Disper- sion of the Apostles; Easter; Embolism; Es- pousals of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Eve of a Feast; Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
HORGAN, S. H., Morristown, New Jersey: EglofTstein, Frederick W. von.
HOWARD, FRANCIS W., Columbus, Ohio: Edu- cational Association, The Catholic.
side Abbey, Bath, England: Downside Abbey.
HUNT, LEIGH, Professor of Akt, College op the City' of New York: Dolci, Carlo; Domeni- chino; Drevet Family, The; Edelinck.
HUNTER-BLAIR, D. O., Bart., O.S.B., M.A., Ox- ford, Engl.and: Dorchester, Abbey of; Doug- las, Gavin; Dryburgh Abbey; Dunbar, William; Dundrennan, Abbey of; Dunfermline, Abbey of; Dunkeld, Diocese of; Edinburgh.
HYVERNAT, HENRY, D.D., Catholic University OF America, Washington: Egypt; Elishe; Eznik.
JOUVE, ODORIC-M., O.F.M., Canpi.<.c, Canada: Dolbeau, Jean.
KELLY, JAMES J., D.D., V.G., Athlone, Irel.ind: Elphin, Diocese of.
KELLY, LEO A., Ph.B., Rochester, New York; Exuperius, Saint.
KENDAL, JAMES, S.J., Bulawayo, Rhode.sia, South Africa: Fate.
KENNEDY, THOMAS, B.A. (R.U.I.), London: Epact.
KETTENBURG, PHILIPP BARON, Chaplain at St. Ansgar's Church, Copenhagen, Denmark: Eskil.
KIRSCH, Mgr. J. P., Professor of P.\trology and Arch.eology', LTniversity' op Fri- bourg, Switzerland: Dionysius, Saint, Pope; Donation of Constantino; Dympna, Saint; Ebendorfer, Thomas; Eck (Eckius), Johann; Eg- bert, of Trier; Ekkehard (monks); Eleutherius, Saint, Pope; Emerentiana, Saint; Euphrasia, Saint; Euphrosyne, Saint; Eusebius, Saint, Pope; Eutychianus, Pope; Evaristus, Saint, Pope; Eymeric, Nicolas; Fabiola, Saint; Farlati, Daniele.
KURTH, GODEFROID, Director, Belgian His- torical Institute, Rome: Eginont, Lamoral, Count of.
LABOURT, JEROME, S.T.D., Litt.D., Member OF THE Ashtic Society OF Paris, P/VRIS: Ephraem, Saint.
LADEUZE, P., S.T.D., Professor of S.\cred Scrip- ture AND OF Ancient Christian Literature, University of Louvain; President, College DU Saint Esprit, Louvain: Ephesians, Epistle to the.
LALANDE, LOUIS, S.J., Montreal: Faber, Mat- thias.
t LE BARS, JEAN, B.A., Litt.D,, Member of the A.siatic Society- of Paris: Ep6e, Charles-Michel
de r.
LEBRUN, CHARLES, C.J.M., S.T.D., Superior, Holy Heart Seminary', Halifax, Nova Scotia: Eudes, Jean, Venerable; Eudists.
LEHMKUHL, AUGUSTINUS, S.J., St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, Holland: Divorce (in Moral Theology).
t Deceased.