Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 5.djvu/14

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LEJAY, PAUL, Fellow of the University of France, Professor, Institut Cathqlique, Paris: Dracontius, Blossius .Emilius; Due, Fron- ton du; Du Cange, Charles Dufresne; Dupin, Louis-Ellies; Ennodius, Magnus Felix; Epiphan- ius (Scholasticus) ; Evagrius (Scholasticus).

LETELLIER, A., S.S.S., Superior, Fathers of the Blessed Sacr.uient, New York: Eymard, Pierre-Julien, Venerable.

LILLY, WILLI.AJH S.AJMUEL, LL.M., Honorary Fellow of Peterhodse, Cambridge, London: England Since the Reformation.

LIMBROCK, EBERH.ARD, S.V.D., Prefect Apos- tolic OF German New Guinea: Divine Word, Society of the.

LINDSAY, LIONEL ST. GEORGE, B.Sc, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, "La Nouvelle Fr.\nce", Quebec: Dosquet, Pierre-Herman; Duvernay, Ludger; Esglis, Louis-PhUippe Mariauchau d'; FaDlon, Etienne-Michel; Faribault, George- Barthelemy.

LINEHAN, PAUL H., B.A., Instructor, College OF THE City of New York: Faa di Bruno, Francesco.

LINS, JOSEPH, Freiburg, Gerimjjy: Dresden.

LOUGHLIN, Mgr. J.\MES F., S.T.D., Philadel- phia: Disciples of Christ; Discussions, Religious; Drexel, PVancis Anthony; Egan, Michael; Eu- gene III, Blessed, Pope; Eugene IV, Pope; Faith, Protestant Confessions of.

LOWTH, CATHERINE MARY, R.S.H., Mistress of Studies, Convent of the S.\cred He.\rt, M.vnhattanville, New York: Duchesne, Philippine-Rose.

MAERE, R., D.D., Professor of Christian Arch.e- OLOGY, University- of Lou vain: Diptych; Evangeliaria, Ornamentation of.

MAGNIER, JOHN, C.SS.R., Rome: Donders, Peter.

MAHER, MICHAEL, S.J., D.Lirr., M.A. (London), Director of Studies and Professor of Ped.\- GOGics, St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst, Black- burn, England: Dualism; Energy, The Law of the Conservation of; Fatalism.

MANN, HORACE K., Headmaster, St. Cuthbert's Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyue, Eng- land: Eugene I, Saint, Pope; Eugene II, Pope.

MARTINDALE, CYRIL C, S.J., B.A. (Oxon.), Pro- fessor OF Classics, Manresa House, Roe- h.^mpton, London: Epiphany.

MARY C.miLLUS, SISTER, Directress of Studies, Academy' of Notre Dame of Provi- dence, Newport, Kentucky: Divine Provi- dence, Sisters of.

MARY PHILOMENA, SISTER, St. Joseph's Con- vent OF THE Faithful Co.mpanions of Jesus, Fitchburg, M.\ssachusetts: Faithful Com- panions of Jesus, Society of the.

M.ARY THERESIA, MOTHER, Pro\incial Supe- rior, Sisters of Divine Providence, Mt. Im- maculate Convent, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania: Divine Providence, Sisters of.

MEEH.AN, ANDREW B., Ph.D., S.T.D., Professor of C.\non L.\w .u<d Litlrgy, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York: Endow- ment; E.xamination; Examiners, Apostolic; Examiners, Synodal; Executor, Apostolic; Ex- pediters, Apostolic; Faculties, Canonical.

LUCAS, HERBERT, S.J., Stonyhurst College, MEEHAN, THOM.AS F., New York: Directories,

" " Catholic (LTnited States); Donahoe, Patrick;

Dornin, Bernard and Thomas Aloysius; Du- coudray, Philippe-Charles; Duluth, Diocese of; Emigrant Aid Societies; Eucharistic Congresses; Faro, Diocese of.

Bl.\ckburn, England: Ecclesiastical Architec- ture.

LUZIO, SALVATORE, D.D., Ph.D., J.U.D., Pro- fessor OF Canon Law, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, Dublin: Exequatur.

MAAS, A. J., S.J., Rector, Woodstock College, Maryland: Editions of the Bible; Elect; Elohim; Emmanuel; Engaddi; Ephod; Epistle (in Scrip- ture); Esch, Nicolaus van; Evagrius (Ponti- cus); Exegesis; Fabri, Honor^.

McDonald, Walter, d.d., prefect of the

Dunbotne Estabushment, Maynooth Col- lege, Dublin: Eternity.

MEIER, GABRIEL, O.S.B., Einsiedeln, Switzer- L.AND: Dorothea, Saint; Engelbert of Cologne, Saint; Erhard of Ratisbon, Saint; Eucharius, Saint; Eugendus, Saint; Fabian, Saint, Pope.

MERSHMAN, FRANCIS, O.S.B., S.T.D., Professor OF MoR.\L Theology, Canon Law, and Liturgy, St. John's Universiti', Collegeville, Minne- sota: Doring, Matthias; Elizabeth of Reute, Blessed; Elizabeth of Schonau, Saint; Ember- Days; Eusebius, Saint (Presbyter at Rome); Eustachius and Companions, Saints; Faldstool.

McMAHON, ARTHUR L., O.P., St. Domnic's Priory, San Francisco: Eckliart, Johann, Meister; Esther; Faber, FelLx; Faber, Johann MINGES, PARTHENIUS, O.F.M., S.T.L., Ph.D.,


McNEAL, J. PRESTON, A.B., LL.B., Baltimore: Eccleston, Samuel.

Prefect, Collegio San Bonaventura, Quarac- cHi, NE.vR Florence, Italy: Duns Scotus, John.

MOELLER, FERDINAND A., S.J., Chicago: Edu- cation of the Deaf and Dumb.

McNEAL, MARK J., S.J., Woodstock College,

Mar\-land: Eugenius I and II, Archbishops of MOONEY, JAMES, LTnited States Ethnologist,

Toledo; Eugenius of Carthage, Saint; Eulogius Washington: Domeneeh. Emmanuel-Henri-

of Alexandria, Saint. Dieudonnd; Duponceau, Peter Stephen; Eskimo;

Espejo, Antonio.

MACPHERSON, EWAN, New York: Dominican

Republic; Eata, Saint; Egwin, Saint; Ethelbert, MORICE, A. G., O.M.I., St. Boniface, Manitoba:

Saint; Etheldreda, Saint. Fabre, Joseph; Faraud, Henri.