DUNN, JOSEPH, Ph.D., Profe.ssor of Celtic Lan-
guage AND Literature, Catholic University
OP America, Washington: Filliucius, Felix.
EDMONDS, COLUMBA, O.S.B., Fort Augustus, Scotland: Gildas, Saint.
ENGELHARDT, ZEPHYRIN, O.F.M., Watson- viLLE, California: Friars Minor in America.
EWING, JOHN GILLESPIE, M.A., San Juan, Porto Rico: Gillespie, Eliza Maria; Gillespie, Neal Henry.
FANNING, WILLIAM H. W., S.J., Professor op Church History and Canon Law, St. Louis University, St. Louis: Filial Church; Forum, Ecclesiastical.
FAVREAU, J. ARTHUR, Secretary, Societe His- torique Franco-A.mericaine, Boston: French Catholics in the United States.
FENLON, JOHN F., S.S., S.T.D., President, St. Austin's College, Brookland, District of Columbia, Professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore: Fouard, Constant; Gosselin, Jean-Edra6-Auguste.
FISCHER, JOSEPH, S.J., Professor op Geog- raphy and History, Stella Matutina Col- lege, Feldkirch, Austria: Fillastre, Guillaume.
FUREY, JOHN, U.S.N., Retired, Brooklyn, New
York: Grasse, Frangois-Joseph-Paul de.
GEMELLI, AGOSTINO, O.F.M., M.D.C.M., Hon- orary Professor op Histology, Professor op Pastoral Medicine, Director, "Rivlsta di FiLosoFiA Neo-scolastica", Milan: Fortunate of Brescia.
GERARD, JOHN, S.J., F.L.S., London:
Titular of Barlings, Corpus Christi Priory,
Manchester, England: Floreffe, Abbey of;
Frigolet, Abbey of; GofBne, Leonard.
GIETMANN, GERARD, S.J., Teacher of Classical
L.INGUAliES AND ESTHETICS, St. IgNATIUS COL- LEGE, Valkenburg, Holland: Fuhrich, Joseph; GMberti, Lorenzo di Clone; Girardon, Frangois.
GIGOT, FRANCIS E.,S.T.D., Professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Joseph's Seminaky', Dunwoodie, New York: Gabbatha; Gad; Gamaliel; Ged- eon; Generation; Gentiles; Glosses, Scriptural; Gospel and Gospels.
GILLET, LOUIS, Paris: Ferrari, Gaudenzio; Feti, Domenico; Flandrin, Jean-Hippolyte; Fouquet, Jehan; Francia (Francesco Raibolini) ; Fromen- tin, Eugene; Ghirlandajo (Domenico di Toma.sso Bigordi); Giotto di Bondone; Giulio Romano; Gossaert, Jan.
FITA Y COLOMER, FIDEL, S.J., Member of the GILMARTIN, THOM^^S P., S.T.D., Vice-Presi-
RoYAL Academy of History, Madrid: Funchal, dent, St. Patrick s College, Maynooth, Dub-
Diocese of; Granada, Archdiocese of. "n: Good Friday.
FORD, JEREMIAH D. M., M.A., Ph.D., Professor
OF French and Spanish Languages, Harvard
University', Cambridge, Massachusetts: Fer-
reira, Antonio; Filicaja, Vincenzo da; Folengo,
Teofilo; Gallego, Juan Nicasio; Garcilasso de la
Vega; Giraldi, Giovanni Battista; Giusti, Giu-
seppe; Goldoni, Carlo; Gomes De Ainorim, Fran-
cisco; Gonzalo de Berceo; Gozzi, Carlo.
FORTESCUE, ADRIAN, S.T.D., Ph.D., Letch- worth, Hertfordshire, England: Gennadius II, Patriarch of Constantinople; Gennadius of Marseilles; George Hamartolus; Georgius Syn- cellus; Gloria in Excelsis Deo; Gospel in the Liturgy; Gradual; Greece; Greek Rites.
FOURNET, PIERRE-AUGUSTE, S.S., M.A., Pro- fessor OF History', College de Montreal, Montreal: Gal, Saint; Galland, Antoine; Gaume, Jean-Joseph; Gousset, Thomas-Marie- Joseph.
FOX, JAMES J., S.T.D., Professor of Philosophy, St. Thomas's College, Washington: Glory; Good.
FOX, WILLIAM, B.S., M.E., Associate Professor of Physics, College of the City of New York: Faye, Herve-Auguste-Etienne-Albans; Fizeau, Armand-Hippolyte-Louis; Foucault, Jean-Bert- rand-L^on; Fraunhofer, Joseph von; Galvani, Luigi.
FUENTES, VENTURA, B.A., M.D., Instructor, College of the City of New York: Ferndndez dePalencia, Diego; Feyjooy Montenegro, Benito Jeronimo; Figueroa, Francisco de; Florez, En- rique; Garcilasso de !a Vega (The Inca).
GOYAU, GEORGES, Associate Editor, "Revue
DBS Deux Mondes", Paris: Fesch, Joseph;
Fleury, Andr^-Hercule; France; Francis I,
King of France; Fr^jus, Diocese of; Gallia
Christiana; Gap, Diocese of.
GRATTAN-FLOOD,WILLIAMH.,M.R.I.A.,Mus.D., Rosemount, Enniscorthy', Ireland: Ferns, Diocese of; Finan, Saint; Finnian of Moville, Saint; Fintan, Saints; Fothad, Saint; Gerald, Saint; Giordani, Tommaso; Giovanelli, Ruggi- ero; Gobban Saer.
GREANEY, JOHN J., S.T.L., Pittsburg, Pennsyl- vania: Fitzralph, Richard.
GUfiRIN, CHARLES, Prefect Apostolic, Ghar- daia, Africa: Ghardaia, Prefecture Apostolic of.
HAGEN, JOHN G., S.J., Vatican Observatory, Rome: Gassendi, Pierre.
HAMMER, BONAVENTURE, O.F.M., Lafayette, Indiana: Fort Wayne, Diocese of.
HANDLEY, marie LOUISE, New York: Gasser von Valhorn, Joseph.
HARTIG, OTTO, Assistant Librarian op the Royal Library, Munich: Gama, Vasco da; Geography and the Church; Glarean, Henry.
HASSETT, MAURICE M., S.T.D., Harrisburg, Pennsy'LVANIa: Fish, Symbolism of the; Fos- sors; Graffiti.
HE.\LY, JOHN, S.T.D., LL.D., M.R.I. A., .•Arch- bishop of "Tcam, Senator of the Royal Uni- versity op Ireland: Glendalough, School of.