HEALY, PATRICK J., S.T.D., Assistant Pro-
fessor OF Church History, Catholic Univer-
sity of America, Washington: Faustus of Riez;
Felicissimus; Firmicus Maternus; Flavia Domi-
tilla; Fulgentius Ferrandus.
HECKMANN, FERDINAND, O.F.M., Teacher of Latin and Greek, Franciscan Monastery, Washington; Ferdinand III, Saint.
HERBERMANN, CHARLES G., Ph.D., LL.D., Litt. D., K.S.G., Professor of Latin Language and Literature, College of the City of New York: Frank, Michael Sigismund.
HIND, GEORGE ELPHEGE, O.S.B., Glamorgan- shire, Wales: Faversham Abbey; Folkestone Abbey; Fountains Abbey; Furness Abbey.
HOEBER, KARL, Ph.D., Editor, "Volkszei- tung" and "Akademische Monatsblatter", Cologne: Galerius, Valerius Maximianus; Gal- lienus, Publius Licinius Egnatius; Graz, Uni- versity of.
HOFFMANN, ALEXIUS, O.S.B., St. John's Col- lege, Collegeville, Minnesota: Feder, Jo- hann Michael; Feilmoser, Andreas Benedict; Feneberg, John Michael Nathanael.
HOLWECK, FREDERICK G., St. Louis, Missouri: Feasts, Ecclesiastical.
HUDLESTON, GILBERT ROGER, O.S.B., Down- side Abbey, Bath, England: Glastonbury Abbey; Gregory I, Saint, Pope.
Professor of Logic, Stonvhurst College,
Blackburn, England: Fundamental Articles.
KAMPERS, FRANZ, Ph.D., Professor of Medie- val and Modern Church History, Univer.sity OF Breslau: Frederick I; Frederick II; Ger- many, from tlie beginning to 1556; Godfrey of Viterbo.
KEILEY, J.ARVIS, M.A., Grantwood, New Jer- sey': Georgia.
KELLY, BLANCHE M., New York: Ferrer, Ra- fael; Gerona, Diocese of; Granada, University of; Grassel, Lorenz.
KELLY, LEO A., Ph.B., Rochester, New York: Frankfort, Council of.
KIRSCH, JOHANN PETER, S.T.D., Domestic Prelate, Professor of Pathology' and Chris- tian Arch-eology, University' of Fribourg, Switzerland: Felicitas, Saint; Felicitas and Perpetua, Saints; Feli.x I, Saint, Pope; Felix II, Pope; Felix IV, Pope; Felix V, Antipope; Flaccilla, ^lia; Fleury, Claude; Florentina, Saint; Florus; Formosus, Pope; Forty Martyrs; Four Crowned Martyrs; Fribourg, University of; Fridolin, Saint; Fulcran, Saint; Fulgentius, Saint; Fiinfkirchen, Diocese of; Funk, Franz Xaver von; Galletti, Pietro Luigi; Gaudiosus, Bishop of Tarazona; Germanus I, Saint; Gobe- linus, Person; Gorres, Guido; Gorres, Johann Joseph; Gregory X, Blessed, Pope.
KITTELL, FERDINAND, LORETTO, Pennsyl- vania: Gallitzin, Demetrius Augustine.
HULL, ERNEST R., S.J., Editor, "The Exam- KLAAR, KARL, Government Archivist, iNf^h-
iner", Bombay-, India: Goa, Archdiocese of. bruck: Ferdinand II.
HUNT, LEIGH, Professor of Art, College op
the City of New York: Gaillard, Claude-
Ferdinand; Giocondo, Fra Giovanni ; Giorgione;
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jos^ de.
KURTH, GODEFROID, Director, Belgian His-
torical Institute, Rome: Frankenberg, Johann
Heinricli; Franks, The; Fredegarius; Granvelle,
Antoine Perrenot de.
HUNT, THOMAS JOHN, Dublin: Goyaz, Diocese LADEUZE, PAULIN, S.T.D., Rector, University
of. of Louvain: Goossens, Pierre-Lambert.
HUNTER-BLAIR, Sir D. O., Bart., O.S.B., M.A., LAFLAMME, J. K. L., Editor-in-Chief, "L'Action Oxford: Foreman, Andrew; Free Church of Scot- Sociale", Quebec: French Catholics in the
land; Gillis, James. United States.
HUONDER, ANTHONY, S.J., Editor, "Katho-
Fridelli, Xaver Ehrenbert; Fritz, Samuel.
HYDE, DOUGLAS, LL.D., Litt.D., M.R.I.A., Frenchpark, Co. Roscommon, Ireland: Four Masters, Annals of the.
ISENBERG, ANTHONY FRANCIS, Editor, "Morning Star", New Orleans, Louisiana: Gayarr^, Charles Etienne Arthur.
LALANDE, LOUIS, S.J., Montreal, Canada:
Felix, C^lestin-Joseph; Flechier, Esprit; Fray-
ssinous, Denis de; Freppel, Charles-EmUe.
LAUCHERT, FRIEDRICH, Ph.D., Aachen: Feb- ronianism; Geissel, Johannes von; Gerhoh of Reichersberg; Granderath, Theodor.
L.AURENTIUS, JOSEPH, S.J., Professor op Canon Law, St. Ignatius College, Valken- burg, Holland: Fiscal Procurator; Fiscal of the Holy Office.
JAROSSEAU, ANDRfi, O.M. Cap., Titular Bishop LAVIGNE, DAVID E., Editor, "La Tribune", - -• • - — Woonsocket, Rhode Island: French Catholics
in the United States.
of Soatra, Vicar Apostolic of Galla, Harar,
Abyssinia: Galla, Vicariate Apostolic of.
JARRETT, BEDE, O.P., B.A, (Oxon.), S.T.L., St. Dominic's Priory, London: Feudalism.
JENNER, henry, F.S.A., Late op the British Museum, London: Galilean Rite, The.
JEROME, MOTHER MARY, Doyle, New York: Felician Sisters.
LEBRUN, CHARLES, C.J.M., S.T.D., Superior,
Holy Heart Seminary, Halifax, Nova Scotia:
Good Sliepherd, Our Lady of Charity of the.
LECLERCQ, HENRI, O.S.B., London: Ferriferes, Abbey of; Fire, Liturgical Use of; Flavigny, Abbey of; Gams, Pius Bonifacius; Gerbert, Martin; Goar, Jacques; Grace at Meals; Gran- colas, Jean.