under the direction of the Barnabites. The members,
known as Daughters of Mary, dedicated themselves to
the care of orphans of noble family, eighteen being
provided for in the endowment. The orphans, ap-
pointed l^y prominent Milanese, who eventually be-
came administrators of the institute, may remaui for
twelve years, after which they are free either to return
to the world, or remain as religious, receiving in the
former event a dowry of 2000 lire (§400). After the
death of the foundress. Pope Urban VIII, at the in-
stance of St. Charles Borromeo, enclosed the commu-
nity. The sisters live as religious, attend choir, have
their meals in common, observe definite hours for
prayer, silence, and work, but take no solemn vows.
Their garb is black, fashioned according to a more
secular style than was that of the Angelieals and their
veil is folded in a peculiar coronet form ; each also
wears a gold ring engraved with a hand holding a
cross. Their charges dress in blue and are also popu-
larly known as Guastallines.
Heltot, Diet, des ordrcs rel.. I (P.nris, 1S47), 219; Heim- BOCHER, Orden und Kongregationen (P;tderbom, 190S); GNOLI, Vita e virtu delta contessa di Guastalla (Milan, 1686); Weitz, Abbildungen siimmt. geistl. Orden (Prague, 1821).
Guatemala, Santi,\go db, Archdiocese of (Sancti Jacobi majouls de Guatemala), conterminous with the Republic of Guatemala, in Central America. It is bounded on the north by the State of Yucatan in Mexico, the British colony of Belize, and the Gulf of Hondura.s ; on the east by the Republics of Honduras and Salvador: on the south by the Pacific Ocean; on the west by the States of Chiapas and Tabasco in Mexico. Its area is 28,950 square miles. Santiago de Guatemala was made a diocese by Paul III 18 Decem- ber, 1.5.'?-1, its first bishop being Don Francisco Marro- quin, who came from Spain with the adclantaJo, or governor, Don Pedro de Alvarado. The episcopal line of succession is as follows: (2) Bernardino de Villal- pando, (3) Gomez Ferndndez de Cordova, (4) Juan Ramfrcz de Arellano, (5) Juan Cabezas Altamirano, ((3) Juan Zapata y Sandoval, (7) Agustin de Ugarte y Saravia, (8) Bartolome Gonzalez Soltero, (9) Pa3'o Enrfquez de Rivera, (10) Juan de Santo Matia Saenz Maiiozca y Murillo, (11) Juan de Ortega y Montaiiez, (12) Andres de las Navas y Quevedo, (13) Mauro de Larredtegui y Colon, (14) Juan Bautista Alvarez de Toledo, (15) NicoMs Carlos Gomez de Cervantes, (16) Juan Gomez de Parada. On 10 December, 1743, the Diocese of Guatemala was raised to metropolitan rank by Benedict XIV, the Dioceses of Nicaragua and Comayagua (Honduras) being assigned to it as suffra- gans. The Diocese of San Salvador, erected by Greg- ory XVI, 28 September, 1842, and that of San Jose de Costa Rica, erected in 1850, were also added to these suffragans, so that the metropolitan church of Santiago de Guatemala has four suffragan dioceses, which are, in the order of their erection: Nicaragua, Honduras, San Salvador, and Costa Rica. With the archdiocese, they constitute the ecclesiastical Province of Central Amer- ica. The series of archbishops since the erection of the archdiocese, in 1743, is (1) Pedro Pardo de Figueroa, (2) Francisco Jos6 de Figueredo y Victoria, (3) Pedro Cortez y Larraz, (4) Cayetano Francos y Jlonroy, (5) Juan Feli.x de Villegas, (6) Luis Penalvcr y Car- denas, (7) Rafael de la Vara de la Madrid, (S) Ramon Ca.saus y Torres, (9) Francisco de Paula Garcia Pelaez, (10) Bernardo Piiiol y Aycinena, (11) Ricardo Casa- nova y Estrada. Church and State being now sep- arated, there is no official relation between the two. By the twenty-fourth article of the Constitution of the Republic, the free exercise of all form.s of religion, with no pre-eminence for any one form, is guaranteed, but only within their respective places of worship.
Formerly, there existed in this archdiocese com- munities of Friars Preachers (Dominicans), Minor Observantines of St. Francis, RecoUect and Capuchin
Missionaries, Jesuits, the Oratory of St. Philip Neri,
and the Priests of the Mission of St. Vincent de Paul.
There were also religious communities of the following
female orders: Poor Clares, Capuchins, Concept ion-
ists, Catarinas, Belemites, Rosas, and Dominicans,
besides the ReHgious of the Institute of Sisters of Our
Lady. All these conununities were supjiressed by
decrees of 24 May, 1872; 27 May, 1872; 7 June. 1872;
3 March, 1874. The P'undamental Law of the Repub-
lic, enacted in 1879, by its twenty-fifth article pro-
hibits the establishment of conventual congregations
and of any kind of monastic institution or association.
There are, however. Sisters of the Institute of St.
Vincent de Paul engaged in the service of hospitals
and the teaching of poor children; these Sisters are
employed in the hospitals of the city of Guatemala, of
Qiiezaltenango, and of .\ntigua Guatemala. There is
but one ecclesiastical college, the Colegio de Infantes,
for the choir- and altar-boys of the cathedral of Santa
Iglesia. It has fifteen professors and two inspectors,
and numbers (1908) 47 intern and 102 extern pupils.
The Sisters of Charity conduct in the Casa Central
of the city of Guatemala a teaching establishment
which, during the year 1908, had 98 girls as interns
and gave instruction to 750 girls and ICO boys as
externs; in the same year the orphan a.sylum at
the capital, conducted by religious of the same in-
stitute, sheltered 190 male and 112 female orphans
of more advanced age, besides 35 infants of both
sexes. In the Asilo Santa Maria these Si.sters had
under their care 90 girl interns. There is also in the
city of Guatemala the Colegio San .\gustin, an estab-
lishment for the education of older boys, conducted by
a secular priest, with .329 pupils; in the city are nine
girls' schools in which religious instruction and train-
ing are given. Bj' the eighteenth article of the Funda-
mental Law, the teaching in the national institutes,
colleges, and schools is entirely secular and gratuitous.
The 101 parishes of the archdiocese are grouped, for
purposes of ecclesiastical administration, into sixteen
vicariates forain. The capital contains four parishes,
each served by a parish priest (ctiru) and an assistant
{incario); there are also 19 churches in the city under
a jtreahHero rector. The catliedral clergy consists of the
archbishop, the chapter (sbc dignitaries: dean, arch-
dean, cantor, schoolmaster, treasurer, and magistral),
a priest sacristan in chief, a priest master of cere-
monies, six choir chaplains, and a sub-cantor. The
administrative organization of the diocese consists of
the archbishop, vicar-general, and private and admini-
strative secretary; in addition to these the treasurer-
general and two ecclesiastical registrars are members
of the ecclesiastical curia. In 1908 the archdiocese
had 120 secular and 12 regular priests. According to
the census of 1902, the denominational statistics of
the republic were: Catholics, 1.422,933; Protestants,
22.54; professing other religions, 1146; of no religion,
5113. By the decree of 15 November, 1879. the ceme-
teries were absolutely secularized, and their con-
struction, administration, and inspection subjected
exclusively to municipal authority. There is an arch-
diocesan seminary for the formation of the clergy,
governed by a rector, a vice-rector, a chaplain, several
prefects and professors; in 1908 it had 16 students.
Jose M'*' RamIrez Colom.
Guayaquil, Diocese of (Guavaquilensis). — Guayaquil, the capital of the Ecuadorian province of Guayas, is situated on the right shore of the Lower Guayas, the estuary of which expands into the (!ulf of Guayaquil, and affords the best harbour on the West- ern South .American coast. Next to the capital city of Quito, it is the most important eommvuu'ty in Ecua- dor. Thecity was founded by Benalcazar in 1.535; it numbered 51,000 inhabitants in 1851, and must to-day have an increa.sed population of about 70,000 or 75,000. The fear of earthi|Uake has cau.sed it to be