CAMBIER, EMERI, Prefect Apostolic. Upper
Kassai, Belgian Congo: ICassai, Prefecture
Apostolic of Upper.
THE "SOCIETE BELGE DE SoCIOLOGIe", PRO- FESSOR OF Sacred Scripture and Sociologt, Episcopal Seminary, Bruges, Belgium: James, Epistle of Saint; James the Greater, Saint; James the Less, Saint; Jude, Epistle of Saint.
CAMPBELL, THOMAS J., S.J., Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York: Jogues, Isaac; Lalemant, Charles, Gabriel, and Jerome.
Juvenile Court, Associate Professor op
Common Law, Catholic University of Amer-
ica, Washington : Juvenile Courts.
DELAMARRE, LOUIS N., Ph.D., Instructor in French, College of the City of New York: Jasmin, Jacques; Joubert, Joseph; La Fontaine, Jean de; La Harpe, Jean-Francois; La Mori- ciere, Louis-Christophe-L^on-Juchault de; Lap- parent, Albert-Auguste de.
DELANY, JOSEPH, S.T.D., New York: Infamy; Injustice; Intention; Jealousy.
CAPES, FLORENCE MARY, London: Jeanne of DEMAIN, HENRY R., S.J., St. John Berchmans's
Valois, Saint; Joanna of Portugal, Blessed. College, Louvain: John Berchmans, Saint.
CARDAUNS, HERMANN, Bonn: Jorg, Joseph Ed- dE VILLE, JOHN, M.A., Ph.B., Walston, Penn-
CLUGNET, JOSEPH-LfiON-TIBURCE, Litt.L., Paris: John I, Saint, Pope; John CUmacus, Saint; Julian and Basilissa, Saints.
COFFEY, PETER, Ph.D., S.T.L., Professor of Philosophy, St. Patrick's College, May- nooth, Ireland: John of Salisbury.
COLEMAN, CARYL, B.A., Pelham Manor, New
York: Ivory. COLLINS, Mgr. CHARLES W., Kennebunkport,
Maine: Kavanagh, Edward.
CONDON, PETER, New York: Irish (In the United States) ; Knownothingism.
CONSTANTIUS, BROTHER, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., Member of the Am. Mathematical Society, Member of the Circolo Matematico di Pal- ermo, Professor of Philosophy and Phil- osophy of History and Literature, Chris- tian Brothers' College, St. Louis, Missouri: John Baptist de la Salle, Saint.
CRIVELLI, CAMILLUS, S.J., Professor of Gen- eral History, Instituto CientIfico, City of Mexico: Ixtlilxochitl, Fernando de Alba.
CUNNINGHAM, JOSEPH ANDREW, Chaplain, First Peshawar Division, Peshawar, India: Kafiristan and Kashmir, Prefecture Apostolic of.
CUTHBERT, FATHER, O.S.F.C, Crawley, Sus- sex, England: John Capistran, Saint; John Joseph of the Cross, Saint; Joseph of Leonessa, Saint.
D'ALTON, E. A., LL.D., M.R.I.A., Athenry, Ire- land: Ireland.
DEBUCHY, PAUL, S.J., Litt.L., Enghien, Bel- gium: Judde, Claude.
DEGERT, ANTOINE, Litt.D.; Editor, "La Revue de la Gascoigne", Professor op Latin Lit- erature, InstitittCatholique, Toulouse : John Parvus; Kramer, John; Lamennais, F^licit^- Robert de and Jcan-Marie-Robert de.
sylvania: Italians in the United States.
DEVINE, E. J., S.J., Editor, "Canadian Messen- ger", Montreal, Canada: Irish (In Canada).
DEVITT, E. J., S.J., Professor op Psychology, Georgetown University, Washington: Lalor, Teresa.
DONOVAN, JUSTIN FOLEY, M.D., M.Ch., Port Health Officer, Port Royal, Jamaica: Ja- maica.
DONOVAN, STEPHEN M., O.F.M., Washington: KnoU, Albert.
DRISCOLL, JAMES F., S.T.D., New York: Jans- sens, Johann Hermann; Jehu; Jcphte; Jeroboam (2); Jczabcl; Joab; Jonas; Jonathan (4); Josa- phat. King of Juda; Juda; Judas Machabeus; Lamb, Paschal; Lamuel; Lamy, Bernard.
DRUM, WALTER, S.J., Professor of Hebrew AND Sacred Scripture, Woodstock College, Maryland: John, Epistles of Saint; Josue (8); Judges, Book of; La Haye, Jean de (Jesuit); Lainez, James.
DRUMMOND, LEWIS, S.J., Associate Editor, "America", New York: Lac, Stanislas du.
DUBRAY, CHARLES A., S.M., S.T.B., Ph.D., Pro- fessor of Philosophy, Marist College, Wash- ington: Jacotot, Joseph; JoufTroy, Jean de; Knowledge; Laforet, Nicholas-Joseph.
DUNN, JOSEPH, Ph.D., Professor op Celtic Language and Literature, Catholic Uni- versity of America, Washington: Kclls, Book of.
DURAND, ALFRED, S.J., Professor of Scrip- ture and Eastern Languages, Ore Place, Hastings, England: Inspiration of the Bible.
FANNING, WILLIAM H. W., S.J., Professor op Church History and Canon Law, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri: Intrusion; Irregularity; Irremovability.