Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 8.djvu/13

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FAULHABER, MICHAEL, Professor of Old Testa-ment Exegesis, University of Stras- burg: Jeremias (The Prophet); Joel.

FAYEN, ARNOLD. Ph.D., Litt.D., Member of THE Belgian Historical Institute, Rome: Lambert Le Begue.

FENLON, JOHN F., S.S., S.T.D., President, St. Austin's College, Washington; Professor of Sacred ScRiPTtrRE, St. M.vry's Semin.\hy, Baltimore: Lamy, Thomas Joseph.

FISHER, J. H., S.J., Woodstock College, M.\ry- land: Jouin, Louis; Keller, Jacob.

FLAHERTY, MATTHEW J., M.A. (H.a.rv.\rd), Concord, Massachusetts: Kavanagh, Julia.

FONCK, LEOPOLD, S.J., S.T.D., Ph.D., Presi- dent op the Biblical Institute, Professor of Theology, Gregorian University, Rome: John, Gospel of Saint; John the Evangelist, Saint.

FORD, JEREMIAH D. M., M.A., Ph.D., Professor OF French and Spanish, Harvard Univer- sity', Cambridge, Massachusetts: Jauregui, Juan de; Jovellanos, Caspar Melchor de.

FORGET, JACQUES, Professor of Dogmatic Theology and the Sy'riac and Arabic Lan- guages, University of Louv.un: Jansenius and Jansenism.

FORTESCUE, ADRIAN, Ph.D., S.T.D., Letch- worth, Hertfordshire, England: Introit; Isi- dore of Thessalonica; IteMissaEst; Jerusalem (II. From A.D. 71 to A.D. 1099; IV. From the End of the Latin Kingiiom to the Present time); Jerusalem, Liturgy of; John of Antioch (4); John Scholasticus; John Talaia; John the Faster; Julius Africanus; Justinian I; KjTie Eleison.

FOX, WILLIAM, B.S., M.E., Associate Professor of Physics, College of the City of New York: Jolly, Philipp Johann Gustav von; Jouf- fro}', Claude-Fran(;'ois-Dorothee de; Kreil, Karl; Lament, Johann von.

FRANZ, HERMANN, Ph.D., K.«lsruhe, Ger- many: Joseph II (German Emperor).

FUENTES, VENTURA, B.A., M.D., Instructor, College of the City op New York: Lafuente y Zamalloa, Modesto.

GARDNER, EDMUND GARRETT, M.A. (Cam- bridge), London: Italian Literature; Joachim of Flora; Juliana of Norwich.

GHELLINCK, JOSEPH de. Professor of P.\trol- OGY AND Theological Literature op the Middle Ages, University of Louvajn: Ivo of Chartres, Saint.

GIETM.ANN, GERARD, S.J., Teacher op Classi- cal Languages .\nd ^^Ssthetics, St. Ign.\tius College, Valkenburg, Holl.^nd: Knabl, Joseph; Krafft, Adam; Lanzi, Luigi.

GIGOT, FRANCIS E., S.T.D., Professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Joseph's Semin.\.ry, Dun- wooDiE, New York: Introduction, Biblical; Isaac; Ismael; Israelites; Issachar; Jacob; James of Edessa; Jason (4); Jews and Judaism; Joseph; Joseph of Arimathea; Josias; Justiniani, Benedict; Kabbala.

GILLET, LUIS, Paris: Ingres, Jean-Auguste- Dominique; Jouvenet, Jean; Juste.

GLASS, JOSEPH S., CM., S.T.D., President, St. Vincent's College, Los .\ngeles, California: Jean-Gabriel Perboyre, Blessed.

GODRYCZ, JOHN, S.T.D., Ph.D., J.U.D., Shenan- do.vh, Pen.vsylvani.\: John Cantius, Saint.

GOYAU, GEORGES, Associ.4.te Editor, "Revue DEs Deux Mondes", P.vris: Joyeuse, Henri, Due de; Ketteler, William Emmanuel, Baron von; Lamoignon, Family of; Langres, Diocese of.

GRATTAN-FLOOD, W. H., M.R.I.A., Mus.D., Rosemount, Enniscortht, Ireland: Ita, Saint; Jarlath, Saint; Kieran, Saints.

GREY, J. C, New York: Kandy, Diocese of.

GURDON, EDMUND, O.C.vrt., Barcelona, Sp.un: Lanspergius (John Justus of Landsberg).

HAGEN, JOHN G., S.J., Vatican Observ.\tory, Rome: Laplace, Pierre-Simon.


sels, Matthias. HANLEY, JOHN A., C. SS. R., Quebec, Canada:

Konings, Anthony. HARTIG, OTTO, Assistant Librarian of the

RoY'AL LiBR.\RY, MuNicH: John of Montecor-


HASSETT, Mgr. MAURICE M., S.T.D., H.arris- BURG, Pennsylvania: Labarmn; Lamb, The. in Early Christian SjTnbolism; Lamps, Early Chris- tian.

HEALY, JOHN, S.T.D., LL.D., M.R.I.A., Arch- bishop OP Tuam: lona, School of; Kells, School of; Kildare, School of; Killala, Diocese of.

HEALY, PATRICK J., S.T.D., Assist.vnt Profes- sor OF Chitrch Hlstory', C.\tholic L^niversitt of America, Washington: Jovinianus; Julian of Eclanum; Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Fir- mianus.

HEARN, EDWARD L., New York: Knights of Columbus.

HOEBER, KARL, PhD., Editor, "Volkszeitung", .AND "Akademische Mon.\tsblatter", Co- logne: Ingolstadt, University of; Josephus Flavius; Jouvaney, Joseph de; Jo\-ianus, Fla%-ius Claudius; Julian the Apostate; Kaufmann, .Alex- ander and Leopold; Kellner, Lorenz.

HONTHEIM, JOSEPH, S.J., Professor of Dog- matic Theology, St. Ign.a.tius College, Valjs- enburg, Holland: Job.