What will you pay ? Iktah mika potlatch ?
A quarter ? Ikt Kwahtah ?
Very well, and something to eat? Kloshe kahkwa; pee tenas muckamuck?
It is pretty heavy Hyas till okoke.
Is that man your brother ? Yahka nah mika kahpo okoke man ?
He can help you, too Yahka lolo leeasset kopa mika.
I will give him something, too Nika potlatch weglit yahka.
Can you carry it ? Nah skookum mika lolo okoke.
Is it very heavy ? Hyas till okoke ?
Oh, no ! We shall do it Wake ! Nesika mamook.
Are you tired 1 Mika chalico till ?
How far is it, this ship ? Koonsee siah, okoke ship ?
Not much farther Wake siah alta.
That is all Kopet.
Do you understand English ? Kumtux, mika Boston wawa.
No, not very much Wake hiyu.
Will you sell that fish ? Mika tikeh mahkook okoke pish ?
Which of them? Klaxta?
That large one Okoke hyas.
What is the price of it ? Konsee chickamin tikeh ?
I '11 give you two bits Nika potlatch mox bit.
I '11 give you half a dollar Nika potlatch sitkum dolla.
No, that is not enough Wake, okoke hiyu.
Where did you catch that trout ? Kali mika klap okoke opalo ?
In Skamokaway river Kopa Skamokaway Ikhol.
Are there many fish there? Nah hiyu lepish yahwa?
Not many; too much logging Wake ; klaska mamook hiyu stick alta.
Well, I won 't buy it today Abba, wake tikeh iskum okoke sun.
What do you think of this country ? . . . . Iktah mika tumtum okoke illahee ? It is very pleasant when it does not rain . Hyas koshe yahkaw spose wake snass. Not always; it is worse when it snows Wake kw.onesum. Chahco weght peshak and freezes spose cole snass pee selipo.
How long have you lived here? (How
many years ? ) Konsee cole mitlite yahkwa mika ?
Many years ; I forget how many Hiyu cole ; kopet kumtux konsee.
I was born at Skipanon Chee tenas nika kopa Skipanan.
Did you get your wife there ? Nah, mika iskum nika kloochman yah- kwa ? No ; she is a Tillamook woman. I mar- Wake ; Tillamook kloochman, Yakha.
ried her at Nehalem Nika malleh yahka kopa Nehalem.
How many children have you ? Konsee tenas mika ?
We have three boys and one little girl.. .Klone tenas man nesika pee ikt tenas
likp ; ho. I will send you some things for them Nika mamook chahco iktas Kimta nika ko when I get home nika il