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Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/283

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"Resolved — That the committee to draft a constitution, etc., be iustructed to take into cousideratioii, the uumber aud liind of offices it will be necessary to create, in accordance with tlieir constitution and code of laws, and report the same to the next meeting, and that the report of the nominating committee be referred to said committee.

"Moved and carried, that this meeting adjourn, to meet at the American Mission House, at eleven o'clock, on the first Tucsdaj- in October next.

"(Signed) Sidney Smith,



There is no record of any meeting having been held on the first Tuesday in October of 1841. as was provided for iri the adjournment of the meeting of -Tune 1st, 1841.

The next meting of which there is any record of was held at the Oregon In- stitute (Salem) February 2, 1843, of which the following is the record:

"A public meeting, of a number of the citizens of this colony, was called, in order to take into consideration the propriety of adopting some measures, for the protection of our herds, &c., in this country.

' ' On motion,

"Dr. I. L. Babcock was called to the chair, who proceeded to state the objects of the meeting, and the necessity of acting.

' ' Mr. W. H. Gray moved, and Mr. Torn seconded the motion, — That a commit- tee of six be appointed to notify a general meeting, and report business, &c., which motion was carried, and Messrs. Gray, Beers, Gervais, Willson, Barnaby and Lucier, were appointed said committee.

' ' Mr. Beers moved, that a general meeting be called, at the house of Mr. Jos. Gervais, on the first Monday in March next, at ten o'clock A. M., which motion was carried.

"AV. H. Willson, I. L. Babcock,

"Secretary. Ghainnan. "

The next meeting was held according to the above adjournment, and has passed into history as, ' ' The Wolf Meeting, ' ' aud the following are the proceedings :

Wolf Meeting ' ' Journal

"Of a meeting at the house of J. Gervais 1st Monday in March, 1843.

"In pursuance of a resolution of a previous meeting, the citizens of Willamette Valley met, and the meeting being called to order,

"Mr. James O'Neil was chosen chairman.

"Mr. Mantine was chosen as secretary, but declining to serve,

' ' Mr. Le Breton was chosen.

"The doings of the former meeting were read.

"The committee, appointed to notify a general meeting and report business, made the following report, to-wit : —

"Your committee beg leave to report as follows:

" 'It being admitted by all, that bears, wolves, panthers, &c., &c., are destruc-