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Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/284

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tive to the useful animals, owned by the settlers of this colony, your committee would respectfully submit the following resolutions, as the sense of this meeting, by which the community may be governed in carrying on a defensive and destruc- tive War against all such animals : —

" 'Resolved — 1st. That we deem it expedient for this community, to take im- mediate measures for the destruction of all wolves, bears, and panthers, and such other animals as are known to be destructive to cattle, horses, sheep, and hogs.

" '2nd. That a treasurer be appointed, who shall receive all funds and dis- pense the same, in accordance with drafts drawn on him, by the committee ap- pointed to receive the evidences of the destruction of the above-named animals; and that he report the state of the treasury, by posting up public notices, once in three months, in the vicinity of each of tlje committee.

' ' ' 3rd. That a standing committee of eight be appointed, whose duty it shall be, together with the treasurer, to receive proofs or evidences of the animals, for which a bounty is claimed, having been killed in the Willamette Valley.

'■ '4th. That a bounty of fifty cents be paid for the destruction of a small wolf; $3.00, for a large wolf; $1.50, for a lynx; $2.00 for the bear; and $5.00 for the panther.

'■ '5th. That no bounty be paid, unless the individual claiming said bounty give satisfactory evidence, or by presenting the skin of the head with the ears, of all animals for which he claims a bounty.

' ' ' 6th. That the committee and treasurer form a board of advice to call pub- lic meetings, whenever they may deem it expedient, to promote and encourage all persons to use their vigilance in destroying all the animals named in the 4th resolution.

■■ "7th. That the bounties, specified in the 4th resolution, be limited to whites and their descendants.

' ' ' 8th. That the proceedings of this meeting be signed bj^ the chairman, and Secretary, and a copy thereof be presented to the recorder of this colony. '

"On motion, the report was accepted.

' ' It was then moved and seconded, that the report be laid on the table, which was carried.

"It was moved and seconded, that the first resolution, in the report of the committee, be adopted, which was carried.

"It was moved and seconded, that a sum be raised, by contribution, for the protection of our animals, which was carried.

' ' It was moved and seconded, that the third resolution, as amended be adopted, which was carried.

"It was moved and seconded, that two collectors be appointed to receive all subscriptions, retaining five per cent, for collecting the same, and pay the amount over to the treasurer, taking his receipt for the same, which was carried.

"On motion, the fifth resolution was adopted.

' ' On motion, the sixth resolution, as amended, was adopted.

' ' On motion, it was

" 'Resolved — That no one receive a bounty (except Indians) unless he pay a subscription of $5.00.'

' ' On motion the seventh resolution was adopted.

"On motion, the eighth and ninth resolutions were adopted.