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Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/293

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'All in farur of llu American Flag, folhw md'

"1 lliou^'lit tiR' appeal tu tlu' flag would catdi llicni, and it did, and every American lined up al'ter me. The secretaries then aeted as tellers and com- menced eountiug the men. As 1 looked down the line it was awful close. Before the counting was half done. Matthieu who had lined up with the Canadians, left them and walked over to our side, and took a position alongside of Lueier. JIatthieu's vote decided it, for we oidy had two nuijority. The British then mounted their horses anil I'ude away, and we went on and completed our organization."

And so was born the tirst American government west of the Rocky Mountains.

The following are the names of the "immortals" who saved the day for American institutions on May 2nd, 1843. The fifty-two persons voting for the adoption of the committee's report were as follows:

Armstrong, Pleasant M. ; place of birth, New York ; born, 1815 ; church prefer- ence, Presbyterian; arrived in Oregon, 1840.

Babcock, Dr. I. L. ; place of birth, New York; church preference, Methodist; arri\ed in Oregon, 1840.

Bailey, Dr. W. J.; place of birth, Ireland; born, 1804: church preference. Episcopalian; arrived in Oregon, 1835.

Beers, Alanson; place of birth, Connecticut; born. ISOO; church preference, Methodist; arrived in Oregon, 1837.

Bridges, J. C. ; church preference, unknown.

Burns, Hugh; church preference, Presbyterian; arrived in Oregon, 1842.

Campo, Charles ; church preference, unknown.

Cannon, William; place of birth, Pennsylvania: born, 1755: church prefer- ence, unknown; arrived in Oregon, 1812.

Clark, Rev. Harvey ; place of birth, Vermont : born, 1807 ; church preference, Congregationalist ; arrived in Oregon, 1840.

Cra\^ford, Medorem; place of birth. New York; born, 1819; church prefer- ence, no choice ; arrived in Oregon, 1842.

Cook, Amos; place of birth, Maine; born, 1818; church preference, ilethodist; arrived in Oregon, 1840.

Davie, Allen J.; place of birth, Alabama; boi-n, 1816; church preference. Baptist ; arrived in Oregon, 1842.

Doughty, William il. ; place of bii-th. North Carolina ; born, 1812 ; church preference, no choice ; arrived in Oregon, 1841.

Ebberts, George W. ; place of birth, KentuckA- ; born, 1810 ; church preference. Baptist ; arrived in Oregon, 1833.

Fletcher, Francis; jjlace of birth, England; born, 1815; church prefei-enee. Episcopalian; arrived in Oregon, 1840.

Gay, George; place of birth, England; born, 1810; church preference, EpiscO: palian; arrived in Oregon, 1835.

Gale, Joseph ; place of birth. District of Columbia ; born, 1800 ; church prefer- ence. Episcopalian: arrived in Oregon. 1834.

Gray, William H. : place of birth. New York: born, 1810: church preference, Presbyterian ; arrived