in Oregon, 1836.
Griffin, Rev. Jolm S. ; place of birtli, Vermont ; born, 1807 ; church preference, Congregationalist ; arrived in Oregon, 1839.
Hauxhurst, Webley ; place of birth. New York ; born, 1809 ; church prefer- ence, Methodist ; arrived in Oregon, 1834.
Plill, David ; place of birth, Connecticut ; born, 1809 ; church preference, Congregationalist; arrived in Oregon, 1842.
Howard, John; church preference, Presbyterian.
Holnian, Joseph ; place of birth, England ; born, 1815 ; church preference, Methodist ; arrived in Oregon, 1840.
Hines, Rev. Gustavus ; place of birth. New York ; born, 1809 ; church prefer- ence, Methodist; arrived in Oregon, 1840.
Hubbard, T. J. ; place of birth, Massachusetts ; born, 1806 ; church preference, unknown; arrived in Oregon, 1834.
Johnson, AVilliam ; place of birth, England ; born, 1784 ; church preference. Episcopalian ; arrived in Oregon, 1835.
Judson, Rev. L. H. ; place of birth, Connecticut ; born, 1802 ; church prefer- ence, Methodist; arrived in Oregon, 1840.
Le Breton, Geo. W. ; place of birth, Massachusetts ; bom, 1810 ; church prefer- ence, Catholic; arrived in Oregon, 1840.
Leslie, Rev. David ; place of birth, New Hampshire ; born, 1797 ; church preference, Methodist; arrived in Oregon, 1837.
Lewis, Reuben; place of birth. New York; born, 1814; church preference, Presbyterian ; arrived in Oregon, 1842.
Lucier, Etienne ; place of birth, Canada ; born, 1783 ; church preference. Catholic : arrived in Oregon, 1812.
- ']\Iatthieu, Francois X.: place of birth, Canada; born, 1818; church prefer-
ence. Catholic ; arrived in Oregon, 1842.
Meek, Joseph L. ; place of birth, Virginia ; born, 1810 ; church preference, Methodist; arrived in Oregon, 1829.
MeCarty, William ; church preference. Catholic ; arrived in Oregon, 1834.
McKay, Charles; place of birth, at sea (Scotch) ; born, 1808; church prefer- ence, Presbyterian; arrived in Oregon, 1841.
Moore, Robert ; place of birth, Pennsylvania ; born, 1781 ; church preference, Presbyterian ; arrived in Oregon, 1840.
Morrison, John L. ; place of birth, Scotland ; born, 1793 ; church preference, Presbyterian ; arrived in Oregon, 1842.
Newell, Dr. Robert; place of birth, Ohio; born, 1804; church preference. Episcopalian ; arrived in Oregon, 1840.
O'Neil, James A.; place of birth. New York; church preference, Methodist; arrived in Oregon, 1834.
Parrish, Rev. J. L. ; place of birth. New York ; born, 1806 ; church preference, Methodist; arrived in Oregon, 1840.
Piekernell, John E. ; place of birth, England ; church preference. Episco- palian.
Robb, James R. ; place of birth, Pennsylvania ; born, 1816 ; church preference, Methodist; arrived in Oregon, 1842.
- Only one now alive.