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Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/299

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them and organize a temporary government, but the Canadians apprehensive it might interfere with their aUogianee, declined, and the project, which originated with the (Methodist) Mission, I'ailcd. * * * in 1843 the Americans again proposed to the Canadians to Join and I'orm a temporary government, but the Canadians declined for the same reason as befoi'e."

But after thus twice refusing to join with the Americans, and after the or- ganization had been completed, and declared that joining the Provisional Gov- ernment would not require any person to abjure their allegiance to any other government or king. Dr. MeLoughlin gave his support to the Provisional Gov- ernment and asked favors and franchises of it.

The legislative committee appointed on May, 2nd, went to work on May 16, 1843, as a legislative body, electing Robert Moore, chairman, and G. W. Le Breton, secretary ; and held sessions with prayers. On July 5th, 1843, a public meeting of all the inhabitants of "Oregon Territory" was held, pursuant to ad- journment to hear the report of the legislative conunittee, and transact such other business as might come before them. The following proceedings were had :

"The chairman of the meeting being absent, the meeting was called to order by G. W. Le Breton.

"On motion, Rev. G. Hines, was called to the chair.

"Mr. Moore, chairman, of the legislative conunittee, presented his report, which was read and accepted.

"Moved, by L. H. Judson, the report upon ways and means be accepted.

"Carried. "Movefl by J. MeLoughlin, that the first article of judiciary report be adopted.


"Moved, by L. H. Judson, second article be adopted.


"Moved, by C. McRoy, that the third article be adopted


"Moved, by J. Ilolman, that the fourth article be adopted.

' ' Carried.

"Section second. Organic laws.

"The first, second, third, and fourth articles adopted.

"The fifth article amended, as recorded, adopted.

"The sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh articles, adopted.

"The twelfth article amended, as recorded, adopted.

"The thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth articles, adopted.

"The seventeenth article amended, by inserting the word 'one' for 'three,' adopted.

"The eighteenth article, and nineteenth resolution, adopted.

"IMoved and carried, that the committee, for carrying into effect the nine- teenth resolution, be chosen, by nomination, from the floor.

"Messrs. Lee, Hines, and Walker, were chosen.

"Moved and carried, that the members of the executive committee be now chosen, by ballot.

"Moved and carried, that the highest number of votes decide the choice.

"Moved and carried, that the votes be taken to the table, to be counted.