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Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/300

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"Messrs. Hill, Beers, and Gale, were chosen to be the members of the executive committee.

"Moved and carried, that we proceed to elect a justice of the peace in place of Mr. Burns, resigned.

"Robert Moore was chosen justice of the peace.

"Moved and carried, to adopt the remainder of the judiciary report; viz. : — to adopt the laws of Iowa, as recorded, by amending them so far as to retain the fees of New York, for jurors and witnesses, instead of those of Oregon Territory.

"Moved and carried, to adopt the military laws. Amended so as to continue the officers in command during good behavior.

"Moved and carried, to adopt the report of the districting committee.

"Moved and carried, that no person be allowed to speak more than twice to any one resolution.

"Moved and carried, to proceed to appoint a justice of the peace, for Yamhill district.

"On motion, James O'Neil, Esq., was chosen.

"On motion, A. Cook was appointed constable.

"On motion, Joel Turnham was chosen constable for Champooiek district, in place of Mr. Bridges, left the country.

"The report of committee, upon ways and means, was adopted as amended and recorded.

"The report of committee, upon land claims, was adopted, with the proviso, as recorded.

"Moved and carried, to purchase several law books, of Jas. O'Neil,. to be the property of this community.

' ' Moved and carried, to adopt the report of legislative committee, as a whole.

"Moved and carried to excuse the legislative committee from further serv- ices.

"Moved and carried, that the committee chosen to carry into effect the nine- teenth resolution, have access to all public records, and also to have authority to call upon any individual for information, necessary to carry out their instruc- tions.

"Resolved. That the chairman of this meeting, assisted by the Rev. Messrs. Lee, Clarke, and Leslie, be a committee to draft, and administer the oath of office, to the civil officers, elected on the second of May, 1843 ; and that said officers be required to subscribe to the same, and administer the oath to the supreme judge, who shall hereafter cpalify all civil and military officers, to be elected by the people.

"Moved and carried, that the committee, to qualify officers, proceed to their duty, as far as practicable, this evening.

"On motion, adjourned.

"A true copy from original papers.

"Attest. G. W. Le Breton,


"The legislative committee recommended that the territory be divided into districts, as follows:

"First district, to be called the Twality district, comprising all the country