Page:Chess fundamentals (IA chessfundamental00capa).pdf/52

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does not, in this case, sufficiently appreciate the value of its application; suppose, we say, that he plays 1 P - Q R 4. Then Black can win by playing 1... P - Q R 4, applying one of the cardinal principles of the high strategy of chess—

A unit that holds two.

In this case one Pawn would hold two of the opponent's Pawns. The student cannot lay too much stress on this principle. It can be applied in many ways, and it constitutes one of the principal weapons in the hands of a master.

Example 22.— The example given should be sufficient proof. We give a few moves of the main variation:—

1. P - R 4 P - Q R 4
2. K - Kt 2 K - B 5
(Best; see why.)
3. P - Kt 4 P × P
4. P - R 5 P - Kt 6
5. P - R 6 P - Kt 7
6. P - R 7 P - Kt 8 (Q)
7. P - R 8 (Q) Q - K 5 ch
8. Q × Q K × Q

This brings the game to a position which is won by Black, and which constitutes one of the classical endings of King and Pawns. I shall try to explain the guiding idea of it to those not familiar with it.