Page:Chess fundamentals (IA chessfundamental00capa).pdf/53

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g7 black pawn
h6 black pawn
e4 black king
g2 white king
h2 white pawn

Example 23.—In this position White's best line of defence consists in keeping his Pawn where it stands at R 2. As soon as the Pawn is advanced it becomes easier for Black to win. On the other hand, Black's plan to win (supposing that White does not advance his Pawn) may be divided into three parts. The first part will be to get his King to K R 6, at the same time keeping intact the position of his Pawns. (This is all important, since, in order to win the game, it is essential at the end that Black may be able to advance his rearmost Pawn one or two squares according to the position of the White King. )

1. K - Kt 3 K - K 6
2. K - Kt 2

If 2 K - Kt 4, K - B 7; 3 P - R 4, P - Kt 3 will win.