Page:Chess fundamentals (IA chessfundamental00capa).pdf/61

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Now, if the student will take the trouble of moving each King backwards as in a game in the same frontal, diagonal or lateral line respectively shown in the diagrams, we shall have what may be called distant frontal, diagonal and lateral opposition respectively.

The matter of the opposition is highly important, and takes at times somewhat complicated forms, all of which can be solved mathematically; but, for the present, the student should only consider the most simple forms. (An examination of some of the examples of King and Pawns endings already given will show several cases of close opposition.)

In all simple forms of opposition, when the Kings are on the same line and the number of intervening squares between them is even, the player who has the move has the opposition.

e8 black king
b5 black pawn
h5 black pawn
b4 white pawn
h4 white pawn
e1 white king

Example 27.— The above position shows to advantage the enormous value of the opposition. The