Page:Chess fundamentals (IA chessfundamental00capa).pdf/62

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position is very simple. Very little is left on the board, and the position, to a beginner, probably looks absolutely even. It is not the case, however. Whoever has the move wins. Notice that the Kings are directly in front of one another, and that the number of intervening squares is even.

Now as to the procedure to win such a position. The proper way to begin is to move straight up. Thus:

1. K — K 2K — K 2

2. K — K 3K — K 3

3. K — K 4K — B 3

Now White can exercise the option of either playing K — Q 5 and thus passing with his King, or of playing K — B 4 and prevent the Black King from passing, thereby keeping the opposition. Mere counting will show that the former course will only lead to a draw, therefore White takes the latter course and plays:

4. K — B 4K — Kt 3

If 4...K — K 3; 5 K — Kt 5 will win.

5. K — K 5K — Kt 2

Now by counting it will be seen that White wins by capturing Black’s Knight Pawn.

The process has been comparatively simple in the variation given above, but Black has other lines of