46. In botanical, geological, zoölogical, and paleontological matter, the scientific (Latin) names of divisions, orders, families, and genera, but not their English derivatives:
Cotylosauria, but: cotylosaurs; Felidae, but: felids; Carnivora, but: carnivores.
Also in botanical and zoological matter, the names of species, if derived from names of persons, or from generic names; but in geological and medical matter the names of species are never capitalized:
Felis leo, Cocos nucifera, Rosa Carolina, Parkinsonia Torreyana, Styrax californica, Lythrum hyssopifolia, Phyteuma Halleri, Carex Halleriana (but [geological]: Pterygomatopus schmidti, Conodectus favosus). (See 71.)
47. The names and epithets of peoples, races, and tribes:
Kafir, Negro, Hottentot, Makassar, Buginese, Celestials.
48. In astronomical work, the names of the bodies of our solar system (except "sum," "earth," "moon," "stars"):
the Milky Way, the Great Bear, Saturn.
49. Divisions, departments, officers, and courses of study of the University of Chicago, in all official work dealing with its administration or curricula:
(the University), the School of Education (the School), the University Extension Division (but: the division), the Department of Anthropology (but: the department); the Board of Trustees (the Trustees, the Board), the Senate, the Council,