Page:Choice drop of honey from the rock Christ, or, A short word of advice to all saints and sinners (1).pdf/2

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Choice Drop of Honey
from the
Rock of Christ.

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AWord of advice to my own heart and to thine: Thou art a profeſſer, and partakeſt of ordanances; thou doſt well: they are glorious privileges. But if thou haſt no the blood of Chriſt at the root of thy proſeſſion, will wither and prove but painted pageantry to go to hell in

If thou retain guilt, or ſelf-rightouſneſs under it, thoſe vipers will eat out all the vitals of it at length. Try and examine with the greateſt ſtridtneſs, every day, what bottom thy profeſſion and hope of thy glory is built upon, whetwer it was laid by the hand of Chriſt; if not, it will never be able to endure the ſtorm that muſt come against it. Satan will throw it all down, and great will be the fall thereof! Matth, vii. 27.

Glorious profeſſor, thou ſhalt be winnowed every vein of thy proſeſſion will be tryed to purpoſe. It is terrible to have it all tumbling down, and to find nothing but it to bottom upon.