Page:Choice drop of honey from the rock Christ, or, A short word of advice to all saints and sinners (1).pdf/3

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Soaring profeſſor, ſee to thy waxen wings setimes, which will melt with the heat of temptations. What a miſery is it to trade church and break at length, and have no flock, no foundation laid for eternity in thy ſoul.

Gifted profeſſor, look there be not a worm to the root that will ſpoil all thy fine ground, and make it die about thee, in a day of ſcorchings. Look over thy ſoul daily, and aſk where is the blood of Chriſt to be ſeen upon my ſoul? What righteouſneſs is that I stand soon to be ſaved? Have I got off all my ſelf-rightouſneſs? Many eminent profeſſors have come at length to cry out, in the light the ruin of all their duties, “Undone, undone to all eternity.”

Conſider the greateſt ſins may be hid under the greateſt duties, and the greateſt terrors.the wound that ſin hath made in thy ſoul is perfectly cured by the blood of Chriſt; not tanned over with duties, humblings, encouragements, &c. Apply what thou will be to the blood of Chriſt, it will poiſon the curse. Thou wilt find that ſin was never mortared truly; hat thou haſt not ſeen Chriſt standing for thee upon the croſs; nothing to kill it, but the beholding of Chriſt's righteousneſs.”
