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Rev. XXI, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

And God ſhall wipe away all tears from their eyes,
and there ſhall be no more death, neither ſorrow,
nor crying, neither ſhall there be any more pain
for former things are paſſed away. And he that
ſat upon the throne, ſaid, Behold I make all things
new. And he said unto me, Write: for theſe

words are true and faithful, &c.

THIS text contains four things. Firſt, The ſtate of the glorified, ver. 4. Secondly, A part of Chriſt's office, ver. 5. Thirdly, A deſcription of his Nature. Fourthly, The promiſes. As, 1. Drink to ſatisfy the thirſty. 2. An inheritance to the Overcomers, or overcoming ſoldiers. The 3. Is a threatening of eternal wrath to offenders againſt the firſt and ſecond table of the law, 'And God ſhall wipe away all tears.' When friends meet they give the ſtranger his welcome home. Here is the Pilgrim's welcome home that our Friend Chriſt gives us: this was given from heaven, and therefore, it is true doctrine. Then we ſee that the