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the ſufferings and tears of the ſaints ſhall be wiped away and removed, but not fully, while the life to come; for here is Chriſt's welcome home to poor sinners; for they come all to him with wet faces, and bleared with tears for ſin, and the manifold troubles in this Life; and Chriſt meets them at the door with a fair ſoft Napkin in his hand, and puts up his hand to their faces, and ſays, Hold your tongue, my dear bairns, ye ſhall never weep again. And indeed, in my judgement, it is a ſpeech borrowed from a mother that has a bairn with a broken face all bloody, and all bleared with tears, and it comes to her, and woes her heart to ſee him ſo, and ſhe ſits down and wipes the tears from his eyes, and lays her hand ſoftly on the wound, and lays his head in her breaſt, and dights away the blood, and lays her two arms about him, and there is no end of fair words. So when Chriſt and we ſhall meet in heaven, he will huſs us up, and wipe away all tears, and lay our heads in his boſom. See how he alludes to this place, Iſa. liv. 11. 'O thou afflicted, toſſed with tempeſt, and not comforted: behold, I will lay thy foundation with ſapphires,' &c. It is there, to ſpeak ſo, our Lord is ruing that ever he had handled his ſaints as he did, Iſa. lxv. 18. 'Be glad and rejoice for evermore in that which I create; for behold, I create Jeruſalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.' verſe 19. 'And I will rejoice in Jeruſalem, and joy in my people, and the voice of weeping ſhall be no more heard in her, oor the voice of crying.' If ever there was a blyth meeting between two, it muſt be between the bridegroom and the bride in the marriage-day. And what a meeting there is of joy betwixt ſuch a bridegroon and bride cannot be conceived: For Chriſt that day will have on all his