Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/103

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dition in North and South Carolina was unique, for here one Committee, with its headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, cared for the work at the numerous points in the two states. Texas, also, with its great size and splendid distances, found a slight departure from the general scheme necessary, and appointing a local Committee of five or more persons at each of the camp towns, brought these under one head by choosing a single individual as Manager of all the Committees in the state, with headquarters in Dallas. This person was a paid Worker and regularly visited the various points of activity in the state, aiding and in a general way directing the work everywhere. The service to men along the Mexican border conducted from El Paso carried the Worker for many miles up and down a desolate and much-neglected part of the army world and for this reason was doubly welcome. The mammoth aviation fields, Kelly I and Kelly II, at San Antonio, presented exceptional opportunities and the men in this branch were most appreciative of our efforts. There were eighteen authorized Workers and assistants under the supervision of the Texas State Manager, and nine automobiles were in constant use. The perfect teamwork of this large force was a source of constant gratitude to all concerned.

Formation of the Tank Corps School at Gettysburg gave Pennsylvania the opportunity to employ its second regular Camp Worker, the first being the naval Worker at Philadelphia. The Ambulance Training School at Allentown, in the same State, was also cared for by an authorized Worker and the needs of Pittsburgh were likewise provided for. The marines