Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/104

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stationed at Quantico, Virginia, and Paris Island, South Carolina, were given special attention at the first point by authorized Workers at Washington, District of Columbia, and at the second by resident Workers. At Paris Island the work was characterized by an especial degree of cordiality exhibited by the officials in charge, and was so greatly appreciated that an effort was made to induce the Committee to establish a permanent representative there.

The service rendered to the submarine fleet at New London, Connecticut, at the naval base at Newport, Rhode Island, and among the ships that visited the harbor at Portland, Maine, was of a somewhat different character from that performed elsewhere, and developed qualities in the Workers which proved them to be versatile as well as willing and tireless.

The Workers in the Quartermasters' Training Camp at Jacksonville, where the shining white sands of the St. John River merged into the deep pine forest of the mainland, as well as those at Key West and Pensacola, proved their efficiency during long seasons of heat and epidemic.

The Wisconsin Committee, although representing a non-cantonment state, rendered a big service to the families and friends of men at the front by securing prompt information as to their conditions and needs.

The work in the spruce camps of Oregon was peculiar to that state. The loggers and lumberjacks felt the hospitality of Christian Science out in the deep woods and their response was immediate and hearty. The Christian Science Monitor was accepted with eagerness and the vest-pocket Song Book with enthusiasm, for under the leadership of our Worker, who