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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/102

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Item the xv. day of the same monyth, the Assumcyon of our Lady, and that day was hongyd too persons, one withowte Algate and the other at Totnam hylle; and as that day some kepte holydaye and some none, as sent Stevyns in Walbroke and Colcherch, soch was the devysion that day, as it was on Corpus Christi day.

Item the xviij. day of the same monyth the bysshoppe of London[1] dyd the offes at Powlles both as the processyon and the comunione dyscretly and sadly.

Item on Bartylmew evyne was shott dyvers goonnes at the gattes in London.

Item this yere was no cheesys in Bartylmew fayer but soch as came owte of dyvers mens howsys within London that was not good, and the cause was for them that rose in Essex as that tyme.

Item the xxvij. day of the same monyth was iij. persons drawyn, hongyd, and qwarterd at Tyborne, that came owte of the West contre.

Item the xxviij. day of the same monythe was a woman delyveryd of ij. chelderne at Bodyly a smyth at the Longlane ende in Smythfelde, and whan the woman was delyveryd she desyred to se hare chelderne, and the wyffe of the howse sayd they ware saffe inowgh, and she toke one of them and brake the necke of yt, and caused the mayd of the howse to take the other and to cast it over the walle, and so dystroyd them bothe; and then was the woman that had the chelderne, and the wyffe of the howse and the mayde, ware had to the cownter in Bredstrete, and there the woman was delyveryd of another chylde that same nyghte.

Item the last day of the same monyth the byshoppe of Cauntorbery[2] shulde a come agayne to Powlles, and a preched agayne, but he send Josephe[3] hys chaplyne, and he preched in the qwere of the subdewynge of them that dyd rysse in alle iij. places, and how mysery they ware browte unto, and there he rehersyd as hys master dyd before that the occasyone came by popysse presttes.

  1. Edmund Bonner.
  2. Thomas Cranmer.
  3. John Joseph, S. T. P. collated to the rectory of St. Mary le Bow by archbishop Cranmer, Oct. 20, 1546.