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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/103

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Item the furst day of September the byshoppe of London then Edmund Boner preched at Powlles crosse, and after was acuysyd un to the cownsell by too persons, as William Latymer[1] parsone of sent Lawrens Powntney and John Hopper[2] that some tyme was a whyth monnke, and soo was conventyd before the byshope of Cauntorbery wyth other comyssoneres the xiij. day of the same monyth, and the xvj. day and the xviij.; and the xxti day of the same moneth at nyght he was send unto Marchese,[3] and he went the same day unto Lambythe in hys scarlet habbet and hys rochett aponne it.

Item this same day Cardmaker sayd opynly in hys lector in Powlles that if God ware a man he was a vj. or vij. foote of lengthe, with the bredth, and if it be soo how canne it be that he shuld be in a pesse of brede in a rownde cake on the awter: what an ironyos oppynyone is this unto the leye pepulle!

At this tyme doctor Smyth[4] rebukyd the byshehoppe gretly, and the byshoppe dyd nothynge gretly forbore hym, and gave hym many chockynge worddes opynly.[5]

Item the xxij. of the same monyth the byshoppe of Cauntorbery causyd Hopper to preche at Powlles crosse, and there he spake moch agayne the byshope of London. And the xxiij. And the xxiij. day was there[6] before the sayd commysyoners agayne.

And the xxv. day Cardmaker rede in Powlles, and sayd in hys lector that he cowde not rede there the xxvij. day for because he must neddes be at the sessyons as that day at Lambythe for the byshoppe of London; but it was not soo, for the byshoppe came not there. Item the xxix. of the same monyth preched in the shrowddes, for because of rayne, one Golde, and he spake moche agaynst the sayd byshoppe of London, and there stode be-fore hym one that dwellyd in Charterus lane wyth a screpture on hys brest for coungerynge.

  1. Afterwards dean of Peterborough.
  2. Afterwards bishop of Worcester and Gloucester.
  3. Marshalsea.
  4. Richard Smith, regius professor of divinity at Oxford.
  5. This is printed as in the MS. The writen apparently wishes to represent the great violence of doctor Smith, and the great forbearance of bishop Bonner.
  6. i.e. apparently the bishop.