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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/107

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Item the nyght before came in the Frenche lordes with their tresor &c.

Item on Trenyte sonday preched doctor Kyrkame,[1] and sayd that in the sacrament w[as no] substance but brede and wynne.

Item on sente Barnabes day was kepte [no holi]day (through) alle Londone at the commandment of the mayer, and at nyght was the aulter in Powlles pullyd downe, and as that day the vayelle was hongyd [up] benethe the steppes and the tabulle sett up there; and a sennet after there the comunion was mynysterd.

Item the xiiij. day of June was sattorday, and before evy[ning] was a mane slayne in Powlles church, and ij. frayes with-in the church that [same] tyme afterward.

Item also this yere Corpus Christi was not kepte holy day.

And the Assumpcion of our Lady was soche devision thorrow alle London that some kept holy day and some none. Almyghty God helpe it whan hys wylle ys! for this was the second yere, and also the same devision was at the fest of the Nativite of our Lady.

Item the last day of August preched at the crosse Stephin Caston,[2] and there spake agayne the lady Mary asmoch as he myghte, but he namyd not hare, but sayd there was a gret woman with-in the realme that was a gret supporter and mayntayner of popery and superstycione, and prayed that she myght forsake hare oppynyons, and to follow the kynges prosedynges, as he sayed. And also he sayed that kynge Henry the viijth was a papyst, with many obprobryus wordes of hym as yt was harde.

Item this yere was proclamyd that the French crownys shuld goo for vijs.

iiijo. Ao. Thys yere the xiiij. daye of November was proclamyd

  1. Thomas Kyrkham, S. T. P. Presented by the Merchant-taylors' company to the rectory of St. Martin Oteswich in London, 8 June, 1548. His successor was instituted by bishop Bonner, by lapse, in Feb. 1554—probably in consequence of Krykham having fled the country. Newcourt, Report. Lond. i. 409, 410.
  2. Stephen Caston, clerk, was presented by Francis Wyatt esquire to the rectory of Sutton in Essex 9 May 1556, and died in 1575. Newcourt, Repert. Lond. ii. 567