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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/106

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Item the vj. day of Februarij came the duke of Somerset owte of the towere, and lay at the Savoye.

Item the xxxti day of March was Palme sonday, and on the evyne was proclamyd a generalle pes betwene the kynge of Ynglond and the Frenche kynge, and the qwene of Scottes and the realme of the same also, with their subjecttes; and grett bonfyeres with grett chere at every cunstabulles dore in every parich thorrowe alle London; and soo after thorrow alle Ynglonde.

Item the xijth day of Aprill, he that was byshoppe of Rochester, Nicolas Rydley, was stallyd [bishop of London] by one of the byshoppe of Ely('s) chaplynes. And the xix. daye of the same monyth he came in to the qwere at the comunyon tyme, and at that tyme he and the dene recevyd and master Barne, and the too toke the host of the prest in their too hondes. And that same tyme the byshoppe commandyd the lytt of the aulter to be put owte or he came in to the qwere.

Item the ijde day of May was Jone Bucher otherwyse called Jone of Kentte burnyd in Smythfelde for grett herysses, as yt hath bene longe knowyne, and was condemnyd nye a hole yere, as it shewyth before; and there preched before hare or she dyede Scory,[1] and she sayd to hym that he lyed lyke a knave, &c.

Item that Bullyne was gevyn up to the Frenchmen the ij. day of Maij.

Item Nicolas Rydley that was byshoppe of Rochester was made byshoppe of London, and beganne his visitacione in Powlles the v. day of May.

Item that three came a sheppe of egges and shurttes and smockes owte of France to Byllynges gatte.

Item the terme rejurnyd from the Assencion unto Myhylmas.

Item the proclamacion the xxiij. day of May, the wych was the fryday before Whytsonday, was for the pes betwene France and us.

Item on Whytsone sonday preched the byshoppe of London Nicolas Rydley at Powlles crosse.

  1. John Scory, afterwards bishop of Hereford in the reign of Elizabeth.